Saturday Night Pasta (Female Reader X Wanda Maximoff)

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Marvel AU (Female Reader X Milf!Wanda Maximoff)
Summary: When out shopping for a snack, you run into a woman with her two boys.
Word Count: 2.5K
Content Warnings: Cheating Ex-Carol Danvers, Fluff :)

It was your first time going to the grocery store alone since Carol left you.

Wait, no, that's not right...

It was your first time going to the grocery store alone since Carol ripped your heart out and decided to call it quits.

That's better...

She claimed she fell out of love with you. She claimed you hadn't changed with her. She claimed- well, a lot more, but every time, it left you crying for answers that weren't lies.

You had changed for her. You changed jobs and moved wherever she wanted. You quit smoking for her years ago. You waited on her hand and foot; she claimed you hadn't done enough. You paid for the shared apartment together, but she claimed you didn't care about her well-being because of where the apartment was located.

Six months later, you knew you were better off. You were starting to find yourself waking up without eggshells to walk around. It was nice, but you hated what you had to endure to get to this point.

But now, here you are in the candy aisle at your local grocery store, and you can't even remember what candies you like.

You remembered having Sour Patch Kids last Halloween before Carol threw out all the junk in the house to help the two of you "lose a few."

You exhaled, not wanting to open up that can of worms again, especially after you had just left your therapist's office.

So, was it time to try more sour candies or these new Recces Cups with pretzels?

You pondered as you stepped closer to the wall of goodies. But unbeknownst to you, someone was waiting for you to move, but they couldn't take it anymore as they wanted their special treat.

Mom only let them pick one pack every few months—a little treat for their lunch boxes or after soccer practice.

"Excuse me." A child's voice spoke next to you, making you slightly jump before focusing your attention down. The boy pointed past your legs to a variety pack of chocolates. "Oh!" You took a few steps back and let the boy grab the bag before he rose and said a: "thank you."

He was then jogging down the aisle before a woman and a boy turned the corner, stopping him. You pulled your eyes away and, once again, found yourself looking at the candies. You then glanced at the variety pack the kid pulled out and took a closer look as you squatted down.

Okay, all these sounded pretty good- "But mom!"

You heard the same kid who grabbed the bag earlier whine to his mother as he walked back down the aisle, towards you. "I said no! That's final! You and Billy don't need that much."

You admire the woman in her conviction, plus her voice was sultry. It hit your ears perfectly. You took a peek to your left and your eyes meet her green ones. You inhaled sharply as she was looking you up and down in a matter of two seconds. But then she looked back at her one son while the other stood behind his mom.

Your eyes remained on the milf- On the mother before you looked away. Afraid to get caught staring.

She was naturally beautiful. Her lips were pink. Her skin was clear. She had a jawline and cheekbones that had to have been molded by the gods themselves. Oh god, the rest of her was stunning, even if she was wearing blue jeans and a sweatshirt.

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