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As the long day came to an end, Jungkook, Yujin, and Ariana arrived at their house, the weight of the day's events still lingering heavily in the air. The evening was upon them, casting a warm glow across the serene surroundings of their home. However, Ariana's demeanor was far from serene. Without uttering a word, she dashed to their room, her footsteps echoing through the quiet halls.

Jungkook and Yujin exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of what had prompted Ariana's sudden urgency. But Jungkook's indifference was palpable as he simply sighed and continued on his way, showing little concern for Ariana's well-being. With a resigned shrug, Yujin followed suit, trailing after Jungkook as they made their way to his office room.

Once inside, Jungkook wasted no time in addressing Yujin, his voice brimming with determination. "I want that girl's information. She has my blood in her. I'm 100% sure she was pregnant," he declared, referring to the unknown girl.

Yujin nodded dutifully, his expression a mask of professionalism. "Yes, sir. We will find her soon," he assured him, his tone unwavering despite the gravity of the task at hand.

Jungkook's resolve hardened as he contemplated the situation. He knew he needed to take action swiftly to resolve the issue and rid himself of any potential complications. "And one more thing," he added, his voice cutting through the silence like a knife. "I want to fire the woman who disrespected Ariana in front of so many people."

Yujin's eyes widened in surprise at Jungkook's directive, but he quickly composed himself, nodding in understanding. "Yes, sir," he replied crisply, his tone tinged with a hint of admiration for Jungkook's unwavering support of Ariana.

With a sense of purpose, Jungkook leaned back in his chair, his mind already racing with plans to rectify the situation. He knew he had to protect Ariana at all costs, even if it meant making difficult decisions and facing the consequences head-on.

As Yujin prepared to carry out Jungkook's orders, he couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for his boss. Despite his tough exterior, Jungkook had a deep sense of loyalty and devotion to Ariana, and Yujin knew that he would stop at nothing to ensure her happiness and well-being.

With that determination driving them forward, Jungkook and Yujin set out to address the challenges that lay ahead, knowing that together they could overcome any obstacle that came their way. And as the evening stretched on, the quiet determination in their hearts served as a beacon of hope, guiding them towards a brighter future for Ariana and their family.

In the midst of the room, Ariana's mind swirled with confusion, her body betraying her with unexplained sensations. Anxiety gripped her thoughts as she pondered the cause, wondering if sickness lurked within. Yet, the thought of burdening Jungkook with her worries seemed daunting, so she resolved to seek medical guidance. With hesitant steps, she approached him, the weight of her secret pressing against her tongue. But the fear of his reaction held her back. Ultimately, Ariana made a silent vow to herself: she would muster the courage to speak, for her health and peace of mind depended on it.

Ariana's heart pounded against her ribcage as she stood before Jungkook's office door, her mind swirling with apprehension. The weight of her secret threatened to crush her, each step toward him feeling heavier than the last. She hesitated, her fingers trembling as they hovered inches from the doorknob.

Thoughts raced through her mind like a turbulent storm, each one more terrifying than the last. What if she was pregnant? The mere possibility sent waves of panic crashing over her. She couldn't bear the thought of facing Jungkook with such news, not when she feared his reaction would be one of anger and rejection. The idea of being kicked out of the house she had come to call home was too much to bear.

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