Piece Of Trash

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Stone and Vinnie were in the alleyway. Stone had just finished wrapping his palm from his cut.

Stone: You shouldn't go so hard on the kid... He looked over at Vinnie

Vinnie: She looked over to Stone clearly not happy I wasn't, I was talking to both of you- She sat against the wall

Stone tossed the cereal bar that was in the woman's purse over to Vinnie

Vinnie: How did you- She grabbed the cereal bar

Stone: He ignored Vinnie Where is... Nevermind- He already knew where Skipp was

Skipp was where he always was. (Through the process again) Stone opened a beer can, climbed a few boxes and trash cans to reach the roof of a building. He immediately saw Skipp with his knees to his chest. Stone set his beer down and hopped the rest of the way onto the roof.

Stone: You come up here to hide, don't you?... He grabbed his beer and walked over to Skipp

Skipp didn't respond and wiped a few tears away as he moved his head to look away from Stone. Stone sat by Skipp but he didn't look at him.

Skipp: Do I mess up everything?... He said quietly as he glanced at Stone immediately noticing his bandaged hand

Stone: No... He said in a calm voice as he took a sip of his drink You're just unique in your own way...

Skipp: I don't feel unique... He squeezed his knees a bit tighter

Stone: No one does... He looked at Skipp I got a little cut, so what?!- He said in a more confident voice You know we've had worse... He took another sip looking away

Skipp: I know but Vinnie- Stone cut him off

Stone: Vinnie can grow up, if she wants food so bad she can get it herself... He took another sip, handing the bottle to Skipp Don't take it so personal or in a bad way, it's just Vinnie...

Skipp: So... We're cool? He looked at Stone

Stone: He stood up and offered Skipp a hand We were never not cool-

Skipp took Stone's hand and stood up as well

Skipp: He had a soft smile You're the best!- He attempted to hug Stone but Stone had no stutter to nudge him away

Stone: Save all the crap- He chuckled slightly If you need me, I'll be with Vinnie...

Skipp took a sip of the beer and handed it back to Stone while Stone walked away

Skipp: I'll make things right again... He said to himself as he looked over a few building roofs and saw colorful lights

I cannot thank you all enough for the support I'm getting for this story. You all are really helping me with my anxiety (I get anxious about some things I post online)!!! Thank Y'all 🤟

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