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"I am sending this back" I announced, rising to my feet.



"Oh come on, Isabella... what is one bouquet of flowers" Audrey protested.



"I am getting married to his son" I exclaimed. "He should not be sending me roses or notes or anything at all. The only communication he and I should be having are about his son's favorite colors and favorite food and what not"



"But you have to admit that this is as romantic as it gets. With the last asshole you were in a relationship with, you only got trauma and heartbreak. I would really love to see this man and who knows we might hit it off and I can get him off your hands" She smacked her lips.



"Really? That is all you can think about right now? Fucking my soon to be husband's father?"



"What? You cannot blame me for wanting a Spanish charm of my own besides what is the harm? I am the single one and you are the about to be hitched but still stuck up on a one night stand one"



"I am not stuck up on anything with him" I muttered, the indignation in my tone at her implication.



"Of course you are, Isabella. I have known you for years and this is the first time you seem agitated about a man and one that you have nothing with. You want him just as much as he wants you and I suggest you go for it"



"You should be the responsible friend" I wailed.



"Nope... we both know the last thing I am is responsible and you threw yours out of the window when you decided to go to Las Vegas and fuck a stranger on a whim so get over it" Audrey announced.



"The truth is, I do not know what he wants from me. I know we might not have been exactly over but he does not act like he wants anything to do with me and when I bring the topic up, he shuts it down immediately but now he is sending me flowers?"



"So he is a tough nut to crack, even better... while you stay in solitude marriage, focus on cracking his hard exterior" Audrey winked while I barfed in disgust.



"You are not in the least bit in love with his son, are you?" She asked



"I barely know the guy and honestly, he is giving me the wrongest vibe but this might be because I already... I am too focused on his father" I sighed.



"I don't know, my friend... you seem to be in a position every other girl would kill for including me. Do you know what they say about what sort of lovers Spanish men are?"

ONE NIGHT STAND WITH MY HUSBAND'S FATHERWhere stories live. Discover now