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Lost in the world of books, you lost track of time, engrossed in your reading. Detectbot periodically informed you of your robot friends' locations around the station, indicating that some time had passed as it seemed they were now playing around. Ying offered to help you find more books, but you declined, immersed in your current read. I mean, You already found the books and your not crippled so you can do it own your own. You don't need the help, yet why does Ying look depressed? Your not friends.

As you turned the page, a curious sound caught your attention. "Meow?"

Startled, you looked up from your book to see a peculiar creature—a cat with a cactus-like appearance. Despite the oddity of its appearance, you greeted it warmly. "Hello. You must be Cattus. It's nice to meet you."

The cat responded with a series of meows, prompting you to test a theory. You concentrated, tapping into your powers. Your human ears vanished, replaced by sleek black cat ears atop your head. A matching tail emerged, swishing behind you. With your new feline features, you asked the cat to repeat itself.

"I'm sorry. Could you please repeat that again?"

"You smell really nice."

You snapped your fingers, a moment of realization dawning upon you. Your face wash did contain a hint of silvervine, which likely attracted Cattus's attention. The cactus-like feline moved closer, now standing on your lap, sniffing curiously as you chuckled at its inquisitiveness.

"Thanks, Cattus. Say, I'd love to learn more about you and your kind. Would you mind sharing what species you are and which planet you're from?"

Detectbot mumbled a quiet observation, alerting you to another presence accompanying Cattus—a potential Power Sphera that had been overlooked. Taking note, you awaited Cattus's response.

"I belong to a species called Catai, hailing from Planet Gurunda. It's a dry, sandy place with scarce water. That's pretty much all I know," Cattus replied.

Your understanding nod was interrupted once more by Detectbot's alert of approaching individuals. Turning, you saw Yaya and Ying floating towards you. Had your time come to an end? There was no set time limit for your exploration, but the girls' arrival seemed to suggest otherwise. Ying gazed in awe at your feline form as Yaya proposed an unexpected invitation.

"Luhua, do you want to play jeopardy with us?" she asked.

Ying chimed in with encouragement. "Yeah, it'll be fun!"

You and Cattus exchanged a bewildered glance. Jeopardy? That seemed as dull as your online classes. Moreover, you have no competitive spirit for education. Were they using you to boost their image in front of the boys? With your ears pinned down, you hissed your refusal.

"No thanks."

Disappointed, the girls left the library with downcast expressions, leaving you and Cattus in the quiet space once more. It seemed like today was a popular day for visitors, as Dreambot floated into the library after the departure of Yaya and Ying. Its presence immediately brightened upon spotting you, rushing over eagerly. Raising a brow, you offered a skeptical look as you rubbed its head, questioning its appearance.

"Oh, Dreambot. I thought you were off playing with the others. What's going on?"

Dreambot joined Cattus on your lap, the cactus-like feline accommodating the shy Power Sphera without hesitation. With a sigh, Dreambot explained its reluctance.

"They're playing tag now, but I don't want to."

Ah, now it made sense. Considering Dreambot had been pursued by hunters, it was understandable that it might not find joy in games reminiscent of being chased. Your mechanical companions used to be like that as well but managed to turn their trauma into a fun game. It was a way to cope. Recognizing this, you simply nodded and continued to offer comfort by stroking Dreambot's head gently. After all, time will heal.

"Interstellar Journey" || Boboiboy X OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن