chapter 25

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Manik sat in his chair stylishly and having a smirk on his face.

Nandhini is nervous and thinking, he would not let her work here.

She was behind the manager and peaked him lightly. Seeing him smirking  at her she overpowered nervousness and gave him a straight face.

Manik - yeah Kashi , the file from jj enterprises I want that and check the files from light source organisation.

Manager - ok sir

Manik - yeah and she

Manager - sir, mam recommended her for asst accountant.

Manik - did you interviewed her

Manager - no sir, I will now

Manik - how irresponsible but asst accountant isn't needed here.

Nandhini - sir, it's ok. Thanks for your time.

Manik - but wait, I need assistance. You can be my personal secretary.

Manager - sir, she is good at finance and accountance

Nandhini - manik leave this here, I want that job only

Manager eyes gauged out.

Manik - I think you should step out.

Kashi with a million dollar question face stepped out.

Kashi pov

what happening here? She ? She? He was literally stammering.

Battling his inner feelings

As soon as manik closed the door blinds, manager literally got a heart attack.

The same time peon came with coffee for manik.

Kashi - wait, you shouldn't enter now. Sir is in meeting.

Peon - sir, then coffee.

Kashi - give it to me, I badly need it now.

Inside the cabin

Nandhini - manik , it's not right.

Manik - aren't you going to study then why this job

Nandhini - I need money for my expenses.

Manik - what?

Am I not there,  here have my card.

Nandhini - no need , I need a job that's all.

Manik - then studies

Nandhini - I can manage, since I'm in last year. This can help with my internship.

If you can't do that , I will join in another office.

Manik - stop

Nandhini stopped and looked at him, only to see him approaching towards her.

Manik caressed her face and said, why don't you understand.

Nandhini - yeah, in a way I won't and never be able to understand you.

Manik - you can work here then what else. Here have this card you can use it when necessary.

Nandhini - no need, you can be the person who you are and I will be who I was. Isn't it what you wanted.

Manik - I would never want that

She pulled her by yanking her hand, nandhini fell on his chest.

She pushed him suddenly making him fell on the ground making her fell on him.

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