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WHEN I WAKE UP IN THE MORNING, JUNGKOOK IS ALREADY GONE. Climbing out of bed, I head straight for the shower, feeling grimy and sticky after last night. We both fell asleep right after sex, too worn out to bother washing up or changing the wet sheets.

Then, just before dawn, Jungkook woke me up by sliding inside me again, his skilled fingers bringing me to orgasm before I was fully awake. It’s as if he can’t get enough of me after our long separation, his already-strong libido going into overdrive.

Of course, I can’t get enough of him either.

A smile curves my lips as I remember the searing passion of last night. Jungkook promised me the wedding night of my dreams, and he certainly delivered. I don’t even know how many orgasms I’ve had over the past twenty-four hours. Of course, now I’m even more sore, my insides raw from so much fucking.

Still, I feel immeasurably better today, both physically and mentally. The bruises on my thighs are less tender to the touch, and I’m no longer feeling quite as overwhelmed. Even the idea of being married to Jungkook doesn’t seem as frightening in the morning light.

Nothing has truly changed, except that now there is a piece of paper joining us together, letting the world know that I belong to him. Captor, lover, or husband—it’s all the same; the label doesn’t alter the reality of our dysfunctional relationship.

Stepping under the shower spray, I tilt my head back, letting the hot water flow over my face. The shower is as luxurious as the rest of the house, the circular stall big enough to accommodate ten people. I wash and scrub every inch of my body until I begin to feel human again. Then I go back into the bedroom to get dressed.

I find an enormous closet in the back of the room, filled mostly with light summer clothes. Remembering the stifling heat outside, I select a simple blue sundress, then slide my feet into a pair of brown flip-flops. It’s not the most sophisticated outfit, but it’ll do.

I’m ready to explore my new home.

                                  THE ESTATE IS HUGE, MUCH BIGGER THAN I THOUGHT YESTERDAY. BESIDES THE main house, there are also barracks for the two-hundred-plus guards who patrol the perimeter, and a number of houses occupied by other employees and their families. It’s almost like a small town—or maybe some type of military compound.

I learn all this from Ana over breakfast. Apparently Jungkook left instructions that I was to be fed and shown around when I woke up. Jungkook himself is occupied with work, as usual.

“Señor Jeon has an important meeting,” Ana explains, serving me a dish she calls Migas de Arepa—scrambled eggs made with pieces of corn cakes and a tomato-onion sauce. “He asked me to look after you today, so please let me know if you need anything. After breakfast I can have Rosa give you a tour if you like.”

“Thank you, Ana,” I say, digging into my food. It’s incredibly delicious, the sweetness of the arepas complementing the zesty flavor of the eggs. “A tour would be great.”

We chat for a bit as I finish up my meal. In addition to learning about the estate, I find out that Ana has lived in this house most of her life, having started as a young maid working for Jungkook’s father.

“That’s how I learned English,” she says, pouring me a cup of frothy hot chocolate. “Señora Jeon was korean grew up  in  america she didn’t speak any spanish.”

I nod, remembering Jungkook telling me about his mother. She had been a model in New York City before marrying Jungkook’s father.

“So you knew Jungkook when he was a child?” I ask, sipping the hot, rich drink. Like the eggs, it’s unusually flavorful, with hints of clove, cinnamon, and vanilla.

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