6. Where do you think you are going, squirrel?

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Her steps hastened as she struggled to run with her weakened body. Her legs felt like jelly, not being able to feel them for they were too numb, she pushed herself ahead between the dense leaves which crunched beneath her bare foot as she streaked forward with each step.

She didn't know where she was going, she only kept running and sprinting forward as fast as possible. The keys in her hand clinked with her moving limbs. The tall trees around framed such an eerie yet calm ambience that it was impassable to escape.

She tripped on a hard rock, falling on her knees abruptly. Hissing in pain, she held her knees only to see blood oozing out of her pants at the hurt part.

She sucked her lower lip, the fatigue and her fragility at the moment seemed to increase the agony just even more. Her eyes started to gather moisture, her mouth was dry as she panted heavily.

Now is not the time to cry. She encouraged herself.

Mustering up the courage, she stood up and took a step ahead just to trip again. Her hand rested on a log for a while to get her balance back before she started to limp through the thick trees once more.

She saw a road far away. A cracked smile decorated her face, tears blurring her view with the hope that she was able to find a way out.

The distance to the road felt like a mile years to cross through but as determined as she was, she never knew to give up.

When she finally reached the side of the road, she stood there confused about which way to go. Now that she could see without the trees blocking her surroundings, the road was cranky and dry, it seemed endless and there was no sign of a single vehicle passing by.

Of course, they brought her to the most desolate and abandoned place ever.

She sighed, knowing she couldn't sit and wait for some sort of transport to arrive. Although her legs were giving up and she could barely feel them except her injured knee, she began to walk with limping steps to the right.

Her silky long hair waved as the cool morning breeze fanned past her, the beads of sweat on her forehead chilling through.

Just as she continued on her tiring but determined escape, a car drifted past her making her halt midway. The car swiftly parked just right in front of her and she could smell danger.

The car was familiar, way too familiar.

Her eyes widened at the realization, her throat went dry and her breath got stuck in her lungs. She quickly turned around, running oppositely but her injured knee failed to support her.

"Where do you think you are going, squirrel?" His deep voice echoed in her ears but she didn't stop.

The car's door opened and shut and she knew that he was coming after her.

In no time, he grabbed her by her wrist and twisted her around. Her front collided with his, her hair momentarily falling on his wide shoulders, his long fingers enclosed on the pale soft skin of her wrist while his dark brown eyes searched her uneven ones.

She was caught in his beautiful eyes again.

"Why can't you just stay put, huh?" He broke her trance.

"Let me go." She made a distance between them but her wrist was still captured in his hand.

"Go where? You will find no way out of here." His infamous smirk was back on his devilishly attractive face.

"Let me go..." This time her voice cracked, her one side weighing down as she twisted her hand in the attempt to break free from his tight grip.

His gaze softened for a moment but the next second he wore his poker demeanour again.

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