31. Tell us- huh

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The Next Day.

Sheya and Yuvi arrived at school, and the news had already spread that someone had locked Sheya in.

Sheya approached her locker just as Julie arrived to further intimidate her.

"Stay away from him if you don't want any trouble!" Julie threatened.

Sheya looked at her and smiled. "You said it, and I'm supposed to be scared?" she scoffed.

Julie was on the verge of losing her temper.

"You're acting like a slut. Just wait and see, you'll get yourself into trouble!" Julie hissed through clenched teeth and her hand.

Julie made her snide comment, and Sheya rolled her eyes.

"Stop being a pathetic bitch. Pick up your lollipop and cry somewhere else!" Sheya exclaimed, shutting her locker and walking away with Yuvi.

Yuvi looked back and saw a frustrated Julie.

She laughed. "That was well-deserved," Yuvi said.

Sheya nodded. They entered their classroom, where everyone was engrossed in their reading until an announcement interrupted the quiet.


Everyone was confused. They stood up, formed a line, and followed their teacher to the auditorium.

In the auditorium, every student was present. The principal took the stage, followed by Karv and another teacher.

The principal began, "Yesterday, an unfortunate incident occurred with one of our students, and what's more shocking is that the perpetrator might be one of our school staff or students. If anyone knows who did it, it would be thoughtful to come forward."

The principal asked, but there was silence.

Karv scanned the crowd; some students looked scared, others confused.

Sheya and Yuvi exchanged glances. They had no intention of revealing Julie, as it might lead to her expulsion.

Julie was confident no one would speak against her because she projected a nice-girl image.

But no one knew she had a hidden side. Unless Sheya spoke up, Julie was safe.

The principal sighed. "I'm asking for your he—"

Karv interrupted, sliding in front of the principal and adjusting the mic.

"I'm not asking; I'm telling you all. If you don't speak up now, you'll face severe consequences. We will find the culprit within three hours, so be prepared!" he warned, giving everyone a stern look.

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