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It was a 20-minute intercession; Y/N was in the back with Nobara, telling her about her stunts and getting her makeup done by Nobara the beat-up look. Nobara never really cared to look at what the actors were doing since she was too busy focusing on the clothes she had in front of her. This was her first time seeing the play, and she was surprised that no one got seriously injured in the making. Luckily, all the actors wore knee pads and elbow pads. The theatre tech has even made landing pads the same color as the theatre floor.

"Everyone is doing so well! especially you, Megumi." Gojo came in wearing his sunglasses even though it was dark. "Thanks, Gojo," everyone said tiredly. "We're more than halfway through. We got this team," Gojo said, making a fist in the air, "Yeah," Every actor said, exhausted. "Yuji, Yuko, everyone loves the chemistry between you! Y/N, you could have been the lead-" Y/N looked at Gojo. "No, thank you. I am barely surviving the stunts; I don't need to be doing cartwheels where I am now," Y/N said in a defeated tone, putting her hand up.

"Y/N," Yuji came to Y/N, "You're doing great out there!" Yuji beamed. "No, all you, Yuji," Y/N smiled at the pink-haired boy. "You can take a hit, can you," Y/N said, observing the makeup.

"WE GO BACK IN 5 MINUTES!" Gojo yelled, "Megumi. Y/N, Inumaki, and Panda, this is your last scene, so make it good," Gojo stated; maybe the last scene, but she has to play two more times.

They go to their places, and Yuta stands beside a table.

*Curtains open*


Finally, the play ended. Y/N thought to herself as she and the rest of the play members bowed together. A roaring applause, students started throwing flowers, and Gojo came to the middle of the stage and started randomly posing, said his thanks, and told other students to come and watch. Y/N looked at the audience; she saw Mr. Haibara throwing his fist up while Mr. Nanami shook his head. Mr. Miguel sat towards the end, and Tsumiki and Mr. Fushiguro sat together towards the middle of the third row. All the theatre students went back, clapping and congratulating. All Y/N could think is about how much pain she's in. During the primary fight with Yuta and the others, Y/N landed wrong, and her ankle has been hurting since then.

Y/N went to the locker room and changed into comfortable clothing. She took off her sock to reveal how swollen her ankle was. She gasped and quickly tried putting her socks on when she heard the door open. And it was just a couple of students from the play changing as well. Y/N made her way out of the locker room, trying to hide the pain, wanting to go home, trying to make her way through the wave of people.

"Hey, Y/N," Yuji called out. Y/N made her way through the wave of people to see Yuji. "I want you to meet my brother, Choso. He graduated from Kenjaku High a while back," Yuji said, greeting the two. "Nice to meet you, Choso," Y/N said. "She's the girl I've been telling you about," Yuji stated; hearing this made Y/N's cheek flustered. "I have to get going, Yuji; I'll text you," Y/N said, leaving a quick kiss on the cheek. Y/N's face paled the more she started walking. She almost fell, but luckily, her car was there to help her catch her fall.

She removed her shoe and tried massaging it enough to relieve the pain, but it hurt. Thankfully, it was them left foot; she used her right foot to press the pedals. Y/N started the engine and reversed back, too much in a painful daze to realize that her friends were right there near the school gates. She quickly sped off, getting onto the main street.

Y/N finally made it home and had difficulty standing up; she made it inside and was greeted by her beloved pet. But before she could relax, she grabbed the bandages and wrapped her foot and ankle on the couch. She was so tired, as she was about to drift to sleep, her doorbell rang. It was the pizza she had ordered; she grabbed her crutches and went to the door. She looked into the peephole; it was the pizza delivery guy. She opened the door and grabbed the pizza before giving him the money. As she put the pizza down and opened the box to make sure, she was greeted with the smell of cheese and the crust.

*doorbell rings*

She opened the door anxiously, "You forgot to hand me the dessert pizza," she said but was greeted with a familiar face. "Nobara," Y/N said with a sheepish smile, "You left without saying goodbye." As she shoved the dessert pizza to Y/N, not seeing the crutches, Y/N planted her left foot on the floor but felt immediate pain and started to make her way to the ground. Yuji was quick enough to grab her hand before pulling her to him. He had sat her down, but behind Yuji and Nobara was what? "How many people are here?" Y/N questioned Yuji and Nobara, "You know, the usual." Nobara shrugged. After a few seconds, Inumkai, Panda, Yuta, Maki, and Megumi came in.

"We saw you left early; Yuta has seen you limping. You also forgot your backpack," Yuji and Nobara said. "I could have gotten my backpack tomorrow since I am going back to school for the play," Y/N said, looking away, flustered. "Not with a broken leg, you're not," Yuji said, "She doesn't have a broken leg, idiot," Megumi said, hitting Yujis head. "It's just a sprained ankle," Y/N scoffed, looking away.

"How did it even happen, Y/N?" Yuji said worryingly. "I just landed wrong in the final boss battle; that's it." Y/N shrugged. "Anyways, there's pizza," Y/N said to a medium-large pizza box, trying to distract them.

"We need more pizza," Yuta said to Inumaki; he dialed the number and gave the phone to Yuta.

"We were going to invite you to go to IBOP, but you left early," Nobara said in a low voice. "Sorry everyone, maybe another say. But you can stay here, and we can have a pizza and movie night," Y/N declared, "We already ordered the pizza to this address anyways," Panda said, pointing to the Inumaki and Yuta, who just nodded. They agreed to a movie night.

After a few hours, everyone ate delicious pizza, Megumi took care of Y/N's foot, Yuji gave her massages, and everyone almost choked on their pizza from watching the scary movie Nobara wanted to watch. She kept making remarks about how the makeup in the film is all that, even though in the movie, it showed someone's intestines getting pulled out. They all decided to play board games while waiting for the second, third, and fourth boxes to be delivered. They all played Uno; it's obvious who the winners were: Megumi, Yuta, and Inumaki. Yuji was so close to winning, but he somehow made his draw 16 cards. Yuji asked Y/N how she got the clutches the first time. It was because she fell off the slide at the park; Nobara laughed at the remembrance.

"Y/N thought it was a good idea at 11 years old to dive into the slide that curves, and she ended up falling off." Nobara remembered, "It's funny now, but.... wait, no, it was still funny then." Y/N hesitated but laughed. They all shared stories about something that happened to them.

Y/N's beloved pet was stealing the show; they kept licking the legs of the guests before stealing Yujis's pizza as they were playing cards against humanity.

"So on today's episode of Hannah Montana, Hannah Montan is suffering from...Teen pregnancy. Whose card is that?" Y/N burst into laughter. "It was me," Yuta said, winning that round.

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