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Y/N was listening to a song in her car speakers; she could never go wrong with Devil Advocate by the Neighborhood.

~ I trade out the whip out for a bike uh,

Designer for some Nikes

Switch the stripper for a wife

Black tie for a white tee ~

Y/N was driving to Itadoris house, a short distance, maybe 7 minutes from the school. However, Nobara lived a bit further away.

Y/N had pulled into Itadori's house; it seemed like a very comfortable and mellow home, with many plants in the front. "Thank you, Y/N, for the ride," Yuji hopped from the back to the front. "Whatever, loser, just get out so I can get back to the passenger seat," Nobara had said, pointing to his house. "It's fine, Yuji; I'll see you soon!" Y/N said, giving Yuji a wave of goodbye.

As soon as Y/N saw Yuji go into his house, she drove off. "So, Y/N, do you like Itadori or something?" Nobara had said dropping the bomb on Y/N. Was it that noticeable that she liked him.? Y/N knew she had to tell Nobara at some point; she had already told Junpei and Kirara, and it was only a matter of time for Y/N to tell Nobara. "Yes, I do". Nobara was left dumbfounded; she would have thought maybe Y/N would be uncertain if she liked Yuji. Y/N didn't even turn to look at Nobara.

"I started feeling attraction ever since Friday. We kept making eye contact with each other every time. When we did, I immediately felt butterflies. All today, I kept running into him." Y/N told Nobara all the details that happened today, from the knees touching and him walking her to class.

"Well, you guys have that occult club going on too." Y/N was wide-eyed upon hearing that she doesn't have any classes with him or see him in the hallways during transition periods. The stars were aligning for her? She wants to get to know Yuji more, so the occult club is the best way to do it!

After dropping Nobara off at her home, Y/N was excited for tomorrow. She finally accepted she had a crush on Yuji Itadori. But she can't help but think that maybe it's all in her head.? But he can't be that close to other girls or be that comfortable with them? But he did it so effortlessly to Y/N that maybe he was comfortable having her as a friend. But he kept asking to walk HER to class, and he seemed extra excited, knowing they were in the same club together?

Y/N kept overthinking, but she agreed that if it's meant to be, it's meant to be; she's not going to force something that isn't there. Y/N did some of her homework and got ready for the next day.

Next day
7th period, Speech and Debate, Mr. Hiromi
"Wait, wait. So you haven't gone to the last games because you're suspended." Y/N said as Hakari was telling her. "Well, I'm just banned from playing any of the games or practices for a month, and I'll be back in the team," Hakari said to Y/N. "But this is your final year! You should enjoy every game," Y/N said, making hand gestures. "It's okay, Y/N; I'll play better than ever and finish high school with a bang," Hakari said, giving her a friendly wink.

Mr. Hiromi walked into his class, fixing his tie. "Good morning, class; for our upcoming speech, I'll need you guys to research important conspiracy theories and give me a presentation and a speech. As you guys should know from the last couple of speeches, you can't use the words um, like, so, or any words you kids use nowadays", Mr Hiromi said, giving out papers of the requirements for this upcoming speech. "If you use any of the words, I'll be docking points off. There's a list of conspiracy theories in the paper I gave you, but if you have one that isn't on the list, talk to me first before doing it". Mr. Hiromi said, sitting at a desk.

After a few minutes of looking up the theories, Y/N decided on one based in The United States of America. Roswell, New Mexico. Where a UFO had crashed, but the military said it was a weather balloon. Y/N chose an interesting one that Hakari was thinking about trading with her.

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