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I was taken aback by the strangeness of this new feeling.... My heart started beating faster, my palms grew sweaty, and I felt butterflies in my stomach. It was as if everything else disappeared, and all I could focus on was the overwhelming rush of emotions.

My eyes were glued to him the moment I saw him, so much that I didn't realize Sia was talking to me.

"Oyeee....heyyyy...hellooo ma'am....excuse meeeeee misss....Hana u dead or what.....HANAA ?"She shouted and waved her hand in front of my face, attempting to snap me out of my daze.

"Geez!! what the hellll u scared the shit out of me....why are u shouting?" 

"Don't you even say you even realize for how long you've been zoning out"?

"Ahmm...yeah well I was just thinking about something.." I said, deliberately avoiding her gaze while she eyed me with suspicion.

"Thinking about something....seriously duh. You can be honest I know u were just checking him out...I completely understand it's hard to stay focused when he looks like that."she said, a smirk forming on her face as I realized she was going to tease me the whole day.

"N-no it's not like that."

" why are u stuttering then...don't tell me u already have a crush on him."She spoke, a grin stretching from ear to ear, her curiosity evident.

With my face burning from embarrassment, I struggled to find anything to say to her.

"No wayyyyyy....goshhhh I'm hella happy my hana finally found her first crush." She said, smiling and speaking in a loud voice, drawing the attention of a few people.

"Heyy heyy keep it down everyone is looking at us and tbh I'm not even sure if it's even a crush...i just saw him and just look at him he looks so damnn fine so anyone would act like me... I was just slightly taken aback..nothing else u better don't start spreading rumours."

Though I told her that it's nothing like that but deep down i know that i developed a crush even if it's a little's just i didn't want her to go around telling people. It doesn't take time for the rumours to spread.

"Yeahhh yeahh hana we will see about that you never know."

"I get it my lady now shall we go...the classes are going to start soon."

"Yupp let's go"

"Did u guys see him?" Rohan asked.


"What happened to her?"

"Nothing just THINKING ABOUT SOMETHING." She said, a wide grin plastered on her face.

"What about u...have u seen him?" Sia asked.

"Yeahh I saw him and kia has also seen him earlier...u know he is handsome but not more than me.."

"Eughhhhh...have u even seen urself?"Disgusted look evident on her face.

" Shut up idiotttt."


Soon, the classes began. The first two periods, science and math, went by smoothly. Then came the most boring class: Social Studies. I felt like dying meanwhile, Rohan was snoozing as if there were no tomorrow. Despite his tendency to sleep through nearly every class, the teachers never scolded him because he consistently achieved top marks in his exams.

"Heyy wake up Rohan...lunch has started."

He rubbed his eyes and mumbled, "It's already lunchtime?"

"Hmmm...come on."

We were making our way to lunch with other friends when Mrs. Sharma called out my name.

"Hana..come with me.I need to talk to u for a moment."From her voice, I could tell something was troubling her.

"Continue without me; I'll be back soon."

Kia and Rohan glanced at me with worried expressions.I flashed them a tight smile, hoping to reassure them.

"Not again," I muttered under my breath, sighing softly before reluctantly following her.

She sat nervously on her chair, tapping on the table as she struggled to find the right words to say to me.

"Hana...u know the Parent-teacher meeting is in few days..I was just wondering if your father is going to come or not?"She spoke softly, her tone tinged with an effort to convey understanding.

Mrs. Sharma has always been one of those teachers who understands me, regardless of the situation. Her empathy and patience have been a constant source of support.

"Ma'am....I will try to convince him."I said hesistantly not knowing if that will even work.

" I don't want to pressure you or anything, but I've noticed that since you've been studying here, we haven't seen your father once. He never attends parent-teacher meetings or any other occasions. As a teacher, it's my responsibility to be aware of my students' parents. I hope you understand."

"Yes ma'am..I understand."

"Please understand, it may not always be feasible to expect Rohan's mother to visit the school on behalf of your guardian. Try to convince him this time."

"Yes Ma'am....sorry."

" You don't have to apologize...I understand it is hard for u too." She said, smiling gently, as if trying to offer me comfort.

"Thank u...I will get going now."
She nodded.

"How long will this go on? How much longer must I trouble or concern everyone around me, and endure this suffering? If Ma were here, none of this would be happening," I pondered silently.

As I left the room, I noticed both of them waiting for me, concern evident on their faces. I sighed, smiling softly, grateful that I had them by my side.

"What happened?" Kia asked.

"Try to guess."

"No way again...are u okay?"

"Not at all..I would be lying if I said I was okay....I don't know anymore what to do."

"What will u do now?" Rohan asked.

"What I always do...ask him and get scolded...I know very well that he will not come again this time but I have to atleast try."

"Let it be....u know mein hu na tere paas....I will tell ma to come for u."

"Yeahhh yeahh I'm always grateful for that."

"U should be." He said, chuckling.

"Anyways....let's eat...I'm hungry."

As we walked back to class, I spotted him once more, this time in the company of Her—the last person I ever expected him to know. They seemed unusually close, and I couldn't shake off the surprise.

Both me and kia said at the same time.

To be continued...💞
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