Mia what have you done: 2

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“Mia” Mathew yelled His hands cupping round his mouth, to better project his voice towards mia who had her face buried in her pillow and muffled sobs could be heard coming from her

Hearing Mathew’s voice, mia was shocked as she she raised her head up wiping her face with her hands in an attempt to hide her tears “Hey there mathew" Mia replied sitting up on her bed forcing a fake smile but the puffy redness of her eyes and the faint trembling of her lips betrayed her

“Are you crying” Mathew asked concerned, Mia's attempt to hide her tears had failed

“No silly, something got into my eyes” Mia replied placing her finger close to her eyes pretending to be removing something from her eyes 

"I can tell you've been crying," Mathew murmured softly, his eyes scanning her face with concern. "Your eyes are a little puffy, and there's a redness around your nose, like you've been wiping away tears. Plus I heard you cry”

Mia's voice quivered slightly as she spoke, her shoulders slumping. She avoided making direct eye contact, her gaze drifting downwards momentarily before she continued, her hands fidgeting nervously in her lap.”Uhm actually ya," she began, her voice trembling with emotion, "I was crying, my uhm... ya, my pet dog back home died. I just got a call, that's why I'm sad.”

Matthew furrowed his brows in confusion, his concern deepening. "You told me you don't have dogs on your home planet," he said, his voice tinged with uncertainty. He leaned in slightly, his eyes searching Mia's face for any hint of explanation.

"Uhm ya," Mia replied, her voice steadier this time. "I said my pet, dog, his name is Dog," she explained, her tone tinged with a hint of nervousness . "I, uhm, renamed him yesterday." She offered a faint smile.

"Oh, okay," Matthew responded, a slight grin tugging at the corners of his lips. "I'm sorry about your pet named 'D O G' and you never told me you had a pet ," he said, making air quotes with his fingers for emphasis. 

"Thank you," Mia said, her voice trembling slightly as she sniffed her nose. "It hurt more than you think." Despite the fact she didn't lose any pet, it was easier for her to fake a sad emotion since she was already sad
“O……k” Mathew said his voice hinting he's not totally convinced

“I thought you won't come today after what happened in class today “ Mia said trying to change the topic, her emotion moving from sad back to nervousness

"Yeah, about that," Matthew began, his tone gentle but tinged with concern. "You've been acting totally weird since today, but I guess I know why now," he said, swinging his arm casually. "Your pet named 'Dog' died," he raised his voice slightly on the dog part, "but you didn't say anything to me." 

"You didn't ask," Mia replied with a shrug, trying to deflect the conversation away.  As she spoke, a mix of relief and guilt washed over her. She was somewhat relieved that her lie seemed to be working, but deep down, she felt a pang of sadness for covering up the real reason she was crying The thought of what Brittany, might be feeling right now brought a tear to her eye

"Okay, I came to check up on Brittney," Matthew said, his brow furrowing with concern. "You kinda took her after class, what's up with that and where is she?"

"Uhm, yes, I dropped her off already," Mia replied quickly, her tone slightly rushed. "Yeah, she's totally safe back in her room, and not being digested or anything," she added with an awkward laugh.

"What?" Matthew asked, his confusion evident

"Nothing," Mia replied quickly

"Okay, well, I'm off, got to go check on her, then I'll head for soccer practice," Matthew said, preparing to leave.

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