Chapter 4

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Kim's pov:

I tapped my chin with my finger as I stared at the screen of my phone.

I had sent him a text around 45 minutes ago, asking if he was free to hang out this evening.

He hasn't seen the text yet.

He must be busy with something.

It's midday after all.

I rolled onto my back and stared up at the ceiling.

I feel unusually light.

It's been a week since I started this habit of asking him out for meals.

We talk about anything and everything. Just forgetting about work and this darkness for that short time.

I tell him stories of my work and he always listens with visible interest. He asks for details about how things are done.

He seemed to be interested in the photography part. He would ask about how the shoots are designed, how themes are decided, how the set ups are done, how the outfit changes are done, how the poses and vibe of the shoot are made.

I never knew he had an interest in photography.

He seemed to like it.

I would catch him taking pictures during the short walks we take after a meal.

And the pictures he takes are beautiful too.

He would sometimes send them to me after editing and I always end up staring at them for a few solid minutes just to admire them.

My current lock screen is a picture of a stray calico cat he had taken in the park near the restaurant we went to a few days ago.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard my phone ding.

I rolled onto my stomach and grabbed it.

He had replied.

I smiled when I saw the text.

Vegas: Yeah, I'm free after 3.

I quickly sent a reply

Me: Great. I'll come pick you up.

Vegas: No don't come here.

I blinked.


The speed at which he said that...

Did something happen?

He sent another text before I could say anything.

Vegas: Pa isn't in the best mood because a deal went a bit sour. He might snap at you if he sees you. So I'll go to yours instead ok?

I stared at the text for a few seconds.

Isn't in the best mood...

He laid his hands on him again.

I just know it.

That bastard seems to love beating his son up on a regular basis.

I would see bruises on him almost every night I went to his room.

He would hide them and say it's nothing but I know better.

The way he stiffens whenever he hears Gun's footsteps in the hallway is enough proof.

I gritted my teeth.

I wish I could just...

But that thought was cut short when he sent another text.

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