33.- Stay

142 11 27

TW: swearing, blood

Ambrosia POV

Ambrosia sat at the bar and slowly drank the alcoholic drink. It did not affect her. At the beginning of her transformation, she had been able to feel the burn down her throat and the haziness and nausea that came with it. But now... nothing. The only thing she felt was annoyance at the woman currently trying a little too hard to flirt. She had come here to unwind, maybe sleep with someone, but once she got here she felt nothing. She had never felt so empty before. It was confusing.

"Hey, she is not interested," Rowan said and pushed the girl away.

"She doesn't need you to talk for her," the girl said as she hung over Ambrosia's shoulders. "What do you say hottie? Wanna come to a private room with me?" she asked as she moved her hands down Ambrosia's waist. She could feel the nausea grow in her stomach as she did and quickly stood up.

"I'm not interested. But the girl over there has been eyeing you the whole night," Ambrosia said as she quickly walked out of the cramped bar and into the cool night air.

"You're a bitch," Rowan said as he came and stood beside her.

"Shut up," Ambrosia snapped and sat at a nearby bench. "I pushed her away. What more do you want?"

"I wasn't talking about the chick," Rowan said and sat down beside her.

"Why do you care?" Ambrosia questioned as she looked at him. "You hate werewolves. You have told me to stay away from her since the beginning."

"That is because I was a dick," he said and leaned back. "And I was worried about you. You haven't been a vampire for long, and she was new. Who knew how she could have been? Maybe she was a murderer. Or something worse."

"You worried about me?" Ambrosia said in a teasing manner, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yes," Rowan said with a laugh. "I turned you. You are, in a way, my responsibility. I want you to have a good life, better than mine. And with that, you need to make good choices." He turned to look at her with a small frown on his face. "I was an ass when I met MJ. I denied the bond we had. I slept around. I thought it was stupid and didn't want to restrict myself to one person. Luckily MJ is stubborn as fuck and she didn't give up on me. Not even now." They both stayed quiet and Ambrosia looked at her friend. He had never been this open before. "You are taking my path. It doesn't end well. MJ trusts me but she has so much doubt, anger, and sadness welled up in her from that time. I wish I had accepted the bond earlier."

He stopped and looked down at his hands as he leaned his elbows on his knees. "You still have time to be better than me. The werewolf mate bond is stronger than "the one" for vampires. She is going to accept you no matter what and she is going to forgive you no matter what. She might be mad, but she will forgive you. Please -" he turned to look at Ambrosia, - "please, be better than I was. I would give anything to go back and accept her right then and there."

Ambrosia stayed silent and looked at the small rock on the side of the road. "I don't know what's wrong with me Rowan. I'm so confused."

"Girl, you changed genders, became a vampire, changed schools, changed parents, and found out you have someone destined to be with you forever. If you had your whole life figured out I would think my venom was somehow superpowered." They both laughed. It didn't quite reach their eyes, but it was a laugh nonetheless.

"I'm a bitch," Ambrosia said. "But I'm confused. I can't do this all at once."

"No one expects you to," Rowan said and placed a hand on her shoulder. "But stop sleeping around. And begin thinking about officially accepting Lupita. She is nice. And hot."

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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