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Toukan village endured the scorching heat of the midday sun as they went on with their routine, from house chores to farming and hunting. The chief roamed through the village, diligently checking on his people and ensuring the fluid function of the tribe. As he strolled, he noticed a peculiar sight; the soldiers returned with four unfamiliar beasts that seemed to resemble a wolf but with shorter furs. The creature had a leaner frame and a more agile build, standing out distinctly from the tribe's fauna. The chief cocked his head in confusion and furrowed his brow, attempting to identify the mysterious beast that had returned with the soldiers.

The lead soldier approached the chief and respectfully addressed him, " Greetings, chief. We found four stray canines while we were out for hunting. We believe it can be trained to become a reliable hunting companion. Its keen senses and agile frame make it an ideal candidate for such a task."

The chief raised an eyebrow at the soldier's proposal, a sense of hesitation in his expression. He then asked, "How do you propose we feed these hunting dogs? Our village is struggling with our own crop harvests and the meat supply is already stretched thin due to our hunts. Where will we find enough food to sustain these additional animals?" The issue of feeding the potential hunting dogs weighed heavily on the chief's mind, his eyes narrowing as he considered the possible solutions.

The lead soldier pondered for a moment before offering an idea. "Perhaps we could use them to catch pests that are plaguing our crops, which could potentially reduce the damage to our food sources. Thus, rodents are quite plentiful during certain seasons, so it might be a viable option for their diet. Also meat leftovers aren't an issue for them."

The chief nodded in consideration, mulling over the soldier's proposal. It seemed a plausible solution, and it would help alleviate the strain on their resources while still gaining the benefits of having well-trained hunting dogs. After a careful consideration, the chief agreed with the soldier's proposal.

"Very well," he said, "but I cannot give you more than a week to prove that these beasts can be tamed as hunting dogs. If they show promise, we may be able to integrate them into our hunt. However, if they don't prove their worth within that time, they'll be released back into the wild. Understood?"

The soldiers bowed, accepting the condition. "Understood chief . We will do our best to tame these creatures and make them into useful hunting dogs. You have our word." With that, the soldiers left to commence the task of training the dogs.

Once the soldier had departed, the chief turned his attention to his personal matters. He pondered about the fact that he hadn't seen his daughter in quite some time, and decided it was high time he paid her a visit. He made a mental note to stop by her home and check on her well being as he continued on with his other business. As the chief made his way through the village, he felt a pang of guilt for neglecting his duties as a parent, but he shook his head, reminding himself that he had a duty to the village as well. The chief's daughter lived in a humble hut that was nestled discreetly away from the main clusters of huts in the village. This isolation was the only way his daughter could have any semblance of peace and security.


The girl stirred in her bed, rousing from her slumber as the soft and insistent chirping of the squab pierced the peacefulness of the small hut. She sat up quickly, her heart pounding in her chest as she looked around the room. She breathed a sigh of relief when she realized her mother was not nearby, as she was likely out in the fields tending to the crops.

The girl picked up the little dove from the box as she listened to its desperate chirps and felt its ravenous hunger, she knew that she needed to find its food immediately. She knew that she had a small window of opportunity to attend to the squab's needs.

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