13. Am i good?

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Karv and Yuvika sat in their dimly lit room, surrounded by stacks of textbooks and notes.

The only sound breaking the heavy silence was the occasional rustle of paper as they turned a page or the soft scratching of a pen against paper.

The clock on the wall ticked away the hours, reminding them that time was slipping through their fingers.

Yuvika was struggling to grasp the concepts of chemistry, her brows furrowed in concentration as she listened to Karv's explanations.

Karv, on the other hand, was patient but firm in his teaching, knowing that Yuvika needed a guiding hand to navigate through the complex world of science.

As the night grew darker, Yuvika's attention began to wander.

She fidgeted in her seat, her mind drifting to thoughts far away from the periodic table and chemical reactions.

She finally spoke up, breaking the silence that had settled between them.

"bhai, why are you always so serious? You're like an old man trapped in a young body,".

Yuvika teased, trying to lighten the tense atmosphere.

Karv's expression turned stern as he shot her a sharp look, his eyes flashing with annoyance.

"Have you ever wondered why you talk so much? Just focus on studying."

With a sharp look, he quieted her incessant chatter and resumed the lesson.

As Yuvika took a short break to chat with Sheya, who was on speakerphone, the conversation took a comical turn.

"Are you studying anything?" - Yuvi sat on the sofa.

"What study bru? I'm sitting on the bed but one creep keep staring me out" sheya laughed at her own words.

"What creep?"-

"Oh yeah. My book , obviously! " Sheya said.

Yuvika giggled, much to Karv's disapproval.

He couldn't help but notice the similarities between the two, both carefree in their own ways.

Annoyed by their lack of seriousness, Karv urged Yuvika to concentrate on her studies.

completely oblivious to Karv's growing frustration.

When Karv finally spoke up, his tone was sharp and laced with annoyance.

"Yuvika, if you're done with your break, let's get back to studying, and tell your friend to keep her creep to herself and not to disturb you"

he demanded, his patience wearing thin.

Sheya listened it all , she wondered how did he know she told her book "Creep".

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