1. Unexpected, but familiar

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Hayat's POV:

I felt dizzy, my head was spinning and my throat was dry. I tried to move but it felt like there was no ounce of energy in me. I felt numb, too numb to move a muscle or finger.

I could hear a few sounds of some people talking. I couldn't make out their words as they faded before falling into my ears. I tried to open my eyes, only to realise that I was blindfolded. My insides tensed and I gulped in nervousness and horror.

Although my head was empty and I was struggling to understand the situation, deep down in my heart, I could feel myself in this same position. A tiny anamnes, craved and coerced in every cell of my body, was peeking out from the locker of my memories; memories that I dodged to somewhere in the back of my head whenever they proclaimed their existence and disturbed my peace.

I attempted to scream, with the awareness in my mind that either I'd have someone rescue me or shoot me on the spot. I think the latter. I still wasn't in contact with the intensity and depth of the situation, I don't think the reality has yet poured on me because I had no time to think, I still don't have it. I just know that I need to get out of here. Anyhow.

As I tried to make a difficult effort to open my mouth, I once again was hit by the fact that I was tied, and so was my mouth. It's silly of me to think that they'll leave my mouth open to shout and scream for help when they have blindfolded me to not perceive and counter their acts.

I slowly was now getting my other senses back, feeling something tightly wrapped around my wrists and legs. I discovered that they were ropes.

I shook my head, tilting it slightly in an attempt to get rid of the dizziness. I scrunched my eyes, a stinging sensation irritating the hell out of me. My cheeks itched and resisted any sort of movement because of the tape on my mouth.

My body felt stiff and weak, taking a mountain amount of energy to do any movement.

I could hear vague voices from afar. They were loud but unclear to my ears, too faint to be understandable. I didn't know it was because of the drug in my system or the distance.

The air felt hot around my body, causing it to be sweaty and itchy. The obnoxious smell of the room which tortured my nostrils wasn't helping in the headache. It was taking me more than a normal rate to breathe, the disgusting smell only making it more hard for me. I felt nauseous, to say the least.

Amid the struggle to breathe and not throw up, I heard a clicking sound, as if a door was being unlocked. I stilled in my spot, holding my breath and listening to the sounds of door opening with a creak and the tapping boots on the floor anxiously.

As the footsteps got closer, their sounds became more clearer and audible, making my heartbeat rise and my muscles tense.

My head showed me the images I spent years forgetting. I knew I wasn't successful, but at least they weren't as visible to me as they are right now.

They were coming to me. This all felt familiar, too familiar.

I took in deep breaths, making myself ready for whatever that was to come. There's no escape, at least not at the very moment.

The footsteps now came to a halt, a silence suddenly prevailing as a frightening ambience. I felt their presence in front of me but no one made any noise. I was quiet, and so were them, until one of them decided to break it.

"Should we untie her?" I gulped. I know this voice, I know who possessed such a deep and gravelly voice. I could never forget him, not after every scar he has given me is engraved on my skin, a dreadful reminder. Yet, I hoped that this was not what my mind kept on indicating to me.

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