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As Jungkook sat in his office, the weight of his thoughts bore down on him like a heavy burden, casting a shadow over his usually composed demeanor. He couldn't shake the feeling of disbelief that had settled in his chest, a constant reminder of the chaos that had consumed his once orderly life.

A pregnant wife who wasn't carrying his child—could life get any more complicated? Jungkook pondered this question as he stared blankly at the documents spread out before him, his mind swirling with a mix of frustration and anger.

Unable to bear the uncertainty any longer, Jungkook reached for his phone and dialed his loyal assistant, Yujin. The moment Yujin entered the room and bowed respectfully, Jungkook wasted no time in articulating his demands.

"I want all the information on her background," Jungkook commanded, his voice tinged with a sense of urgency. "Her boyfriends, any hookups she's had—I want to know everything. Most importantly, I need to find out who the father is. I want to show him how he should take responsibility for his actions."

Yujin nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of his boss's request. With a sense of purpose, he made a mental note to leave no stone unturned in his quest to uncover the truth about Ariana's past.

As Yujin left to carry out his orders, Jungkook turned his attention back to his work, his mind consumed by thoughts of what lay ahead. He couldn't afford to let distractions derail his focus—not when so much was at stake.

Hours passed in a blur as Jungkook poured himself into his tasks, his determination unwavering despite the turmoil raging within him. With each passing moment, he felt a sense of resolve building within him, a silent promise to himself that he would not rest until he had unraveled the mystery surrounding Ariana and her unborn child.

But as the day drew to a close and darkness descended upon the city, Jungkook found himself still grappling with the same questions that had plagued him since morning. How had his life spiraled out of control so quickly? And what would he do once the truth was finally revealed?

With a heavy sigh, Jungkook pushed aside his doubts and fears, steeling himself for the challenges that lay ahead. Whatever the future held, he was determined to face it head-on, no matter the cost. For Jungkook Jeon was not one to back down from a fight, especially when the honor of his family name was on the line.

As Ariana moved through the vast halls of the mansion, a sense of unease settled in the pit of her stomach, casting a shadow over her usual composure. Each step felt heavier than the last, her body weighed down by the relentless fatigue that seemed to cling to her like a stubborn fog.

With a weary sigh, Ariana leaned against the cool marble walls for support, her hand coming to rest against her slightly swollen abdomen. The weight of her unborn child pressed against her, a constant reminder of the new life growing within her—a life that she still struggled to come to terms with.

As she made her way through the mansion, Ariana couldn't shake the feeling of isolation that surrounded her, a palpable loneliness that seemed to echo in the empty corridors. Despite the grandeur of her surroundings, she couldn't help but feel adrift in a sea of uncertainty, unsure of where she belonged or who she could turn to for support.

The pregnancy had taken its toll on Ariana, both physically and emotionally. The constant nausea and fatigue left her feeling drained and depleted, robbing her of the energy she needed to face each day with resilience. And while she longed to confide in someone, to share her fears and uncertainties, she couldn't bring herself to trust anyone with her secret, not even her husband.

For Ariana, the thought of confiding in Jungkook filled her with a sense of dread, a fear of rejection or judgment that left her paralyzed with uncertainty. She couldn't bear the thought of facing his disapproval or indifference, couldn't risk further alienating herself from the one person who should have been her source of comfort and support.

HIS BABYजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें