Chapter 13

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"If the Ancient Greeks were members of the ton, they might have added to their Olympic pentathlon one additional event. The hosting of a country visit. This, of course, is the week of Lady Bridgerton's annual Hearts and Flowers Ball, the year's most coveted invitation in the country, and no event better designed to show the might and mettle of its host."


Walking into the hall i saw Daphne and Violet talking to Miss Partridge... "Esmeralda dear just the person i was looking for" Violet said walking down the stairs and grabbing my hand pulling me along with her and Daph "and make sure you put an extra blanket on Lord Weston's bed I hear he feels the cold."

"The roses and carnations have arrived, ma'am." One on the house maiden said bringing in the bouquet of flowers "You may wish to add in lilac Violet, symbolic of first love and perhaps make the bouquets even bigger" i said and she nodded. Looking over at Violet she smiled at me placing her hands on my cheeks "We have taught you well"

"If there is truly to be a proposal before the week is out, Anthony will need all the help he can get"

"Anthony? you say? Hmm" she said before chuckling i smiled at her grabbing her hand as we headed towards the next thing to do on her list. "Esmeralda Esmeralda" i heard someone call out to me turning around it was Lady Danbury "Yes?" i asked looking behind me i didn't know Violet left i guess i was a little out of sorts. "Are you quite alright is it the sting?"

"What? Whatever do you mean?"

"Is it still bothering you? It seems ever since the awful creature pricked you, you've been keeping to yourself. No?" i shook my head "No, not at all, Lady Danbury and uh, how are you?"

"I'm well"

"That's great to hear i shall see if Kate or Edwina need anything please excuse me" i said walking past her and Violet who was standing by the door up the stairs and towards their room as I knocked they called out for me to open the door.

Opening it i stepped in "How are you this morning Edwina?"

"The Viscount"

"Are you... Are you still feeling upset by the viscount's lack of action?"

"His mind seems elsewhere lately. I thought I'd be announcing an engagement at tomorrow night's ball"

"We return to Mayfair in a few days, where there will be many other suitors, as I told you"

"Suitors who will only suspect that there is something lacking in me when they discover the viscount is no longer interested"


"He is the one I want, Kate...Izzie the Viscount. His family, this home, the life he offers me I've been thinking, and... I am now quite certain I know why he has not yet made his declaration. It is because of you" i looked over at her what does she mean...she couldn't been there in that garden.... could she have "You hate one another" she said and i sighed "Uh, hate is probably too strong a word"

"It is clear from your exchanges with the viscount that he shares your feelings all this time, I thought I needed your help getting him to fall in love with me but I have realized what I need is your help getting him to fall in love with you so you can convince him"

"Edwina, I certainly can't-"

"Can you really not see anything engaging about him?" what is she trying to do, does she not know the history between us well i suppose she doesn't "I suppose I can see how he might engage...a person...yes"

"Then you'll still help me encourage him to propose? Because I have not given up. I will not give up" i just smiled and nodded i know this can't end well. "I have to get ready if you'll excuse me" i said getting up and heading towards the door, out the door i headed towards my room "Izzie" i heard a voice call out as i enter my room "Juile what are you doing here?" i asked as i went into the closet to decide which dress i would wear today "i've missed you but it seems like you didn't miss me i saw how you and Lord Bridgerton are?"

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