Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

As they entered the dining room, Isabelle's family rose from their seats, greeting the prince with polite smiles and gracious bows. Her father, the Marquis, approached the prince with a warm handshake, his expression friendly yet tinged with a hint of formality.

"Welcome to our humble abode, Your Highness," the Marquis said, his voice resonant with warmth and hospitality. "We are honored to have you grace us with your presence."

The prince returned the greeting with a gracious smile, his demeanor calm and composed as he exchanged pleasantries with Isabelle's family. Isabelle watched the interaction with detached interest, her mind wandering to more pressing matters than the diplomatic niceties being exchanged around her.

As they took their seats at the table, Isabelle found herself seated beside the prince, her mother's subtle maneuvering ensuring that she was placed in close proximity to their royal guest. She stifled a sigh of resignation, resigning herself to the inevitable small talk and tedious conversation that was sure to follow.

She looked over to her brother Adrian, who was of no help to her as he engaged in a loving conversation with Amelia. The prince took a seat beside her and smiled. Isabelle could feel her mother's cold gaze on her as she forced a smile back at the prince.

Throughout the meal, Isabelle listened with half-hearted interest as the prince regaled her family with tales of his homeland and his diplomatic endeavors. She nodded politely at all the appropriate moments, her mind wandering to more pleasant thoughts as she longed for the evening to come to an end.

As dessert was served and the conversation turned to more mundane topics, Isabelle's attention began to wane. Her journey of today came to mind as exhaustion hit her like a wave.

"Your Highness, why don't you join us in the drawing room? Isabelle here is quite skilled at the pianoforte; she always loves to share her music with us, don't you, Isabelle?" her mother suggested.

Isabelle, who had been nearly dozing off, perked up as all eyes turned to her. "Uh, yes!"

"Isabelle, would you like to grace us with a piece?" Adrian asked, attempting to ease her into the situation.

"Alright, I can play one song," Isabelle agreed

Soon, everyone was in the drawing room. Eloise looked irritated at the thought of being forced to listen to Isabelle's music, while Amelia looked excited.

Isabelle knew it was time to pull out one of her moves. If she didn't make her mother give up on trying to set her up with the prince, she knew she was going to be in for a long season.

She approached the piano and smiled, apologizing to her piano inwardly for what she was about to do. Isabelle had learned a few suggestive pieces from Jack, the guitarist. Well, her mother did say to use her womanly charms.

As Isabelle played, she could see her audience's facial expressions change from excitement to shock as the piece progressed. Her mother held herself back as much as she could, and her father tried his best to calm her. Somehow the prince seemed to be enjoying it; he probably had never heard anything like this in his small country.

"I believe that's enough music for tonight," her mother said after Isabelle played the last note. She could feel Adrian holding back his laughter.

"I believe so too. We have all had a long day, and I suppose it's time to call it a night. You must be very tired from your trip here, Your Highness. Let me show you to your room," Eloise said as she led the prince outside the room.

But not before one last retort to Isabelle. "What distasteful music, Isabelle. I guess your piano lessons are not paying off."

"It's been a long day, Eleanor, and it's past your usual bedtime. Let's head to bed," the Marquis said, leading his applied wife to her room.

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