Chapter 42

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The commotion outside my house has subsided a little, but there were still reporters swarming in front of the gate persistently.

I don't know for how long Vince and I stood in the same place as he held me through my deep breakdown. His warm embrace and the underlying assurance his presence held crumbled all my walls down, breaking open the flood of emotions that I had been keeping buried in my heart. Regret, anger, pain, humiliation, anguish, panic, everything, every emotion burst out at that moment.

When I was almost exhausted pouring out my feelings and pain, Vince slowly led me back into the room from the walk-in closet and gestured to me to sit on the bed.

As he turned to step away, I immediately held his hand on instinct.

"I'll get the first-aid box.", he said calmly.

Feeling embarrassed at my impulsive act, I left his hand and looked away, nodding.

He walked out of the room and I could hear his fading footsteps later. 

Taking a deep breath, I tried to relax my still edgy nerves.

After a few moments, Vince came back with a first-aid box and a small wooden stool in his hands. He switched on one of the dimmer roof lights and sat beside me on the edge of the bed a considerable distance away.

He extended his palm silently and understanding what he meant, I placed my hand in his.

He gently treated the cuts and scrapes on my hands that I got from falling on the glass shards. None of us spoke for a while as he concentrated on treating my wounds. The silence, however, felt comfortable and assuring.

When he was done treating the wounds on my hands, I frowned, confused, as he stood up, placed the wooden stool in front of me on the floor and sat down on it, facing me, while I was seated at the edge of the bed with my feet touching the floor.

He leaned down a little and touched my foot, jolting my senses abruptly. But, before I could retract my foot and move my legs away, he held my foot firmly.

"I'll do it on my own.", I said gently, referring to treating the wounds on my feet I got from stepping on broken pieces of glass, trying to retract my foot from his hold.

He looked up at me, his gaze stoic yet stubborn.

Despite his silence and blank gaze, I could see how upset he's still about me trying to slit my wrist.

"I can do it-", I started, but he interrupted.

"Let me.", he stated calmly and it sounded more like a decision than a request, his gaze piercing into mine unwaveringly.

I didn't say anything after that.

He averted his gaze away from me as he gently rested my foot on his lap and started applying medicine to my wounds, his movements focused.

I stared at him softly as he continued applying medicine and removing small shards of glass that pierced into my soles. Despite me not making a single sound at the stinging sensation of the medicine, he was still being mindful and delicate.

A man who's so considerate and kind enough to hold my feet in his hand for treating my wounds, he really does have a way to surprise me always.

Whenever I think he cannot be more considerate than this, he proves me wrong each time with his actions.

There are many people in the world who just make heavy promises and statements, may it be friends, relatives or partners, but when misfortune strikes, all of them would eventually turn their backs and ignore us like strangers.

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