Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Your carriage is ready, your grace," Tom said, entering the room where Theodore was dressing.

"Did you manage to get some rest?" he added, concern etching his features.

The valet present assisted the duke with his coat. The exhaustion was evident on Theodore's face; he had dark circles beneath his eyes.

"Enough to endure tonight, I suppose," Theodore replied. The valet bowed respectfully, exiting and leaving Theodore to gaze at his reflection in the mirror.

His striking blue eyes, framed by a strong jawline, reflected weariness that only added to his rugged handsomeness. The burdens of responsibility had left traces on his face, yet they did little to diminish the commanding presence he held.

The chilly night air greeted him as he stepped outside and into the waiting carriage. Tom settled into the seat across from him.

"It's been ages since I last saw the Marquis and the Marchioness; I believe I last saw them at my parents' funeral," Theodore reflected.

"Ah, yes," Tom agreed. "I hear their family is doing well. It's an excellent opportunity for you to reintroduce yourself to society."

"What good is that? I won't be here for long. Every noble family seems determined to pawn off their daughter," Theodore sighed, feeling the weight of involvement in high society pressing on him.

"There will be music today at the Montrose estate. If it's to your liking, I shall find them out for you, your grace. Marchioness Montrose is famous for sponsoring foreign musicians who play at her parties," Tom suggested.

"Let's hope it's better than the performance of yesterday," Theodore mused, his thoughts drifting toward his home in the countryside where Evangeline was.

"I believe you have matters to discuss regarding your new business with the other noble men" Thomas added, bringing Theodore's thought back to the present.

"You're right. It's better to handle it now, especially in person," Theodore agreed, shifting the conversation to the impending business. They continued to discuss the duchy's affairs until they arrived at the Montrose Estate.

The hall and the decorations were grand, and Theodore truly felt like he was finally back in high society, with the exuberance and the drama. The Marchioness was famous for this. Her parties were on another level. Although he didn't care for parties, soiree, or any gathering of any kind, it was a great place to make business connections with other noble families.

As he stepped into the hall, the Marquis heir, Lord Sebastian Montrose and his wife, Lady Eloise Montrose, approached him. "Duke Hartington, welcome back to our circles," Lord Sebastian greeted with a warm smile. "It's been too long since we've had the pleasure of your company."

Theodore reciprocated the smile, "Thank you, Lord Sebastian. It's good to be back, even if only temporarily. Your kind words are appreciated."

Lady Eloise, a woman with stern yet elegant features, elegantly adorned in the latest fashion, added, "You've been greatly missed in our social circles, your grace. The city is not the same without the Eldridge presence."

Theodore nodded graciously, "Your words are too kind, Lady Eloise. The city has its charm, but my heart lies in the tranquility of the countryside."

As the pleasantries continued, other guests began to approach, eager to exchange pleasantries with the returning duke. Theodore relaxed his shoulders, praying he would be able to get through the night.

Not long after, he was able to get some breathing air as the Marquis and the Marchioness walked out to greet the guest they had greeted him and the other dukes in attendance.

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