I See Portrayal Of Betrayal And Brother's Final Stand

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Xisuma, who was trying to just work and find the way to return Scar, just ignored the others at first. His mind has been preoccupied with looking through the possibilities, anyways.

"Not gonna respond?" Xanthus replied as he leaned against the nearby wall. Sure there'd be honey everywhere but that was the least of his problems, hands fidgeting with a coin.

"I'm kinda busy at the moment, Xanthus." He replied, switching to the voidwalker language. He did that enough that it was easy to tell he was stressed.

"Why'd you switch languages?" Xanthus asked with a raised eyebrow. "It's not like anyone else is gonna hear." He replied.

If Xisuma knew anything about its sibling, it would be that xe had a strong dislike for their mother language, to the point of never wanting to hear it again and pinpointing at Xisuma every time he used it. It was different for the admin through, he all but spoke it only when it was the two of them only.

Now, it's not that the two Void siblings have talked over and fixed all of their problems, the opposite actually.

They have talked.

But they are at least on speaking terms, so to say... When Ex isn't actively trying to kill him, that is.
Xisuma, who was standing in the middle of his base... Which if you asked Xanthus, had too much honey attached to it. Seriously, what was xeir brothers' problem with honey blocks?

Xisuma stopped doing what he was, which by the expression he had, was probably looking over the firewalls for the hundredth of times already.

Xanthus frowned a bit behind his helmet. "X? What have you been doing? Not sleeping?" He asked.

"Anyway... We need to talk about some things that are rather important." he replied.

Xisuma didn't say much about the not sleeping bit. Truth was…

He hasn't slept. Because he's worried about Scar and Grian.  He let out a sigh and turned towards his twin anyway.

It was hard, not letting your emotions take the best of you as you're trying to seem calm and collected. As a leader should be, that is.

Chaos, until a few hours ago they were fighting, trying to put each other out of their misery and to help their friend, but now? The same person that was fighting him, hurting a member of his server, was standing not even few meters away from him.

It was all a bit too much for Xisuma.
Letting a deep sigh "No, you mean you have something important to say to me... EX" Xisuma clarified, now closing the screens and folders of security to turn and actually look at its sibling.

The other just looked at him, frowning behind the same mask Xisuma wore, though its one was coloured differently than xeirs.
"You... You can't even call me by my name, can you?"

"Why would I call you by your name when you had killed one of my family members?”
... "I'm surprised you even stuck around." Sure, it hurt.
It hurt having a member of your found family die in your arms.

One would think that maternal brothers, although made from literal void, would stick around for each other- not trying to kill one another and one’s friends.

Xisuma was surprised that Xanthus stuck around, but he didn't let it show. Too caught up in emotions. He swallowed the lump in his throat.

"Do you want to learn about Grian's powers or not?" Xanthus replied. Trying to act as if their brothers words didn't hurt him, but in reality... They did. He crossed his arms over his chest, before going to take off his helmet, knowing that X's base was safe to do so.

Due to their biology, as voidwalkers they couldn't breathe normal air as most species of hybrids and humans do. As a matter of fact, Voidlings are the only kind that can not breathe Overworld air.

The reason for that is because the original The End, where they originated from, didn't consist of air to begin with. There, in the atmosphere, held something completely different to what Overworlders would consider as normal, after all, the original The End wasn't supposed to be found in the first place.

Xisuma and Xanthus had to spend their young years watching as the place they once called home get destroyed, running away from there to the only place that was somewhat safe from those Observers.

Xanthus dropped their helmet but tucked it behind him with their foot. He ran a hand through his snowy white hair, undoing the hair tie that held his hair together. He let out a small huff. "So? You're just gonna be silent again?" He asked.

Xisuma just stared at the other for a moment, letting out a sigh before nodding.

"Right, tell me about his powers but first... We have to talk." stern as always when it came to serious topics.

Better now to do that to avoid  keep having the awkward, hostile, tension between them.

"What are you gonna do? Lead me away from the hermits so you can stab me again? Like talking worked so well last time." Xanthus replied, he still had the scar, of course. No. He wasn't gonna let that go. Why would he?  Even if it was so long ago, why would he forget?

“You… didn’t have to mention that.” The admin murmured under its breath.

Xisuma took a deep breath
and finally took off his helmet. It was weird, looking back at the identical face you're trying so hard to ignore everyday.

The same scar both of them  have on their cheeks. An awful reminder that is, if anything.

"Would you please just listen, please?" Xisuma spoke, rubbing the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

Xanthus let out a small huff as he kept his crossed arms over his chest. "Fine. Whatever." He spat. "What do you want to know?" He asked. He gave Xisuma the floor so he could talk and ask what he wanted to know.

"First, I want to know why in the world are you working with the Vex".

It was a known fact that Vexes as a species are selfish, keep to themselves, and most clans are just hungry for blood.

Maybe Xisuma was being too stern but the other did attack his hermits and hurt Cub, badly. Not to mention who knew where Hels was, Xisuma will have to talk to Wels about him and to get him under a key, if it has to be.

"I was bored...duh." Xanthus replied. "Being stuck in a void, you get bored. He came. I accepted." Xanthus replied with a shrug.

Never a clear answer, with them.
Moment of silence filled between the two, both in a staring competition against each other, just waiting to see who'll break down first. The jungle is never silent at night. Ocelots running around trying to catch their prey, wild parrots and various avians singing in chirps could be heard from miles away.  The wind, along with the jungle chittering, helped fill the awkward and tense silence between the twins.

Mobs will start to form soon, the sun is setting. They're running out of time, Xisuma is running out of time.

"You know..." Xisuma clicked his tongue. "We used to be close, what happened?" it said, his voice sounding so tired, full of raw emotion, and pure exhaustion, not suitable for a person of his age.

“What happened? What happened!?” Xanthus yelled, anger filling xir voice before finally snapping, screaming out their next words. “You killed me! That’s what happened! We started out close, but then you ruined that by killing me!” He let out an angry huff. They kicked up his helmet and caught it in seconds.

"We got along just fine until you decided to slip up. You made me who I am now! Ever since that day!" He replied, ruby eyes darting away from his brother's gaze. Ruby eyes shining from the tears that threatened to fall. But Ex held back. 

He sets his helmet down again before tying his hair back into the ponytail that it was in before picking his helmet back up once again.

This... Was too much. For both of them.

Neither of them know how to approach the direct problem but Xisuma did not expect them to blow up like that. Xisuma couldn't help but wonder if he did the right thing, in the past, that is.

"You know what, your face is stupid!" Xanthus pointed back in a remark at xeir brother.
Xisuma just laughed warmly at his brother's attitude, the youngest by few but acting as if the age gap was years old.

"We have the same face, ah you derp!" Xisuma remarked back, giggling and humour clear in his voice as it rolls its eyes. The helmet long disregarded on his table as the two were just hanging out.

"Well- my hair is shinier, against your poorly dyed brown!" the other bit back, stubborn as ever.

Xisuma smiled softly as he recalled those oh so happy memories, probably one of very few.

What happened to them, to their bond? Well, Xisuma knew the clear answer to that, he knew if he just spoke his mind, neither of them would like it but it didn't matter now, did it?

Lives matter and they need to have some sort of agreement, leaving them only an hour if they are lucky to do so.

Xanthus was ready to put his helmet back on and leave. Leave Xisuma to ever wonder if he did the right thing. He took a breath and let it out slowly. Slowly calming his nerves.

"Do you understand the reason why I do the things I do? It's not because I want revenge against you. It's so I can still be in some sort of contact with you."
Xanthus replied. "All the other times. I am trapped in the void because that is where you placed me. And if the opportunity ever comes to be a nuisance to you? You must be a derp if you think I wouldn't take the chance."  He said calmly, even if his voice was breaking.

But Xanthus was so damn good at hiding it.

"What do you expect me to do? Tell me so I fix it, goddammit! You just go and try to destroy my server- I-I had to make a choice!"

"You had a choice! You could've come to me and talk- but no! You listened to others over your own brother. " the other snarled back.
Maybe that's the reason for what's happening. Xanthus is a liar, xe had always been one. Trying to get their own way to things, maybe not in the best thought out way but... But they were a bad liar, that's for sure.

Both of the brothers were, when Xisuma thinks about it- The nickname that quickly turned into a name for the other and in process losing their identity to others.

Evil Xisuma, xe was named such. Xisuma itself spent a long time carefully not talking about Xanthus to the others, why?
" Can we..." Xisuma started, thinking how to phrase it.
They were siblings, they should stick together no matter what but after all this time- was it his fault for the other voidwalker’s act?
"You better not be saying what I think you're trying to say, Xi" Xanthus warned. But it was set already, they didn't have time for this.

"I'm sorry, I don't know how to say it but you're right- I-I'm a derp but I'm still your brother"

"I don't even know if I can still call you my brother after everything you've done! You've ruined me Xisuma! Hell! I know more about your precious little parrot avian Hermit than you! And you've more interactions with him than I did!" Xanthus replied, that was it. He broke, not bothering with the tears that rolled down his face. Shoulder's shaking, he squeezed his eyes shut before quickly, not efficiently, wiping their tears away.

Xisuma didn't know how to approach this anymore- he certainly thought he could get to Xanthus and just talk about what happened and if there was a solution to helping Scar.

Instead of just standing here like an idiot he is, he can accept that- It did stuff its weren't really proud of but this wasn't good enough! All Xisuma wanted was to talk at least half civilly and get an answer out of it brother but apparently this is going to go worse than he expected.

Twins stood in front of one another, barely holding back tears as they tried negotiating. That’s what they were trying to do at the start of this, not have this all blow unnecessarily out of the proportions.

X sighed as he nodded- "It was my fault." it admitted, if it had to be this way-


"I'm sorry... For going behind your back, stabbing you, pushing you away and locking you back into the void even though both of us know how much that place scares us..."

Xanthus made a noise, looking away, arms crossed. He was not going to just forgive Xisuma that easily. It'd take months, years even if possible. The tears rolled down his cheeks quietly.

God, this year of bottled up emotions, now out on the display. Xanthus didn't care, not anymore anyway.
"If you're really sorry- for what's it worth, I apologise for hurting your hermits, but-! Don't expect to be forgiven anytime soon..." Xe started, just how meaningful was xeir brothers apology? But as they think about it...

"But I guess we can reconcile just as long as we can get this sorted."
And that's better than Xisuma anticipated and- it has already been a long day. It is tired, Xisuma is so exhausted and he's gonna take anything he's given at this point.

"A deal then"

"Good. Right. Was there anything else you wanted to talk about?" Xanthus asked, picking up his helmet and looking back at his brother. Before he heads back to help Grian, he figured he'd answer anything else Xisuma had to ask.

“What exactly are you talking when it comes to Grian?”

The other looked perplexed for a moment but quickly changed their expression as Xanthus wiped his own tear marks from their face, taking a deep breath.
“Grian is also an transformed Entity form The Original Void as we are but he’s much, much stronger.”

“Wait- what do you mean from The Void? But there’s only…” And it dawned on him, it makes sense when you think about it. He was an Admin from Evo, disappearing for few weeks at the start when he joined just to appear next to his base burnt to the point where they had to take him to Administrative health hospital to get threatened by the Primes successor.

A silent “Oh.” Was all he let out, thinking about how to bring this up to the fellow avian admin.

“I see you finally caught on, about damn time.”

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