Chapter 3

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As the morning sun rose completely, I finally made it back putting Lannie away I headed towards the tearoom i know they would be there. As Lady Danbury looked me up and down, she knew where i was at she sighed turning to the two women that stood by the fireplace. "Lady Mary." she said walking towards the woman as i stood behind here "Lady Danbury. Oh, how delightful it is to see you."

"And you. After all these years you look well."

"Allow me to introduce to you my youngest, Miss Edwina Sharma." The woman said looking at the young woman. "A true pleasure, Lady Danbury I am so grateful for your hospitality your home, it is magnificent."

"Consider it yours for the season. I would also like to introduce you to someone else this is Esmeralda Blackwood she would be my ward for the season"'

"Blackwood as in the Duke Blackwood "

"Yes, ma'am the one and only my dad said you and your late husband where best of friends when they were younger"

"Yes, we all where"

"If you could can you tell me stories?"

"Oh, absolutely would you like to hear an embarrassing one"

"Yes!" i said in excitement as i stood closer to Lady Mary "That would have to wait i was I was expecting another? Lady Danbury said "Yes. My eldest...Kate"



"Well, she did get off the ship with you last night, did she not?"

"Apologies." A woman in said walking in smiling brightly "Kate!" Edwina said "There you are, dearest." Lady Mary said "I hope I did not keep you waiting long. The gardens here are so lovely after such a lengthy journey, I found that I wanted some freshness and morning air. But, uh...I am here now." she said clearing her throat.

"My eldest, Lady Danbury and Lady Blackwood Miss Kate Sharma." Lady Mary introduces her to us. "Hmm...Well, now that we are all arrived-" Lady Danbury started but Kate interrupted her "Almost"

"I beg your pardon?"

"We have almost all arrived"

"There is also Newton. Is he still upstairs?" She said and we both looked at Lady Mary and she just smiled awkwardly at us, is there a boy i was never told there would be a boy here "I'll get him" Kate said heading out the door and i assumed upstairs "Shall we get tea ready while we wait for Newton and Kate" i asked Lady Danbury and she nodded calling her house workers by the time tea was ready Kate came back with a dog, we all sat down and Newton sat on Kate's lap "I assume this is Newton" i said going to rub him and he sniffed my hand before licking it "aren't you a cutie pie" i asked rubbing him and he barked wagging his tail in response.

Sitting down Edwina began to speak as Lady Danbury glared at Newton, she was never a fan of dogs for what i remember. "Mama tells us you host the first ball of every season, Lady Danbury"

"Yes, I have appropriated a conservatory for this year's festivities"

"Well, that sounds delightful"

"It will make for a most spectacular entrance to society, indeed. I cannot tell you how eager the young ladies are for the upcoming season." Lady Mary spoke up. "As am I I would've ensured their presentation to Her Majesty the Queen, but I thought it wise for me to examine their deportment prior to their first engagement her Majesty is most discerning, you understand"

"So, Her Majesty will be in attendance, then, at the ball?"

"Well, there is no reason for concern, Lady Mary you will be with me, after all"

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