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As Ariana woke up in the hospital bed, her eyes filled with horror as she processed the devastating news. She felt a mix of emotions—grief, anger, confusion—all swirling inside her. She couldn't understand why Jungkook had betrayed her trust, why he had seemingly decided the fate of her child without consulting her.

Jungkook entered the room, his expression unreadable. Ariana looked at him, her voice trembling with emotion. "You are cruel," she said, her voice filled with accusation. "I hate you. You killed my baby."

Jungkook's face remained stoic. "Don't say anything you'll regret later," he replied coldly. "Or be glad that it wasn't my child."

Ariana's eyes welled up with tears. "I won't regret it," she shot back, her voice rising. "I hate you with all my heart. It wasn't the baby's fault."

Jungkook's expression didn't change. "I don't care if you hate me," he said. "Just remember, you are still my wife. Don't raise your voice at me."

With that, Jungkook turned and left the room, leaving Ariana alone with her thoughts. A nurse came in and tried to comfort her, telling her to eat more. Ariana was confused. "What's the point of eating more?" she asked.

The nurse smiled gently. "You have a healthy baby," she said. "You should take care of yourself."

Ariana's confusion turned to disbelief. "What do you mean?" she asked.

The nurse explained that Jungkook had cancelled the abortion because the doctor had said it would be dangerous for Ariana. "He didn't want to abort the baby," the nurse said.

Ariana felt a wave of relief wash over her. Her baby was alive. She felt guilty for ever doubting it. She thanked the nurse, who left her alone to process the news.

Ariana lay in the hospital bed, her mind racing with thoughts of her child and Jungkook. She knew that she had a long road ahead of her, but she was determined to do whatever it took to protect her child.

Outside the hospital, the air felt heavy with tension as Jungkook's assistant, Yujin, stood by the car, his gaze darting nervously between his employer and the imposing facade of the medical building. Jungkook's command was clear, his tone brooking no argument as he signaled for Yujin to drive away.

"But, sir, ma'am—" Yujin's protest was swiftly cut off by Jungkook's steely glare, the intensity of his gaze enough to silence even the most daring of objections. With a gulp, Yujin relented, starting the car and pulling away from the curb, leaving the hospital and its haunting memories behind.

As they arrived at Jungkook's office, the atmosphere remained tense, the weight of their recent encounter still lingering in the air like a dark cloud. Jungkook wasted no time in issuing his next command, his voice clipped and devoid of any warmth.

"Pick her up and tell her not to show her face in front of me," he instructed, his words carrying the weight of authority as Yujin nodded in silent acquiescence before leaving to carry out his orders.

Meanwhile, inside the hospital, Ariana was left waiting, her heart heavy with a mix of confusion, fear, and guilt. "Did they leave without me?" she wondered aloud, her voice barely a whisper as she scanned the empty waiting area, searching for any sign of the man she had once called her lover.

With a sigh, Ariana resigned herself to her fate, sinking into a nearby chair and allowing her thoughts to drift. Her mind raced with questions, her thoughts consumed by the safety of the precious life growing inside her. She couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt gnawing at her conscience, despite knowing deep down that she had done nothing wrong.

As she waited, Ariana's thoughts turned to the baby in her womb, a flicker of warmth amidst the darkness that threatened to engulf her. She longed to apologize to Jungkook, to thank him for his mercy, but she knew that such sentiments were futile. She was alone now, left to navigate the treacherous waters of motherhood on her own.

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