Chapter 26

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Okay before we start talk to me. Have you seen the new episode of Bridgerton I... I don't know what to say I have rewatch it at least 3 times already and it hasn't even been a full day. I can't wait for the rest of them ahhhhh. How do you feel about the new season? Okay know enough talk let's get back to the story I hope you enjoy


As I awoke the next morning my bed was empty looking out the window the sky was still dark and my door was open looking back over I saw Anthony standing at the doorway "Come to bed" I whispered to Anthony as he closed the door behind him and walked towards the bed getting in it he pulled me closer kissing me "I can get used to this" I replied smiling up at him "as can i" he said kissing me one last time "you will have to leave to get home soon"

"I know but for now let me hold you as i use to all those years ago" he said pulling me even closer as our body entangled and our hearts beat together we let sleep over take us.


As a knock woke me up i called out for them to come in "Good morning Esmeralda it is time to get dressed and ready for your daily activity Lady Danbury sent it over" she said and i stretch as my eyes shot open i looked to myside but Anthony was not there and i sighed in relief "He left earlier this morning he told me to tell you he was sorry to leave without you knowing but he did not want to wake you up because you looked so peaceful" Annie replied and i nodded before getting up and walking down the hall to the bath. Getting out of the bath Antoinette and Julie my outfit was ready for me after getting dressed I headed down the stairs and toward the carriage.

"Good morning Nicholas do you know where we are heading to?" i asked and he nodded "Of course Lady Blackwood and good morning to you as well"

"Have you eaten?"

"I thank you for asking" he said and i smiled up at him getting into the carriage "Julie would you like to come with me i know you have been stuck in the house and i am sorry for that"

"Yes i would" she said as i helped her in we rode in silent at first but then started talking about everything that has happened more or less or what's been happening with Anthony and i.

As we made it there Jacob helped me out along with Julie as we stood there Julie stood with the other maids. Standing next to Lady Danbury we waited for Anthony who came up with flowers in his hand. "Lady Danbury..Lady Mary...Miss Sharma...Miss Edwina, I-" he said giving them each flower but Edwina took her and gave it to the driver.

Sighing i looked over at Violet before looking at Anthony who had different flowers in his hands Dahlia my favorite "Lady Blackwood" he said handing me them are fingers touch and i thanked him smiling at him smelling them before handing them to Julie he eyes glanced back to her then at me then at Lady Danbury who eyes glanced at Julie as well before mine "How thoughtful of you, Lord Bridgerton" Lady Danbury said "Now, remember before we are to send out our invitations, we must appear to be enjoying each other's company. Shall we?" Violet said as Anthony glanced back at Julie before i walked into the building.

I could feel Julie close behind me "Maybe it was a bad idea to invite Julie" i said as i walked with Lady Danbury "maybe it was it will be best if you send her home along with the flowers" she replied and i nodded before summoning Julie over to get her to go to the store and prepare dinner for all of us tonight. She nodded and left i know she didn't want to but i do not want to cause another scene or for people to stare at us more than they are already doing and we haven't even been here for more than two minutes.

"Was that Julie, the one i told you-"

"The one you asked me to leave and just to be frank i will not fire her she has been with the family for as long as i can remember i had however broke it off with her if that's what you wanted to hear" i replied walking past her and into the museum the beautiful beautiful museum i haven't seen painting and sculptures like this since my time in greece.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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