Make Over

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*They all started walking back to the alleyway*

Skipp: Can I put a bow in your hair?! Oh, can I we do glitter?!- *He looks over to Stone excited*

Stone: No-

*Stone and Skipp kept talking. They continued walking while Vinnie still has the poster in hand*

Vinnie: We're there for the food, or at least I am- *She hit the paper against Stone's chest* hang on to that-

*Stone put the paper in his coat*

Skipp: I'm hungry too but it looks like we're not eating until 5:00-

*They make it back to the alleyway*

Vinnie: So... We should look Fancy to get in?... *She raised her eyebrow as she watched Skipp sit down*

Skipp: Should work- *Stone adds on*

Stone: The people here aren't all that smart- They'll fall for it but... We don't have money for jewelry or anything...

Skipp: We'll have to make work with what we got!

*A few hours later. Stone was sitting on the ground while Skipp was doing his hair. They makeshift their clothes into a sorta more fancy style, Vinnie had a ripped and scratched dress that she was wearing, that'll work... Hopefully*

Vinnie: I'm starving- *She whined, sitting against the alley wall* How are we supposed to know when it's 5:00?...

Skip: That's a good question... *He didn't know how to answer*

Stone: We'll know when people start walking into the building. We should start heading that way, the sun's going down... *He stood up, brushing himself off*

Vinnie: Well... Hopefully where fancy enough... *She stood up and started walking*

*Skip followed behind them. Eventually they made it back to the building and stayed out of the way*

Stone: Looks like people are coming...

*They watched for a moment*

Skipp: There walking in, that must mean it's open!- Let's go- *He started walking to the building doors*

Stone: Hold on!- *He grabbed Skipp by his collar* We should all stick together, there's probably going to be a lot of people and- *He looked over to see Vinnie was gone* Where did she-

*Vinnie was already walking inside. Skipp and Stone watched as she walked in. They immediately chased after her. Once they entered the building they caught up with Vinnie, her eyes were big like she just saw a ghost. Eventually Stone and Skipp looked around and were amazed*

End of chapter 2! Thank you all for reading this, it does mean a lot to me! Make sure to leave a comment if you'd like, I love reading your guy's comments!

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