Quest looked at his feet, defeated. Wade scoffed and took a step back.

"I thought you knew better than that, Kadner."

"If we don't play, we'll pay." Quest whispered.

"We've already paid for your mistakes, Kadner!" Wade spat. "A forensic is dead! And nine innocent people are as well! Playtime is over! If we keep going, he'll get through it all and he'll run away!"

"See, but that's another thing!" Quest pointed out. "The way Alpha acts shows how he thinks. I don't even need my degree in psychology to figure that out! Alpha wants to get caught. Not now, not yet. But after he's done. He wouldn't be giving us so many clues and risking to reveal himself on cameras if he didn't want to end up in our hands. I already said it, he thinks he's a god. His own God. By doing this, he's looking to expand his 'religion' and wants people to praise him. Praise him for whatever he is killing for..."

Quest stopped. He gasped. "Oh my God..." he whispered. "That's it!"

"What?" Wade asked.

"That's it! That's why he's killing!"

"What is it?!" Wade stressed.

He grabbed Wade by the shoulders.

"In the Bible, there are three types of freedom; circumstantial freedom, natural freedom and acquired freedom. Circumstantial freedom is a freedom from coercion or restraint, which was given to the Israelite slaves. Natural freedom is a freedom inherent in all people. It is humans possessing the free choice of the will. Acquired freedom is the freedom that allows you to live as one ought to live. The Bible states that no one is free for obedience and faith until they are freed from sin's dominion."

"What does freedom have to do with anything?" Wade wondered.

"It's everything, Wade!" Quest exclaimed. "Alpha has been killing according to religious stories. By considering himself as a God, he gives himself importance, a role. Alpha considers people as the slaves. They have the circumstantial freedom, which is the base of overall freedom, and, of course, natural freedom. But still, Alpha believes they are still under sin's dominion. We, the police, are the dominion. We represent the sins. We stop the people from doing them and if they do them, they'll be punished. By us! Alpha wants to give them the Acquired Freedom. He wants to stop them from being slaves to sin. That's why he's playing a game with me and that is why he is killing so heartlessly; he wants people to be free from us, the rules, the sin's dominion."

"He's setting an example..." Wade finished. "But what kind of God praises sins?"

There was a pause.

"A psychotic, twisted one." Quest said.


Waffles and pancakes were what helped Dan and Phil wake up from their jetlagged body. They had gone out for breakfast with Louise and a bunch of other friends. Phil had carefully taken the time to apply some of Louise's foundation on Dan's face. To his surprise, this thing worked pretty well. It now looked like Dan only had a sunburn.

The few people that were with them at the bar yesterday wondered why Dan didn't have his bruises anymore, which they said were "badass" but "a bit painful looking". Dan didn't look willing to reply, so Phil answered the simple way: "So people don't talk."

Dan shivered on the seat to his right. Phil didn't mention it but frowned. Dan didn't look very well. He seemed reserved and absent. He was a bit pale, but that was mostly because of the makeup.

"How is he?"

Phil jerked. Louise, sitting to his left, had whispered delicately into his ear.

"I don't know, he didn't talk much this morning." Phil replied subtly. "Still isn't, honestly."

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