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Adeline laid in her bed of her suite exhausted. She had been out and about all day doing shoot and runways getting picked and prodded by stylists. The past 7 days she hardly got time to herself.

Most of the models she worked with were very serious and often Adeline appreciated it. She did her work in peace and there were no side comments or pestering. If Anastasia was there Adeline was sure her time would be less enjoyable.

Anastasia was supposed to be here for this but had decided to go to Greece for a shoot instead so she wouldn't have to compete with Adeline. Adeline didn't mind that. She made an effort to stay away from her because she wanted to keep this mindset of bliss of quiet was best. And even with the business of the week, without Anastasia it was just bliss.

Though she doubted it would come, she found the time today after her busy schedule to just enjoy her time in the country. Italy was just as beautiful as she remembered.

The wine, the food, the scenery. It was her favorite place to go to. She would spend her dinner at a vineyard and enjoy the best wine in the world.

She just wanted Kai to be here with her to make the trip even better. To just hold her after such a long day. She was sure he would make her laugh and smile. He would probably be stuffed and drunk here every night.

She wanted run her fingers through his brown hair and listen to him ramble about whatever came to mind. She used to think he hated talking but it made her giddy to realize he loved talking to HER. She knew this because Kai was always  talking to her a lot. And when they were not as acquainted he never talked to her.

She laid on her side smiling thinking about him further and what he was probably doing right now. She wanted to call him so bad. She couldn't wait to go home and see him. She didn't know what made her so clingy these days. That was his thing. Seemed like she couldn't get enough either.

Adeline got off of her bed smoothing her sundress down and going to her balcony as the sheer curtains blew from the wind. She went to stand out there and enjoy the prime sun time. She would have to get dressed soon and get ready for dinner but she wanted to just look out right at the moment.

This life as a model has brought Adeline a lot. More than most can imagine. But Adeline dared to think that maybe there was much more to life than being as famous as she was. Was she selfish to want more? Was she selfish to want a life a part from this?

Her mother sacrificed so much for her success and Adeline was grateful but... was she silly for falling for someone and wanting to slow down a little? Was she being stupid for considering a slow down for a man who hasn't even told her he loved her yet? Sure it was in the actions more than the words. But still. Kai didn't have anything to offer her financially. He tried his best with his dates and gifts. And Adeline wasn't lying when she said they are the best she's ever been on. They were thoughtful rather than grand. And they were very fun.

But all her life she was expecting a certain way to live and a certain man to uphold her lifestyle. She prided her self early on for never dimming herself for a man and she still stood by that. And Kai had never tried to make her smaller than what she was. He just treated her like a human. And he wanted to shine on her own without her mother. He never asks for much. Just that she is kind and herself.

Adeline was at odds. She didn't know what her next move should be with him. But she wanted more. She didn't want anyone else.

Adeline glanced down at her bare ring finger on her left hand. Marriage just the thought of it was purely transactional for 29 years for her. But now. Year 30. She has started to entertain the thought of marriage for love. And for the first time the thought didn't send her hurling in the trash bin.

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