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In the bustling corridors of the hospital, Jun Seo, Jungkook's brother, moved with purpose, his mind consumed by a singular goal: to uncover the truth behind his brother's recent actions. His footsteps echoed in the silence, a steady rhythm amidst the chaos that surrounded him.

Approaching the nurse's station, Jun Seo's gaze swept over the busy scene before settling on the nurse behind the counter. "Yes, sir, do you need anything?" she inquired, her voice polite but tinged with exhaustion.

"I'm here to ask about my sister-in-law. She was here earlier. Can you tell me what happened to her?" Jun Seo's tone was calm, but beneath the surface, a storm raged, his mind ablaze with questions and suspicions.

The nurse furrowed her brow in concentration, her memory searching for the information he sought. "Oh, are you talking about Mrs. Ariana?" she asked, her voice tinged with recognition.

Jun Seo nodded eagerly, his curiosity piqued. "Yes, that's her. What happened?" he pressed, his impatience barely concealed.

The nurse hesitated for a moment before delivering her bombshell revelation. "Don't you know? She's pregnant," she announced matter-of-factly, her words landing like a thunderbolt in the silence that followed.

Jun Seo's shock was palpable, his mind reeling as he struggled to comprehend the implications of the nurse's words. "What?" he breathed, his voice barely a whisper.

"Yes, now excuse me," the nurse replied curtly, her attention already shifting to the next task at hand.

As Jun Seo stood there in stunned silence, a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions swept through his mind. How could this be possible? It had only been a week since Jungkook and Ariana had married. How could she possibly be pregnant already?

But as the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place, a sinister realization dawned on Jun Seo. If his father were to discover the truth, he would stop at nothing to remove Jungkook from his position of power. And with Ariana pregnant with another man's child, the stakes had never been higher.

Gulping back his shock and disbelief, Jun Seo made a decision. He would keep this information to himself, using it as leverage to further his own agenda. For if Jungkook were to fall, he would be there to seize the reins of power for himself.

But as he turned to leave, his eyes caught sight of a familiar name on the nurse's desk. Ariana Jeon. With a sense of foreboding, Jun Seo picked up the file, his heart racing as he flipped through the pages.

And then he saw it. The date of conception. Two weeks ago. The pieces of the puzzle clicked into place, and Jun Seo's shock gave way to a chilling sense of satisfaction.

"So, that's how it is," he murmured to himself, a sly smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Now, Jungkook, let the games begin."

With a newfound sense of purpose, Jun Seo left the hospital behind, his mind already racing with plans and schemes. For in a world where power was the only currency that mattered, he knew that the game was just beginning. And this time, he was determined to come out on top.

The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow across the elegant dining room of the mansion. Ariana emerged from her slumber, her mind still heavy with the weight of the previous day's events. As she descended the stairs, the sight of Jungkook at the dining table caught her off guard, her heart pounding in her chest as memories of the hospital incident flooded her mind.

Summoning all her courage, Ariana greeted Jungkook with a hesitant "Good morning," but he remained silent, his gaze fixed on his breakfast. Sensing the tension in the air, Yujin, ever the mediator, interjected with a polite "Good morning, ma'am," prompting a small smile from Ariana before he discreetly made his exit.

Alone once more, Ariana mustered the courage to address the elephant in the room. "I'm sorry for yesterday. Thanks for not..." she trailed off, unable to finish the sentence.

Jungkook's response was swift and cold, his words cutting through the air like a knife. "I hate that child of yours, but the deal we signed for marriage means you have to survive at least one year in this wedding," he declared, his tone devoid of emotion.

Ariana nodded in understanding, her heart heavy with the weight of his words. She knew that she was trapped in a marriage of convenience, a mere pawn in Jungkook's game of power and control.

"Don't think that being pregnant gives you any special privileges. Clean the room. I don't care what happens to you," Jungkook continued, his eyes boring into hers with a steely gaze.

Ariana swallowed hard, her resolve wavering in the face of Jungkook's relentless coldness. "Yes, I understand," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

As they ate their breakfast in tense silence, Ariana mustered the courage to broach another delicate subject. "Jun Seo came to the hospital," she began tentatively, her eyes searching Jungkook's face for any hint of emotion.

Jungkook remained impassive, his expression unreadable as he pushed his wheelchair away from the table, his eyes fixed on the distance. "I know. Don't worry about it. If he asks something, tell him it's mine," he replied curtly, his tone final.

Ariana's confusion only deepened at his cryptic response. "What do you mean?" she pressed, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"I don't want to repeat myself," Jungkook snapped, his patience wearing thin as he made his way towards his study room.

Undeterred, Ariana persisted. "Um, can I meet my aunt, please?" she asked, her voice small and hesitant.

Jungkook stopped in his tracks, his gaze piercing as he turned to face her. "Are you going to run away again?" he demanded, his voice sharp with accusation.

"No, I won't. That was just... I wasn't feeling well, that's why I went to the hospital. And I went to my house too, but..." Ariana trailed off, her voice faltering as she struggled to find the right words.

"But what?" Jungkook pressed, his eyes narrowing with suspicion.

Ariana hesitated, her heart racing as she weighed her next words carefully. "Nothing. I just missed my aunt," she replied softly, her gaze flickering to the floor.

Jungkook's response was immediate and final. "No," he declared, his tone leaving no room for argument.

"Why?" Ariana dared to ask, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"Because I said so," Jungkook replied coldly, his eyes flashing with a warning glare.

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