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In the dead of midnight, rain poured relentlessly, drenching the city streets. A handsome man, intoxicated beyond reason, stumbled out of the dimly lit bar. His steps faltered, lost in the haze of alcohol. Each raindrop mirrored his turmoil, a reflection of the storm brewing within him as he wandered aimlessly into the night, searching for solace in the midst of chaos.

Through the haze of alcohol and rain, the man caught sight of a solitary figure in the distance. A girl, her form obscured by the downpour, her tears lost amidst the relentless patter of raindrops. He hesitated briefly, indifferent to her plight, lost in his own melancholy. But something stirred within him—a sense of kinship perhaps, forged from the shared burden of sadness.

As he approached, the girl came into focus, her silhouette outlined by the dim glow of streetlights. She was dressed provocatively, her attire a stark contrast to the somber night. Yet, the man paid little heed to her appearance, his attention drawn instead to the bottles scattered across the table before her. Alcohol, the great equalizer, a refuge for the lost and the lonely.

With unsteady steps, he closed the distance between them, the rain a constant companion on his journey. Pulling out a chair, he sank down opposite her, his movements clumsy and uncoordinated. Their eyes met, two souls adrift in a sea of despair. In that moment, the girl's tears seemed to mirror his own, a reflection of shared sorrow.

Wordlessly, he reached for one of the bottles, its contents a potent elixir against the pain. The girl made no move to stop him, her silence a tacit invitation to join her in oblivion. And so, they sat in companionable silence, two strangers bound by a common thread of anguish.

As the night wore on, the rain continued its relentless assault, a backdrop to their silent communion. In the quiet intimacy of their shared sorrow, the barriers between them dissolved, leaving behind only a fleeting sense of solace amidst the storm. And for a moment, they were no longer alone in their sadness, but united in their defiance against the relentless march of time.

As the man settled into the chair opposite the girl, the aroma of soju mingled with the rain-soaked air, casting a surreal atmosphere around them. The girl's gaze, clouded by tears and alcohol, met his with a mix of confusion and curiosity.

"Who... who are you?" she slurred, her words barely audible over the din of the storm.

The man, silent until now, simply stared back at her, his expression unreadable amidst the shadows of the night.

"Why... why are you crying?" he ventured, his voice gentle against the backdrop of chaos.

The girl's lips trembled as she struggled to form a coherent response. "You're... you're handsome," she whispered, a fleeting moment of clarity amidst the haze of intoxication.

With a sudden burst of determination, she pushed herself upright, her movements unsteady as she made to leave. But before she could take a single step, the man reached out and caught her hand in his own.

"What?" she exclaimed, her eyes widening in surprise at the unexpected touch.

Ignoring her protest, the man rose from his seat and drew closer, his gaze unwavering as he leaned in to kiss her. At first, she tensed against his embrace, her mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. But as his lips met hers, a spark ignited between them, a flicker of passion amidst the darkness of the night.

Their kiss lingered, a tentative exploration born from a shared longing for connection. And in that fleeting moment, the world around them ceased to exist, leaving only the echo of their entwined souls against the backdrop of the storm.

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