Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Isabelle, done with her performance, had been searching for James Harrington . She had been too focused on her performance, but she caught a glimpse of him. Now he was nowhere to be found.

A glimpse of hope surged within her when she saw the back of his head afar, the retreating figure getting farther and farther away from her. Lost in her thoughts, she failed to notice her surroundings and collided with someone, sending the drink in her hand flying through the air.

To her horror, the liquid splattered all over the man, staining his attire with crimson wine. Mortified by her clumsiness, Isabelle stammered apologies, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"I-I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there. It was an accident, I assure you," she exclaimed, her voice trembling with mortification as she looked up to meet his gaze.

Isabelle found herself lost in the depths of the man's gaze. She had never seen a man so handsome; his black hair tousled in a way that only added to his beauty. But it was his eyes—those piercing blue eyes—that held her captive. They seemed to see right through her, igniting a flurry of emotions she couldn't quite comprehend.

Unaware of the blush creeping onto her cheeks, Isabelle struggled to find her voice. She felt as though she were drowning in the sea of his gaze, her heart beating faster and faster, unable to look away even if she wanted to.

Theodore, now drenched in crimson liquid, sleep deprived and annoyed, turned to face her with a mixture of surprise and irritation. "Good gracious! Was that intentional?" he demanded, his tone laced with annoyance, bringing her out of the trance she was in.

"I swear I really didn't mean to," she finally managed to say, embarrassed at her actions.

Theodore remained unconvinced, just today he had multiple ladies try multiple tricks just to get his attention. He wasn't falling for any more of their antics, his expression hardening with resolve. "Is this really the only way to grab my attention? Well, I suppose you have it now," he remarked, his words dripping with disdain.

"Was it obvious that I was staring?" Isabelle, confused at the words coming from his mouth, asked herself. "It's not what you think it is, I am really sorry," Isabelle said, getting frustrated at his responses. She knew it was best to diffuse the situation; in the end, she was in the wrong.

"You don't have to pretend any longer. I know what this is, I'm not interested in you," he remarked coolly, wiping at the wine staining his coat with a handkerchief.

She looked shocked at the assumption. Then offended at his tone yet still she restrained herself. It wasn't worth blowing things out of proportion. He was getting less and less handsome to her.

"I'll have someone clean your coat," she said, signaling to one of the servants. "I really didn't mean to spoil your evening."

Theodore was even more frustrated. He had it up to here with the women in Eldoria. How else could he reject them so they could leave him alone? "I don't want anything to do with you. I have no interest in such tactics. Please refrain from such behavior in the future," he remarked firmly before turning to walk away.

Isabelle's eyes narrowed, her temper flaring. "I've had enough with you! I apologize for spilling wine on you, but I won't stand here for you to make a fool of me," she shot back, her voice ringing with indignation.

Caught off guard by Isabelle's unexpected outburst, Theodore was momentarily speechless. "How arrogant can you be to assume every woman in Eldoria is interested in you and trying to get your attention!" Isabelle yelled, annoyed, and stormed away.

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