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THE NEXT MORNING I WAKE UP WHEN THE SUNLIGHT TOUCHES MY FACE. I deliberately left the drapes open last night, wanting to get an early start on the day. Light works better than any alarm with me, and it's far less disruptive to Y/n, who's sleeping draped across my chest.

For a few minutes, I just lie there, luxuriating in the feel of her warm skin pressed against mine, in the soft exhalations of her breath and the way her long lashes lie like dark crescents on her cheeks.

I had never wanted to sleep with a woman before her, had never understood the appeal of having another person in your bed for anything but fucking. It was only when I acquired my captive that I learned the simple pleasure of drifting off to sleep while holding her sleek little body... of feeling her next to me throughout the night.

Taking a deep breath, I gently shift Y/n off me. I need to get up,
though the temptation to lie there and do nothing is strong. She doesn't wake up when I sit up, just rolls onto her side and continues sleeping, the blanket sliding off her body and leaving her back largely exposed to my gaze.

Unable to resist, I lean over to kiss one slender shoulder and notice a few scratches and bruises marring her smooth skin-marks that I must've inflicted on her last night.

It turns me on, seeing them on her. I like the idea of branding her in some way, of leaving signs of my possession on her delicate flesh. She already wears my ring, but it's not enough. I want more. With each passing day, my need for her grows, my obsession with her intensifying rather than lessening with time.

It disturbs me, this development. I had been hoping that seeing Y/n every day and having her as my wife would quell this desperate hunger I feel for her all the time, but just the opposite seems to be happening. I resent every minute that I spend away from her, every moment that I'm not touching her. Just like with any addiction, I seem to require larger and larger doses of my chosen drug, my dependence on her increasing until I'm constantly craving my next fix.

I don't know what I would do if I ever lost her. It's a fear that makes me wake up in a cold sweat at night and assaults my mind at random times throughout the day.

I know that she's safe here on the estate-nothing short of a direct attack by a full-fledged army can penetrate my security-but I still can't help worrying, can't help fearing that she'll be taken from me somehow. It's insane, but I'm tempted to keep her chained to my side at all times, so I would know she's okay.

Casting one last look at her sleeping form, I get up as quietly as I can and head into the shower, forcing my thoughts away from my obsession. I will see Y/n again this evening, but first, there is an overnight delivery that requires my attention. As my mind turns to the upcoming task, I smile with grim anticipation.

My Quadar prisoners are waiting.

LUCAS HAD THEM BROUGHT TO A STORAGE SHED ON THE FAR EDGE OF THE property. The first thing I notice as I walk in is the stench. It's an acrid combination of sweat, blood, urine, and desperation. It tells me that Peter has already been hard at work this morning.

As my eyes adjust to the dim light inside the shed, I see that two of the men are tied to metal chairs, while the third is hanging from a hook in the ceiling, strung up by a rope binding his wrists above his head. All three of them are covered in dirt and blood, making it difficult to tell their age or nationality.

I approach one of the seated ones first. His left eye is swollen shut, and his lips are puffy and encrusted with blood. His right eye, though, is glaring at me with fury and defiance. A young man, I decide, studying him closer.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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