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Kai age 7

"Remember don't say anything to them." Alka smoothed her shoulder length hair in the mirror.  She put her silver hoops in her first hole piercing and painted her lips with a dark purple lipstick. Kai didn't know why she cut her hair so short all the time it was so pretty when it was long. But she refused to grow it past those shoulders.

"What if they talk to me first." Kai asked innocently. "Just stay out of sight."

Kai played with the bottom of his shirt and nodded sadly. "I know baby I'm sorry it's just mommy has work friends you know this. Remember my meetings?" She smiled at him. He didn't smile back.

He didn't like her meeting times. Kai moved to the small kitchen as a group of people came in the house laughing and blasting music. He stayed at the table coloring on one of the books he got from school. He really liked the cars.

"Awww Ally! Look at your little prince!" A pale woman with dark black hair and green eyes with bright red lipstick stumbled in the kitchen spilling white powder on the table.

Kai stared at it looked like the sugar they put on dessert in TV. Kai almost wanted to touch it but the woman rolled up piece of paper and sniffed it right in front of him. "Sorry sugarbug!" She giggled before moving off.

A black woman came in with two bottles, two men with more things. Soon it was too loud for Kai to enjoy staying down there.

"Ally where is your son!" The black woman chatted. Alka just laughed. "Coloring but it is his bed time."

"You're always hiding him maybe he wants to hang out!" One of the guys laughed.

"Kai baby!"

Kai cringed hearing this. He got up and walked to the adults in the crowded area.

"Awwww he's so cute!"

"He's so white! Who's your baby daddy!"

"I can just tell he's gonna be so sexy when he's older."

"Little man you want a shot?"

Kai was overwhelmed by all the attention and just felt tired. Also he didn't understand why his mother told them her name was Ally. It was Alka.

"Mom I'm tired." He spoke. "Okay baby go to bed." She laughed. Kai did so instantly. Their night went on for hours. He thought it would get better after the number of people leaving started to increase. But he heard a few extra

Kai laid in the bed staring at the other wall ignoring the miscellaneous noises coming from her room. His eyes widened and he was frozen. He couldn't sleep like this. He didn't understand why she was doing this.

The noises continued followed by laughs and shouts and the more noises and then more arguing then angry name calling and stomping. It just became a repeat through out the night.

"It's almost over. It's almost over." He whispered to go to sleep.

Kai - 12

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