Chapter 24

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A jilted groom. A broken-hearted bride-to-be. A royal wedding in shambles. Sensational? Quite. But true? This author may traffic in chatter and speculation, dear reader, but misinformation? Never explanations of why Miss Edwina absconded from the altar may be greater in number than anyone could possibly fathom but we must not forget, it was Her Majesty the Queen who placed the young miss on that special stage so that she could make her grand exit. Allow this author to hope for Her Majesty's sake, as well as both the Sharmas and Bridgertons, that an official explanation emerges swiftly lest the ton are run away by their tawdry imaginings. 


Laying there i stared up at the ceiling reliving the moments that happened just yesterday i could still feel the touch of Anthony..his smell... his perfectly soft lips on mine and my neck..i could feel a heat grow between my thighs touching my lips with my fingers i started to go lower and lower as i made it closer to the spot i ached so deeply to touch a spot i wanted Anthony to touch desperately. A knock on my door made me shoot up and remove my hand, calming my breath i called out "come in" As the door opened it was Annie "Esmeralda the bath is ready" i cleared my throat and nodded before getting up and walking to the room down the hall which Is now the official bathroom taking my clothes off I walked to the bath "i shall get your clothes ready?" Annie said and i nodded as she helped me into the bath and the door opened and walked in Antoinette with my clothes and Juliet was right behind her "Oh Annie thank you again" i smiled up at her and she smiled back before walking out "What are my plans today?" i asked Juliet as she grabbed a seat and sat by me "a Promenade would do best to clear your head" Juliet said and i nodded and i just soaked in the bath relaxing and enjoying the sounds of birds.

"I'm done now" i said standing up and Antoinette wrapped the towel around me and helped me out "i took the liberty and got you some different clothes Esmeralda for it will look better and you will feel better when you promenade" she said and i nodded as she helped me get dress.

Walking down the stairs i saw Lady Danbury standing at the bottom "Lady Danbury when did you get?"

"Just now"

"And to what do i owe this pleasure?"

"Pormenade" is all she said and i nodded walking next to her and holding my arm out "i was just about to head out" i said as the doors opened and the Sharmas walked out "Hello" Mary said and i nodded "Hello"

"You have a beautiful home"

"Thank you my staff and i worked so hard to get it to look like this way I'm still not fully satisfied with it yet...shall we go" i replied looking at Lady Danbury who nodded and we walked out i took my carriage because i won't make that mistake again and i also do not need to be in the same carriage as them i can see in her face Edwina is still mad at me i understand completely why she is if i was her i would be as well.


As we walked i could see the eyes on me and i made sure to look at each and every one of them "Straight into the fire a favorite pastime of mine. Now remember it was a mutual understanding about a private matter between Miss Edwina and the Viscount that is all we are to say on the subject" Lady Danbury said as i walked a few paces ahead of her "Good day, Lord Fife" Mary said looking up he stared at me then at Mary "For some of us...Lady Blackwood" he said taking my hand and kissing it before walking away "Is this truly our plan? Simply to pretend nothing has happened?" Edwina spoke and i glanced back at her before turning my head back around "We are not pretending nothing has happened we are choosing to deal with it in private, in our own time scandals may cast aspersions but they do not obligate us to answer to anyone" Mary replied to Edwina.

"Besides, the ton has a remarkably short memory with any luck by this time next week there will be a bigger story for them to sink their rapacious teeth into" i replied to nobody in particular "We may find you a husband this season still, Miss Edwina" Lady Danbury said as she stopped walking turning around Kate was looking at me "I give credit to your imagination, Lady Danbury a bigger story I cannot foresee" Kate said as she stared at me i reached for my necklace but realize it wasn't there then it hit me i forgot to have it fix i made a mental note to remind myself about going to get it fix clearing my throat i looked around anywhere but at Kate or Edwina.

Soon my eyes met with his my hand went up to grab my necklace that wasn't there i saw his eyes glance down at my hand and then back up at me and my heart started to beat faster i could see the want in his eye and i shook my head no not hear Anthony we don't need to add to this fire. I glanced over at Violet who was smiling at me "Lady Blackwood" a voice said looking at the voice it was Lady Featherington "Hello Lady Blackwood it's a nice day for a Promenade is it not"

"It is Lady Featherington"

"It is good you keep your distance from the Bridgerton's no one understands the pain of a broken engagement better than myself you weren't here last Ton I never thought we would recover after Mr. Bridgerton and Miss Thompson's falling out, and yet here we are. Miss Thompson now Lady Crane, Philippa now Mrs. Finch, and Prudence now engaged"

"Thank you for telling me that Lady Featherington"

"Have you thought over my offer" she whispered to me placing her hand on top of mine "no I have not" i said looking at Prudence and Mr. Featherington who flirted with me not too long ago might i add "I do not care though for such gossip-mongering if i would like to hear some i would more than happy read Lady Whistledown's paper now if you'll excuse me hello Penelope, how are you this evening?" i asked as i removed my hand from Lady Featherington's "i am well"

"That's quite good to hear if you need anything or anyone to talk to please feel free to give me a ring okay" i said smiling down at her "i will"

"Now if you'll excuse me we have to continue this walk it is a fine day for one is it not" i replied and started walking glancing beside me it was Lady Danbury "That was something"

"I do not like her all too well i only put up with her mostly for Pen and nobody else she's very... flirtatious is the word I believe" i replied.

As we continued walking Lady Danbury greeted people and nobody responded back to her, she glanced over at me as i caught her eye i nodded "Lady Eaton" i greeted her and she looked at me and smiled "Lady Blackwood, how are you this evening?" she asked as she stopped with her husband Lord Eaton "I am well it's a beautiful day for a stroll is it not"

"It is I am hosting a small tea and i hope to see you there"

"I will see what i can do but i would love to" i said bidding them goodbye as we continued walking "Lady Blackwood" i voiced called out standing in front of me  "good evening Lord Hall, i hope all is well"

"As do i, my wife and i are hosting a ball soon and we would like it if you would come"

"Just tell me when and where and I'll be Lord Hall, you and my father were old friends I would be delighted to show my face at your ball"

"Thank you Lady Blackwood we will finish prepping for everything and the invitations will be sent out" I nodded as we started walking again "Lord Cho," Lady Danbury said but he ignored her and kept walking. Couple after couple continued to walk and ignored Lady Danbury but when they saw me and greeted me as a retort I ignored them i know it wasn't right but what they were doing to Lady Danbury wasn't right either it not like she had any part in this if they should ignore anyone it would be me, not her, not Lady Bridgerton, not anyone but me.

As Lady Danbury stopped on top of the bridge we stopped with her looking out into the distance i saw Lady Bridgerton looking at us "Lady Danbury maybe you should invite Lady Bridgerton over to talk all these things out"

"What a good idea and you'll be there"

"Oh i was not expecting that i was going back home"

"No nonsense you are just as a part of it as i am actually more so you will come back to my home and will all talk" she said and i at her and sighed there was definitely no getting out of this so just nodded "Okay I'll meet you there" i replied and she nodded as i headed back to my carriage and ignoring everyone that greeted me and trying to dodge the mamas that try to push there sons off on me some of them tried to push there daughters as well. 

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