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Author's Note and Disclaimer:  TRIGGER TRIGGER TRIGGER WARNING. 

The following content is considered Rated R and may not be suitable for some readers. The following chapter contains depictions of sexual abuse and violence scenes. Please skip this chapter if you are easily triggered with sexual or violent content. 

If you would like to skip this chapter, please scroll all the way to the bottom where I will briefly and vaguely describe the events that took place, so you are not lost on the story line. 



Aura's POV: 

He was watching again... He was always watching... And waiting. 

I stared him down with bated breath. I could feel it was just a matter of time before Jax grew bolder. He liked to make his presence known to me whenever he was around, which seemed like a lot these past two days. 

I knew he could sense that he put me on edge every time. I couldn't help the prickles from forming up and down my spine every time he was near, and it thrilled him.

But, like always, the man named Jax never stayed around long. He would leave when the work was done, never crossing the line like he had the watched me "sleep".

As the sun gave way to the night sky, the cool and crisp air chilled the room around me. Goosebumps prickled over my arms, but it wasn't the chill that rose the hackles of my wolf. She was restless in my mind and pacing. There was a danger, and I couldn't see where it was coming from, but I could just sense the impending threat. 

The darker the room got, the more my nerves seemed to fray. My palms were starting to sweat from the unknown anticipation. I paced the floor of the room, antsy. I couldn't sit still. Maybe I just needed to move. I'd been pent up in this room too long. 

My wolf longed for the forest and scent of pine. She whined in my head, begging to bathe in the moonlight. Of course, she would not be able to come out since the pregnancy would override my nature to shift. No matter how badly I wished I could take my fur and taste the air on my tongue, my body would prevent a shift until I birthed my pup. 

Then, I grew anxious. Maybe there was a problem with the baby? I hadn't been taking prenatals, let alone getting proper nutrition since I've been trapped in this brick room. I haven't even been allowed to get an ultrasound. 

I wiped my palms off on my thighs, rubbing away the slick sweat. 

I dragged in deep breaths, trying to home in on what had me so frazzled. 

The marks on my neck itched and I tenderly scrubbed my fingers over the gnarled flesh. 

Under the imposter markings where Casimir sunk his fangs into me, there was the smallest glimmer of my bond with Luka. Not even that monster could completely remove my fated bond. 

I smiled. Even though the marks covering Luka's itched and burned, it meant that my body would never accept another male's mark. My bond would always return no matter how many times that asshole desecrated my neck with his filthy mouth. I shivered, disturbed. 

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