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A/N: I'm sorry for the late update of the story, I was busy making a research proposal and this Thursday was our research defense which me and my group mates passed by the way, anyway... this chapter is based on a true story, where a family friend told us their experience during their comatose state caused by stroke. Without further a do, we shall proceed to the story.

RYOKO DIDN'T KNOW where she was it's all darkness that she sees, she tried to find and call out for her brother a few hours ago which ended with her being a crying mess by the end of it.

"nii-chan!" she sobs, trying to find her brother through the darkness void.

"Where are you?"

She remains alone for a while, staying on her spot, hoping to see or maybe find her brother by staying on that spot.

Suddenly she felt it, she knew someone was out there, looking up she tried to find where they were. Not anymore afraid that she was alone in this void of never-ending darkness.

"Ryoko?" This alerted Ryoko, prompting her to look where the voice came from.

She turned to her left, there she found a person standing there with light surrounding them. Ryoko was amazed at their appearance, which was mesmerising and bright. She ran toward them, crashing towards their legs and hugging it.

She felt their surprise but continued to hug their leg, feeling comfort on the stranger that she met in this darkness. She felt their hand, patting her head so as to soothe her conflicted feelings. They stayed like that for a while,
Ryoko almost fell asleep by the comfort they brought her.

But soon, their hand stopped, bringing Ryoko's sleepy eyes up towards them.

"Your time is not yet done." they said, lowering themselves to Ryoko's level.

Ryoko's eyes become alert, hesitantly holding their clothes tightly and shaking her head.

"don weave." She gave them a teary-eyed stare.

They smiled at her, almost hugging her. But they held firm.

"Ryouta." Ryoko widened her eyes, almost forgetting her mission to not move so that her brother could find her. "He's worried about you and misses you."


"Yes, my dear." They smiled.

"Where nii-chan 'n aka-chan, momoi-neesan, tetsu-chan, bushy-chan (kagami), 'n rest?"

They humm, looking up and tapping their pointer finger to their chin. Then they looked at Ryoko and smiled, pointing at their right
,where  Ryoko noticed a bright light far ahead.

"Just go straight ahead, never look back and open the door that your heart desires most." They told her smiling at her.

"But you?"

"I'll be alright, child."

Ryoko hesitated to walk but waved goodbye to them and walked towards the light. She wanted to look back but remembered their words, so she was determined not to disappoint them.


2 weeks;

of waiting;

of hearing her heartbeat on the monitor;

of smelling the same antiseptic filling through the room;

and lastly, 2 weeks of searching for the one who near killed her. Ryouta knew that the police were close to finding them, but he's getting impatient.

The childish and cheeky Kise Ryouta was all about glam and becoming tidy with his own hygiene, but now he looks dishevelled, dark circles around his eyes, chapped lips that were exposed to the full blast A/C in the private room of Ryoko making it hard to even smile as it would crack, and finally his clothes were all a mess. The past Ryouta would have had a fit if he saw himself get a bit haggard and not do proper hygiene.

Ryouta held his sister's hand that was slightly cold from the blasting A/C, he rubs her hands, hoping for his sister to not be cold.

Then, he felt it.

a twitch.

It was a small movement that a person could have ignored it, but because Ryouta's an observant bastard he knew what he saw.

Ryoko's hand really twitched.

For the first time in two weeks, he was happy, happy that she'll one day wake up.

And maybe someday, which he'll wait, he'll maybe even see her Amber like eyes again. And he'll hear her laughter again.

"Dad, her hand moved." He says, looking up at his father in joy.

The man across from him smiles too, glad that even though the kid that was not from him, he has already treated her as his own.

"Have faith, Ryouta." He says, walking up to his son and daughter. "The doctor said that movements are a possibility that she'll wake up soon."

"And what about the one who did this to her?"

Sighing to himself, his father didn't want to tell him the truth that it was his and Ryoko's mom who did it.

"They already captured her." He said to Ryouta,  "And is preparing to be in court as we speak."


This was supposed to be posted on Thursday, but due to my tiredness for doing our practical research the whole 2 weeks, I fell asleep making this chapter and forgot all about it yesterday.

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