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"Here you go, pretty boy," Y/N said, handing Yuji a water bottle. "Thank you, Y/N," Yuji said, exhausted. It's been two days since they've joined the theatre, and it's taking a toll on them. Y/N has orchestra practice in the morning, but because she's been missing 6th period (her orchestra class), she's been behind with her music and the rest of the orchestra. Yuji not only has basketball practice in the afternoon, but he has a game this Friday as well and must do the play throughout the weekend. Not only that, but they're also in the occult club.

Y/N has been stressed but doesn't want Yuji to know how stressed she is. They are at basketball practice, and Coach Ino needs to make it easier for them. They have been doing drills, and Yuji is sweating from head to toe. Y/N hopes that he doesn't catch a cold when he goes outside.

While waiting for basketball practice to end, Y/N has been rehearsing her lines; she only had maybe 10 or 13.? Which is decent; it's just figuring out when she will arrive. She decided to grab a drink for her and Yuji. "How are you doing with the play, Y/N.?" Yuji commented, "It's been all right. I'm just surprised we have to do it all weekend. I finished some of my assignments, but I need two more," Y/N said, looking up to the boy. Yuji sat beside her and rubbed her back, trying to soothe her. "How are you doing with the play?" Y/N questioned, a little worried in her voice. "Well, I know all my lines, but I may have to pull an all-nighter this weekend to get all my assignments done," Yuji said, rubbing his head. "Yuji! You can't pull all-nighters all weekend!" Y/N said, slightly raising her voice.

"I know, Y/N, but I have to if I want to continue to play and not be benched," Yuji dismissed, looking down. "Well, let me know if you need any help with homework," Y/N said in a low tone. "BUT WE CAN DO THIS YUJI IT'S ONLY FOR 3 DAYS!" Y/N stated that while standing with him and trying to boost his morale, she received a huge smile from the pinkette. Yuji got up from where he was sitting and was mere inches away from Y/N, "You know exactly how to soothe me, Y/N?" both faces were so close to connecting *whistle blows*.

A couple of days later, ~

The school auditorium is filling up with students coming from the doors. Y/N and Maki were on top of the auditorium, ready to make lighting changes, and oversaw the music; Y/N couldn't help but feel nervous. This is something she's never done; the only thing that makes her throw up is that she talks to many customers at work, and she's never nervous. So, it can't be too bad. Y/N was so much in her thoughts that she was awoken by a hand on her shoulder. "You'll be fine! We're all rooting for you; take deep breaths, and you'll rock this thing." the green-haired girl said in a low yet comforting voice. That was what Y/N needed to hear.

It's the first showing of the play during school hours. Many students and staff will attend, cutting into the day's last half. She knows many of her friends and peers would be attending: Ms. Shoko, Mr. Nanami (Gojo wouldn't leave him alone), Mr. Geto, Coach Ino, Tsumiki, Junpei, Hakari, Kirara, Principle Yaga, and a few students from Kyoto Technical High.

Once students heard that the famous students of the basketball team were in it and Coach Gojo would oversee the whole thing, many fan girls were the first ones to buy tickets, and they were almost selling out the three shows. Y/N is still trying to figure out how many students from Kyoto who got tickets are coming to this showing. Don't they have regular school hours? After a few minutes had passed, and the auditorium was filled with students and staff, Mr. Yaga started with the introductions. Y/N and Maki began to dim the lights, and a light flashed directly on Mr. Yaga.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen; welcome to the first play of the school year. We are excited to have you all here to support your classmates and Mr. Gojo on his first-ever play. Thank you to the fashion club, actors, set designers, and tech students for making it possible. Let us get the show on the road". He signaled to Coach Gojo, who stood up from his seat; the whole crowd started roaring. For whatever reason, Gojo is dressed in design and wears a long black scarf; he looks like a movie director.

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