Chapter 13

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Kim's pov:

He slept until 2 in the afternoon of the next day.

I was worried when he slept for over 12 hours but his vitals were normal so I gave it 24 hours before calling anyone.

I couldn't help but coo at how cute he looked as he sat up in bed, obviously groggy from sleep.

His hair was standing in every direction as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

Fucking adorable I swear.

I went and sat down beside him, gaze wandering to his wings.

They were hanging behind him and his tails were curled around himself.

They had finally let go of me some time during the night and curled around him instead.

"Kim?" He mumbled as he looked at me.

I hummed. "How do you feel?"

"A bit tired but ok. What happened last night?" He frowned.

"How much do you remember?" I asked back instead of answering.

He thought deeply for a few minutes before speaking.

"I remember hearing you scream as I woke up. And then nothing."

That's when he went rampant.

"You burned the whole building down along with everyone inside it." I smiled.

His eyes widened as he immediately started checking me over frantically.

I laughed as I took his hands into mine and squeezed them gently.

"I'm ok. Your flames didn't hurt me."

"Really?" He asked worriedly.

I nodded. "They actually healed all the wounds I had. I woke up outside the building with not a single wound anywhere on my body."

I could see as he processed the words.

I tilted my head when he brought a hand to his mouth and his eyes widen.

"What's wrong?"

He gulped before smiling shakily, tears sparkling in his eyes.

I frowned worriedly at the sudden change.

"Hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying suddenly?"

"A phoenix's flames heals only one person." He spoke softly.

I blinked.


He leaned forward and kisses me deeply, making me moan in surprise.

He used that as a chance to push his tongue into my mouth and pull me to him with his hand on my nape.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as I leaned into the kiss as he basically devoured me.
We were both panting by the time he pulled back.

At that point, I was on his lap with one of my hands tangled in his hair.

His tails were looped around my torso, one coming up all the way to my throat. And his wings were curled around us, forming a cocoon.

"A phoenix's flames heals their chosen mate only." He smiled as he joined our foreheads.

My heart stuttered in my chest as I heard his words.

Ch-chosen mate?

I pulled back a bit and looked at him wide-eyed.

"It seems that I just didn't realize it. Even though it was always there in my heart." He chuckled.

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