I saw her

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I and James were both alert in every step of our way. We followed the marks for like 20 mins and then it all vanished.

"James, the marks are gone I mean they end here. Amber is near" I say.

Then we hear some noise nearby. Here are 6 rooms at our view. 511-516. Amber is in one of them. But then one more noise. It's like something broke somewhere. Then I hear a familiar cry. It's Amber.

I run towards room 516 and kick the door open. I stand there in horror. The sight before me is painful than someone tearing my heart out of my chest.

Mason bastil is on Amber trying to force himself onto her but she was clearly denying and struggling to get him off but that asshole has tied her up. I sprung into action and grab him by his collar. I hit his head in the wall but he kept smiling and laughing like a maniac.

"I don't think it's polite to interrupt when I and Amber were having some fun" Mason says. Maybe it's his last words before dying.

I punched him in the face.


NO matter how much I hit him , my anger won't cool down. I took out a gun and forced it in his mouth.

"How dare you touch her. You know I don't like people touching what's mine. I warned you Mason. Don't breathe near her. You didn't Bulge so here's your reward. A painful death by your old friend" I say

"My people will finish you. You will eat dirt all your life Jeremy" he said

I threw him to James.

"Take him to my basement. Lock him up. Tie him up. No water no food no clothes. I'll torture every inch of him till he begs me to kill him" I say to James.

He knows my anger. He didn't question one bit and took him where he belonged. Only then did my shoulders relaxed as I turned to see Amber. I rushed towards her and opened the ropes from her wrists and legs and waist. She couldn't even move or breathe properly. As soon as she was open , she wrapped her arms around me and I didn't complain. I hugged her as tight as I could. I let her cry as much as she can. Because I knew it was important. Because I understand how much that guy must have tortured her. And because I love her to let go this easily.

"I-I T-O-TOLD H-HIM" she was trying to speak but she couldn't.

"You don't have to say anything my love, let's go home shall we? Get you cleaned up and have a nice chat"

I took her face in my hands like she was a delicate feather if I let go, she will fly away. I put my forehead on her till her breathes were normal. Then I wrapped my coat around her. And took her to my car as we went HOME.

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