chapter fifteen

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Long time no see guys, I want to ask you something (I need help)
okay so i got a message on conversation tab asking for my instagram account

Long time no see guys, I want to ask you something (I need help) okay so i got a message on conversation tab asking for my instagram account

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And, I agreed with her and told her to translate my book (in arabic) so other people who don't understand English can read this.
Did I took the right decision?


Jun's POV

Minghao slowly open his eyes and start crying "p-le-a-se l-ea-ve m-e" "Baby, It's me jun" I tried to hold his hands but he moved back "pl-eas-e st-ay a-wa-y fr-om m-" i quickly hug him lightly "hao calm down, you're safe with me" my words calm him down a little but he was still crying "I'm sorry hao, wait let me call the doctor" I said.

"N-o do-n't l-ea-ve m-e'' he said grabbing my shirt lightly "I am not leaving you hao, I will just call the doctor so we can go home" I assure him he nodded slightly.

I call the doctor, 1 nurse and 2 doctors enter and examine Minghao's wounds.
Doctor said "he need to stay in hospital for 1 day, then you can take him home" and I nodded.

After they left I sat beside Minghao and told him to rest but he wanted some cuddles. The bed wasbig enough for tow peoples, so I hug him and lay beside him.

2 hours later

Minghao's POV

I felt someone's presence in the room, I slowly open my eyes and was about to get up but stopped when Jun spoke in his sleepy voice "What happened baby, you need something?" He asked with half eyes open "No, I just felt like someone entered" I replied "and that someone is us" someone said making me flinch and scared, Jun noticed and quickly get up to see who was that 'someone'.

"Hao calm down, It's coups hyung and hannie hyung" hearing their name I calm down a bit.
"I told jeonghan to rest but his stubbornness " I heard seungcheol hyung sulking.

"You should rest hyung, don't be stubborn" I said and he huffed and pouted upselty making me laugh.

"Don't laugh, or no food today" he said showing me a bag of food.
"Not today hyung, I am injured se" I said pointing at the bandages.
But his eyes become teary "What happened, Why are you crying?" I asked him softly "i-i a-am so-rry" he said and broke down completely infront of us.
Seungcheol quickly hug him and comforted him.

"Hyung, it's not your fault" I said and tried to get down but they 3 stop me saying "you need rest'' at same time in sync "but, I slept for like 2 freaking hours" I whined.

"No, eat this and go back to your dreamland" jeonghan hyung said putting the food near me "can someone believe he was crying 2 seconds ago" I spoke in disbelieve and he just shrug it off.

"You know what, I hate you all" I said and was about to eat but Jun started to feed me "say aahh" he said opening his own mouth and telling me to do the same, I did and he put some food inside my mouth.

(Author - i don't know how to explain👆🏻 that, help me😭)

Time skip~
(Cause I'm lazy)
A Next day

No one's POV

Minghao and others get home 2 house ago.
Right now mingyu and Wonwoo are watching a (romantic) movie in their bedroom.

"Gyu" wonwoo whisper "Hmm what happened hyung are you sleepy" mingyu asked "No, but I......" mingyu turn his head towards Wonwoo while Raising his one eyebrow "I want cuddles" wonwoo said while pouting cutely.

Mingyu pull him on his lap and start tickling him while wonwoo was laughing "gyu I said cuddles not tickles" he managed to say between his laugh, but wonwoo stop laughing and groan "please stop it hurts here" said pointing at his stomach where bandage was wrapped.
mingyu stopped tickling and starts apologising "I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you, really sorry hyung" but wonwoo suddenly started to tickle mingyu out of blue.

Now it was opposite, mingyu was the one who begged wonwoo stop while laughing his lungs out (lmao🤣).

Wonwoo stop tickling and hug mingyu tightly.
"please don't leave me again" wonwoo said "But I never left you on the first place" mingyu complained while wonwoo was giggle.


With Soonhoon

Jihoon POV
Time :- 10:24pm

I was cooking something for myself as I thought everyone was already asleep.
I decided to make some ramen so, I quickly took out a pack of shin ramen from the shelf, I put some water in a the boiler/container after boiling water I put ramen in it and drain the water after making sure it was cooked properly.

I put the first taste makers and was about to put the vegetables but felt two strong arms grabbing my waist, my mind went blank.

Before I could scream he put his hand on my mouth to cover it.
I can feel his breath on my neck, I was scared as hell. I tried to get out of his grip but he pull me more closer and started to kiss my neck.

Tears were streaming down my face he loosen his grip a little and spoke "shh it's me hoonie, I woke up to drink some water but found the bed empty so i come here to check" after hearing his voice I turned around and hug him like a koala.
"You scared me" I said while sulking and pouting.

"I'm sorry baby, now eat your ramen fast and let's sleep" I nodded as I was already hungry. After I was done eating he suddenly pick me up
"hey, put me down"
"But I can walk on my own"
"Still a big NO"
I sighed "What a stubborn kid you are" and he just kiss me instead of giving a response.


1070 words

That's it for today,

Thanks for waiting but I have a good news, my summer vacation started.
I can regularly update now.
(not everyday but still like twice a week)

Hope you like this chapter

Please comment and vote
Sorry for any spelling / grammatical mistake

Love you all♥️
(with a flying kiss muah😘💋)

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