#chapter14 [meanie]

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~🦕 pardon my mistakes.


"Jungkook, you're so doomed I'm feeling pity on you" mingyu laughed at jungkoook who was with grumpy face.

"Will you please stop remember me about that shit!? Or you want me to slap you infront of everyone?" Jungkook rolled his eyes and push mingyu with one hand, still eyes on the lecture.

"Just imagine, Mr.min slap you infront of everyone, hahahah 😆" mingyu started to laugh. Jungkook glared at him to death pouting angrily.

"You know what? I wish you also fail huh!-" jungkook scoffed and about to change his seat but mingyu grab his wrist and make him sit back and rest his leg on jungkook's thigh, leaving him no option to move.

"Take off your leg on me!! Let me go!!" Jungkook pinched his thigh hardly making him growled loudly. The professor stopped lecturing and turn towards to them and asked.

"What is happen there? Both of you get up" the professor ordered and they both did what he said. "What happen mingyu?"

"Sir it's nothing, it's just... my scalp hitted with the table sorry sir" mingyu said. And professor nodded and give them permission to take their seats.

"What is wrong with you! Why you pinched me that hardly!!" Mingyi hit him saying that.


~Time skip.

In the cafeteria.

"Bitch for god sake if you one more time bring that topic I will not hesitate to punch you right on your nose 😤 " Jungkook bang the table being angry.

"Aww bubu baba is gonna cryyy wuuuu 🥴" mingyu mocked receiving a hit on his arm from jungkook. "Aww, that's hurts babyy. You cannot hit elders like this it's disrespectful" he ruffled kook's hairs adding some fuel on the fire 🔥.

"You know what?, we arenot friends anymore I hate you" Jungkook stepped on Mingyu's foot hardly making him growled and hit on his back.

"Ahhh! You're being a bitch now" mingyu smacked his back. "You're the one who is being a bitch here, not me huh!" Jungkook back replied him rolling his eye balls.

"😂 You're such a baby girl, look how girly You're rolling down your eyes oh my god, are you something else jungkook? Don't lie please" mingyu teased him.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING!!! YOU JERK THIS IS YOUR LAST DAY!" Jungkook grabbed his hairs being him nonstop. But mingyu being mingyu. He is laughing at him along geting beating from him.

"Aww, aww, sorry sorry but it's so fun yo tease you." Mingyu said and finally get himself free. Fixing his hairs. "Aww someone is angwry angwry" mingyu pinched his cheeks teasing him to core.

"Go away!" Jungkook jerked his hand and pinched his arm as well. "Okok, let's stop teasing you. Now what will you actually do to escape from the trouble Mr.TOPPER!?"

"😭 I have no option to escape this time im all doomed, I had to take punishment this time. I'm so poor. And you here making my situation more miserable" Jungkook started to fake cry being dramatic.

"Best of luck bro, I hope you survive. I'm praying for you don't worry" mingyu patted his shoulders being dramatic as jungkook.

"Omo thankyou so much bruh" Jungkook wiped his imaginary tears from his face. And they both started to laugh at eachother but it not long as soon, their happy dropped when the bell ranged indicating the lecture gonna start in some minutes.

They looked at eachother being horrified to attend the next class. Jungkook gluped as said "I don't wanna gooooo wahhh 😭"

"But we should jungkookaa 😭, let's go I wanna see how Mr.min punish you" mingyu got up and grabbed his wrist dragging him towards the calss room.

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