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I caught the dart before it hit the middle of the dart board.

Damon sighed. "You could've just said hey or something."

I threw the dart back to him. "Way less fun."

He caught it before it hit his face. "What are you doing here? I thought you were with Caroline?"

"And I thought you were with Stefan. Yet here we are." I took a few steps closer. "What are you doing for the bachelor party?"

He smirked. "Why? Do you want to be the stripper?"

I punched his arm, and he winced and put his hand over the place. "Caroline wants me to make sure there are no strippers. And that you don't get him drunk."

He tilted his head. "So nothing fun? Got it."

I followed him as he walked to the bar. "There are fun things you could do."

He glanced at me. "Like what?"


He turned away.

"She didn't tell me to tell you what to do. She just told me to tell you what not to do."

"No strippers or booze." He turned to face me. "Got it."

"Actually," I smiled. I pulled the paper out of my pocket. "She gave me a list."

He snatched the list from my hand. "Get out. You're ruining my buzz."

I put my hands up. "I'm just the messenger."

He rolled his eyes as he turned away. I turned to walk out of the Grill. I walked to my car and got in. I checked my phone. The date made me stare at my screen for a few minutes. It's been a year since he left. The realization made me feel sick to my stomach.

I drove home. I got out and walked inside. I started to walk toward the steps.


I stopped and turned to face the living room. Stefan and Caroline were sitting on the couch. They were sitting right next to each other. I walked over and stood across from them, "Did someone die?"

"No," Stefan answered.

"We need to talk to you about something," Caroline stated.

I nodded, "I already guessed that."

"We're getting married."

I put my hand against my chest. "What?!"

Stefan tilted his head, "Evelyn."

I raised my hands, "Sorry." I held my hands together behind my back. "Go on."

"Married couples live together."

I started to say something but stopped. "So you're moving in together? It had to happen eventually. Unless you were weird and just went back and forth from one house to another for the rest of your lives. Where are you living?"

"My house," Stefan answered.

There were confused looks on their faces. "I will take back my acceptance if you don't explain the look on your faces."

"I just thought you'd be a little more sad," Caroline explained.

I shook my head, "Why would I be sad? You're moving on with your lives. I'm happy for you. This is great."

"You're not even a little upset," Stefan commented.

I shrugged, "Do you want me to break down and cry? I just feel like having really negative feelings toward this and your relationship is a waste of my time and yours."

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