Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Theodore shoved another glass of wine down his throat; it seemed like the sleep he had was not enough. He had declined a lot of dance offers and invitations from other nobles just tonight, exhausted, he wished to be out of this stuffy ballroom already.

Adrian Montrose spotted Theodore across the room. The familiar face brought a genuine smile to his features, a stark contrast to the more reserved demeanor he had acquired over the years.

"Theo" Adrian exclaimed, clapping Theodore on the shoulder as they embraced. "It's been too long. You're looking rather serious these days."

Theodore chuckled, the sound tinged with nostalgia. "Well, someone has to balance the scales. I heard you've been taking the world by storm."

"Oh, you have no idea," Adrian said with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "But enough about me. I want you to meet someone." He motioned toward a radiant woman standing nearby.

"Amelia Stanton, allow me to introduce you to my dear friend Theodore Hartington, Duke of Eldridge." Adrian beamed as he made the formal introductions.

Amelia curtsied gracefully. "A pleasure to meet you, Your Grace. Adrian has spoken so highly of you."

"The pleasure is mine, Miss Amelia," Theodore replied with a polite nod.

Adrian leaned in, lowering his voice. "She's quite a catch, isn't she? Smart, charming, and she can beat me in a horse race back at her family's estate."

Theodore smiled then laughed, genuinely happy for his friend, everyone back at the academy knew how Adrian Montrose was terrible at horse riding. "You've chosen well, Adrian."

"Thank you, Theo. Now, about tonight after this , there's a gentleman's bar. We are all going to celebrate me being off the market. You are very much invited?"

Theodore agreed, looking forward to catching up with Adrian later. As Adrian excused himself to greet other guests, Theodore found himself alone, yet giddy from the pleasant encounter with his old friend. Although his moment of peace was quickly interrupted.

"It's so wonderful to have you back in Eldoria, your grace" the baron exclaimed, his enthusiasm palpable as he approached Theodore. Before Theodore could even formulate a response, the baron continued eagerly, "Your grace, I must introduce you to my daughters."

Theodore glanced over the baron's shoulder to see two young women standing behind him, their faces flushed with anticipation. They curtsied in unison as their father signaled towards them, and Theodore offered a polite nod in return.

"It's good to be back, Baron," Theodore replied, trying to keep his tone courteous despite his growing discomfort. Sensing where the conversation was headed, he made a subtle attempt to extricate himself. "Now, if you'll excuse me..."

But before he could make his escape, the baron interjected once more, his insistence unwavering. "Your grace, you haven't even danced once. Why don't you have a dance with one of my daughters? Any one you choose."

Theodore felt irritation simmering beneath the surface as he fought to maintain his composure. "I will have to refuse," he stated firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument. He paused for a moment, searching for a diplomatic way to decline without causing offense. "I'm afraid I have other engagements this evening."

The baron's expression faltered for a brief moment, a hint of disappointment flickering across his features before he masked it with a forced smile. "Of course, your grace. Perhaps another time, then."

Theodore offered a tight-lipped smile in response, his relief palpable as he finally managed to extract himself from the conversation.

Isabelle, who had taken her place in front of the grand piano, placed her finger on the piano gently, the enchanting melody of "Springfield" filled the air, weaving a tale of love and longing. The music resonated with the essence of spring – a season of blooming flowers, budding romance, and the promise of something new. In her mind, the story unfolded vividly.

She imagines a young girl, captivated by the magic of spring, falling in love with a mysterious man she encountered amid the blossoms. Their love blossomed like the flowers surrounding them, vibrant and full of life. Isabelle poured her own emotions into the music, drawing from her own experiences.

Yet, as the story unfolded in her mind, the joy of spring gave way to the heat of summer. The once-blooming love began to wither, much like the flowers that wilted under the sun's scorching rays. The man disappeared, leaving the young girl alone and heartbroken.

Isabelle's fingers moved gracefully across the keys, each note expressing the ache of unfulfilled love. As she played, she felt a deep connection to the story, resonating with the pain of waiting for someone who might never return her love. The piano became her voice, conveying the bittersweet emotions that lingered in her heart.

In the midst of the crowd, Theodore had been the first to notice the shift of the melody emanating throughout the ballroom. The music flowed with a grace and depth that held the entire room captive.

The resonant notes of the piano floated through the air, weaving a haunting melody that seemed to transcend time itself. Theodore found himself caught in the shackles of this enchanting music. As he felt his chest tighten as the overwhelming feelings overcame him.

There in the shadows of the opulent Montrose ballroom, he stood there. He stood there, a silent spectator, captivated by the unseen hands that coaxed the piano into revealing the depths of its soul. The emotions stirred within him, a symphony of nostalgia, regret, and a longing for a time he could barely grasp.

There it was! "The sound he was searching for. The one that stirred up mixed emotions within him. He had been too preoccupied on how to find the pianist and whether it was even possible, as the months passed, he had nearly given up, he didn't even have the chance to consider the impact hearing that sound would have on him.

The final notes of the composition echoed through the room, and for a moment, there was silence. Isabelle closed her eyes, feeling the weight of the music and the memories it conjured. The beauty of the melody masked the underlying sorrow, much like the façade she often wore in high society.

When she opened her eyes, she was aware of the hushed atmosphere around her. The listeners, unknowingly drawn into the narrative of the piano, exchanged glances, moved by the emotions that transcended the music. She looks out for James and she does not find him in the crowd, did her feelings at least reach him.

As the last notes of the piece lingered in the air, Theodore's paralysis broke. He needed to find the person who had woven such a spell. Stepping cautiously through the crowd, he traced the ethereal sound of the piano until he reached the drawing-room entrance.

The applause had ended and the nobles had gone back to socializing, a sudden wave of nobles intercepted him, eager to entice the Duke of Eldridge to their soirées and gatherings.

After fending off their invitations, Theodore pressed forward, determined to unravel the mystery behind the music that had touched his soul. As he approached the entrance, an unexpected collision disrupted his path.

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