Family & Dreams (ch 3)

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Enjoy the final chapter of this fic!

Can't believe it's been 10 months since we started writing this fic! Originally, i didn't really think it would've have taken us so long but so many things have happened it was just inevitable apparently!

Be aware of the tags and enjoy!
Wc: 10.706


Scar stirred, only slightly as he felt the void take his energy from him.

He wanted this all to be already over. To just give up. Say  his brother won the battle.

Scar let out a hefty sigh as he pressed his hand against his side, carefully forcing himself to sit up. Though one question never left his mind.

Who was that person that mentioned Grian?

Sure, they said that they were an old friend, but that did not really help Scar at all. He never dared push Grian into talking about his past.
Mostly because when he tried, Grian would look away, fly off, or shut the conversation down faster than an enderman teleporting.

Scar's ears twitched as the echo of that laughter rang throughout the void like a school bell. He had company, and he was fairly sure who it was. Scar let out a breath he did not know he was holding. 

That laugh taunted him, for hours and already weeks on the end.
But unlike the other times, this was not just a taunt, he was here.

"Wh-what do you want!" Scar managed to let out with a groan of pain not long after that.
He heard some muffled voice echo his name, before Scar had a moment to recognize the voice, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He barely opened his eyes to be met with none other than... Grian?!

"Oh my gosh." Scar whispered under his breath, tears already forming in his eyes, jumping slightly forward to try and hug his partner.

But Scar went straight through him.

There was another laugher, pure of evil and wishing for nothing but for the others' pain. BadTimes was it.

Of course, he was.
He was the only one of the three Vexes that could make illusions.
A soft tune was soon heard, easily echoing off the area as the laughter died down, soft thuds hitting the ground with each step.

The glint of a blood-stained knife reflected any light.
Scar's ears perked up a bit, he looked towards the noise, but instantly flinched back. "You again."

Bunny ears twitching, high and alert as the person grinned. "Hi again! Yes, it is me. Upset that it wasn't actually Greeon?~" the other teased.

Scar still had no idea who this person was or what their name was. Who knew that there was a psychotic bunny around?

"What do you want." Scar simply said, no real emotions showing through his voice but slight hurt and boredom.

"Aww, I'm here to visit you! Now, we can do this peacefully or I can call your brother again." the red eyed bunny said, it kind of reminded Scar of that old legend Cub used to tell him about, the Killer Rabbit.

These two are too similar...

Scar's silence clearly was good enough of an answer for him because he smiled with those sharp teeth from ear to ear, and not his human ears, to his bunny ones.
And if that didn’t send shivers down Scar’s spine, it would have clearly creeped him out.

"So, I have a few questions and you will answer them for me or otherwise..." the other stopped in his tracks to summon a knife with some clear old, dried up, blood covering it

"You get the treatment Taurtis did! My best friend, really! He just did not listen and-"

While the crazy one rambles about this random person, he previously named his best friend, Scar could not help but to wonder...

Who was that blood, was it that Taurtis  guy? Who even was this, is this the end of him?
If he was really his best friend, why did he... Hurt him?

What is going on?

"Anyways~ first question!"

"How well do you know Greeon?" The rabbit asked, twirling the knife between  his fingers, earrings jingled as his bunny ears twitched.

Scar looked at him. Where did he even start?? "I've known him for a few years now. I know he wouldn't hurt anyone." He replied.

Sam grinned. "Did you know that Greeon did a lot of bad things?" He asked, eyes flickering to the bloodied knife, ears twitching as he heard Scar's breath quickened.

Ignoring the blood splattered on the knife, Scar could see his reflection on the side of the blade. It was blurry but there.

Scar knew there was something about Grian's background that he did not enjoy talking about, sure his partner was an outgoing person and an exceedingly kind one at that but, even Scar knew there was something. Something that made him think twice whenever there was pvp involved, think twice whenever he was going to talk about something even closely referencing his past.

"I- no, he wouldn't do anything like you would!" Scar snapped at him, maybe- no that was a wrong thing to do he realized seconds later.
Wrong answer, clear as a sun as the knife was put into his forearm and pulled out right seconds after.
Sam grinned as he plunged the knife into Scar's forearm.

"Wrong answer. Want to try again? I would be happy to tell you!" He replied with a giggle.

Scar yelped in pain and held his arm. "B-But Grian wouldn't do anything like that! He is too sweet to do anything like that!"

"Kindness only got him so far." Sam spat.
"He turned a blind eye." He replied. His ears twitching.

Scar coughed out blood as he felt another stab in his left upper abdomen, the pain was unbearable at this point. He usually could just heal himself but in this void of nothingness, he could not do anything. He barely kept his eyes open during his time in this limbo.

"Next question, it's up to you if you'll answer it but I'd advise you to~ did you know that Grian was a Watcher." Sam smiled widely as he left his knife in Scar’s wound.

That was not a good thing, even though it does keep him from bleeding out, it also keeps him from trying to heal himself even to some degree.
Scar rocked back and forward on this. Despite losing blood quickly, he somehow kept himself calm...enough anyway.

"Tick tock. Are you going to answer or are you going to just rock in and out of consciousness?" Sam asked, already growing bored from the lack of answers, bunny ears twitched as he twirled the knife in his hand.
"I-I've heard very little of them..." Scar replied slowly. Sure, him being on the Council, he is heard the term being tossed around, usually in a negative light, though he never really bothered on why that was the case.

The Vex Council was never the one to show weakness, and Scar personally knew how they dealt with members who were weaklings. According to them, that is.
But Watchers? They were something else. Those mysterious entities who viewed themselves as God-like  and thought they were superior to anyone else.

They somehow brought fear among lower clans of vexes.

Scar, being on the top (not for long that is...) heard a few things here and there, the question was what did this rabbit know?

Sam giggled. "Oh, you don't know??" He asked.
"Shame. Such a shame really." He replied as he twirled the knife.

Scar narrowed his eyes slightly. "Why do you know?" He asked.
Sam giggled.
"Why special little parrot boy of course!" He replied, looking at Scar's reaction on the blade of the knife. "Greeon always panicked about them even though he was one himself! I am surprised he survived it all. But hey. He survived with what I placed him in."

Now, don't get Scar wrong. He knew Grian was one of them and knew that he was a runaway but never knew the whole story.

The blonde was always uncomfortable when the topic of God's and specially Watchers came on and always tried to be vague when asked what he knew.

It wasn't that he was afraid of other Hermits disowning him if they found out, after all, Xisuma and Doc themselves also knew about Grian being the Admin of Evolution server.

The first server to be overtaken by The Watchers, who now used it as their hideout of sorts.
"You what...?" Scar asked him wrongly, what could he ever do to Grian?

Sam just looked at him and started laughing.

"Oh, you actually have no idea? Oh my, that is hilarious! He doesn't trust you? What kind of a boyfriend is Greeon if he doesn't trust you, I wonder if he was the same with Taurtis.”

Scar's ears twitched.
"I'm sure Grian had a perfectly good reason for him not to say anything!" He shot back.

"And the good reason was to not to trust you? Or your friends? That's a low blow, even for him." Sam replied, grinning like the maniac he was.

"Or maybe he wanted to protect us!" Scar replied. He was not going to have all this Grian slander, especially not from this bunny hybrid.

"Or maybe he's just waiting for the perfect moment to strike." Sam snapped.
"I-" Scar stumbled over his words, there is no way this was true. His Grian, turning against him?

What if...

Surly not, what was Scar thinking! He knew Grian for ages, he would not do anything like that to him nor to other Hermits.

Would he?

"Next and last question...choose your way to die, Wizard!" Sam laughed as he watched upon Scar, whose face turned from confusion to pure fear. "No- no no..." he muttered repeatedly as he tried backing away from Sam, without success.

"C'mon, make this easier for me and choose or I'll gladly!" Sam smiled, that creepy smile on his face that never left after he took his hood off, who knew how many hours ago that was.

As if it was printed on his face.
Scar's eyes trailed everywhere but to look at Sam, trying to summon any bits of magic he had, knowing very well that there's none. His wound and cuts still bleeding, Scar's face pale like a ghost and his green, usually shiny eyes, bland and full of fear and loath.

Grian was pacing the floor. So many things were going through his head. Scar was dead, Cub was on the brink of death himself, and Jellie had brought him just to see Cub's earring glowing. He flapped his wings out of frustration as his talons tapped the floor with each step. He had to save Scar somehow.

Grian hated feeling like this, and it seemed like there was only one thing for him to do.
Use his Watcher powers.

The sworn thing he refused to do.

But....he doesn't have much of a choice anymore-
Does he?

Grian has made a promise to himself a long time ago, from day one.

He would use his Watcher powers for anything, waiting for them to weaken after time until they disappear fully. But that did not happen, to his fortune.

Instead, they got more unstable the more he avoided using them.

They were destroying him from inside and he just couldn't bear it, so he did what he had to do when season 7 started. Grian made an extra security system that was unable to be broken.
Everything he had in him went to that border, the only person who could decide to take it off or on, was Xisuma.

Now Grian had to use those same powers to save Scar.

Grian let out a soft sigh. He would only do this to save his boyfriend. He really didn't want to but....
He had to...

"Grian? Are you doing, okay?" The redstoner asked, making Grian jump.
"Mumbo!! Don't scare me like that." Grian jumped.

The Redstoner rubbed his neck. "Sorry...didn't mean to."

"It's fine. Don't worry about it..." Grian said softly and sighed.

Mumbo hummed, as he carefully lifted himself off the medical bed.
Seriously, that bed is more like a metal board than anything.

"What are you thinking about, mate?" he questioned Grian, speaking softly and quiet. It is night already, Grian noticed, did he really spend hours sitting in this comfortable chair just thinking of ways to save Scar and Cub? Is the last choice he really had was to use powers he promised he would never even think of?

Grian opened his mouth before shutting it closed the same second, thinking of a right response. Mumbo seems to have noticed that, though.
"You don't have to tell me, but is everything alright? Grian?"
Grian stayed silent for a good while. "I...." he said softly before letting out a small sigh. He should tell Mumbo, I mean, they have been through everything together, right?

"Grian?  Mumbo called out to him.

"I'm...not human...not...completely, anyway." Grian replied.

"Grian...I knew that. You have parrot wings for crying out loud." Mumbo said gently.
"Mumbo. You're not understanding." Grian said more sternly.

'God this is a bad idea...' He thought.
Grian felt his thoughts mix between if he should tell Mumbo or if he should just shulk himself in again and pretend nothing of this was happening.

Many different fears and ways of this going wrongly spiralled in his brain.
Deciding to just speak before he thought this out though. They don't have time to think, lives are on the line for Faith's sake!

"How about I just show you...?" Grian stopped thinking and just pulled the necklace that previously hung on his neck, such a pretty crystal finally coming to some use.

Grian held it in his hand, slowly closing it before squishing it into  pieces. Strange but strong aura surrounded  them both. The sudden shock of power surprised Mumbo but Grian stood there with his face with no expression at all.

Mumbo just stared at Grian as his previously plain black eyes now changed colours to many different shades of purple and pinks.
Mumbo thought he was dreaming as he watched his best friend's wings change to almost void black and purple, eyes splattered on both wings.

Too many eyes

Grian held no expression in his face as he looked at Mumbo, once blue eyes, now glittering pink and purple.

"Do you see now, Mumbo? I am not human! I never was once! I have been nothing but a monster!"
Grian, voice echoing a bit of habit and well...since he was in this form. It did not help. Starry tears rolled down his cheeks as he absolutely hated this form and well...he feared Mumbo would despise him.

"Grian..." too quietly before taking a half a step closer. "Grian you're not a monster..." He said softly.

Grian wasn't sure how to feel about this.

He was one of Them, he spent hours contemplating whether he should or should not just take a knife and cut his wings off the instant he ran and arrived at Hermitcraft back when.
(The same knife Sam used to clip his wings when he first saw them. A mistake Grian made by walking around his room trying to find a shirt, binder he wore at the time to press his wings to his back safely as possible now off on the bed. He wasn't aware anyone was home, a stupid mistake.)

So why was Mumbo looking at him with soft, comforting eyes. No pity, just welcome.
Mumbo gently and carefully stepped over to him and gently placed his hand on Grian's shoulder.

  "'re not a monster, you could never be a monster. Nobody here would think that. You're so kind and there's goodness in your heart...and you know this." Mumbo said as if matter of fact.

Grian flinched when Mumbo placed his hand on his shoulder. Years and Years of being tortured and abused caused him to flinch away from Mumbo's touch. Even if he so desperately needed it to calm down. "Why? why show me welcome when I'm just..." Other part going un-said.

Mumbo sighed as he hugged Grian "I-I may not be the best when it comes to comforting but you're enough, alright? You are not a freak or whatnot, you're Grian, y-you are our friend, okay?" Stumbling over his words as he talked, patting Grian's back awkwardly.

Sooner than later, Grian finally stopped crying. Calming down a bit before moving away from Mumbo's grasp and moving back a bit.

Taking a big breath before speaking.

"I need you to help me return Scar from his limbo."

"Hold my hand, I know it's not much but if anything, at least a bit of your life energy should work when combined with mine..." Grian explained, his hand hovering above Scar lighting slightly, magic and energy clear in the air.

Mumbo looked confused for a second before taking Grains other hand in his. Not sure what would happen, he gripped it slightly to feel secure, hoping this will work.

Grian took a deep breath before chanting in another language that Mumbo recognised as the same one on the enchanting table. The same one that always echoed whenever anyone used it.

"f𝙹∷ 𝙹リᒷ ∴⍑𝙹 ᓭ⍑ᔑꖎꖎ ꖎ╎⍊ᒷ, ᓵᔑᓭℸ ̣  ᔑ ᓭ! ¡ᒷꖎꖎ ⎓𝙹∷ ℸ ̣ ⍑||,
sᒷᒷ ᒲ𝙹ᒲᒷリℸ ̣ ᓭ ╎リ ᓭ! ¡ᔑᓵᒷ, ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ⍑ᒷꖎ!¡ ∴╎ℸ ̣ ⍑ ᔑ ᓭ╎⊣⍑.
t⍑∷𝙹⚍⊣⍑! ¡ᔑᓭℸ ̣ ∴ᒷ ∴ᔑリ↸ᒷ∷, リ𝙹 リᒷᒷ↸ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ᔑᓭꖌ ∴⍑||,
iリ 𝙹⚍∷ ᓭ⍑ᔑ∷ᒷ↸ ꖎ╎ᒲʖ𝙹, ℸ ̣ 𝙹⊣ᒷℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ∷ ∴ᒷ'ꖎꖎ ⎓ꖎ||" 

("for one who shall live, cast a spell for thy,

see moments in space, to help with a sigh.

through past we wander, no need to ask why,

in our shared limbo, together we will fly")

Grian spoke aloud, chanting the rhythm of what the second time before there was a purple eye hovering and opening over his forehead, his hands shining bright purple, mixing with light red to match Mumbo's.

Mumbo was very confused about what was happening but did not let it spook him as he focused on Grian.

When he opened his eyes, he was....

Well, he was not sure. He looked around curiously before looking around for Grian who should appear next to him right?

Grian did it, he successfully got Mumbo and him in Scar's limbo!
But it did take a toll on him and his energy, he wasn't used to doing this and not connecting two magics together.

But he still had it, he still felt magic in his necklace radiate the comforting but yet dangerous hum. The spark is there.

He still had some control over it and can be certain it will not rage against his will.
Now, Grian's first mission is to find and teleport over to Mumbo. Collecting some of his energy, he used the same sense he had just few moments ago when Mumbo held his hand.

Grian felt bad knowing he needed contort from a human being to collect himself and his magic he oh so swore to not use ever again. Even if Mumbo was a part of his flock, he still felt bad he had to sink his and Mumbo's life energy to do this. Teleportation to another dimension that is not even made by you is hard, especially when it is two people doing so.

He knew it didn't hurt Mumbo, he personally made sure of that. Knowing well that if Mumbo was to get even pushed, his human body could give up on him and his stitches from earlier could very well break the same second, causing him to die from bleeding.

Just walking was a big deal and a problem, but Grian just hoped that his magic was strong enough to keep Mumbo going here, just a few minutes so they get Scar back to the world of living.
Mumbo walked around a bit, a bit worried.

He wasn't scared. Just a bit...lost.

He squeaked when he saw Grian teleport in front of him. He looked at Grian. "Where....are we?" He asked Grian quietly.
His ears twitching a bit as he took another glance around. It felt...empty…

"We're in Scar's limbo, or void that is. Sometimes limbos are full of stuff people are scared of, as it is supposed to be their nightmares coming to reality to make them suffer but Scar's not dead yet..." Grian explained, anxiously playing with the ends of his red sweater.

"Yet? W-we can't let him die Grian!" Mumbo half yelled, scared that his best friend might die.
Not under Grian's watch. Not today.

"I won't let him die Mumbo, I promise."

"A heavy promise, for someone who can't keep them." A loud obnoxious but yet broken laugh echoed in front of them.

Both Grian and Mumbo turned quickly with wide eyes to see who it was.
Grian's purple omniscient eyes caught a figure coming towards them from the shadows of the void.
Turquoise blue eyes staring right back at them.

"So, you are the one that caused all this..." Grian mumbled, making Mumbo look at him hysterically, scared, confused.

Grian took his sword and attacked the other, which BadTimes defended easily.

"You're on the right track! But I'm not completely the reason." The Vex replied. "Also look at you! Talking about how I'm the reason for shit. YOU HAVEN'T TOLD SCAR ANYTHING! HOW DO YOU THINK HE FEELS??" The Vex creature snapped, kicking Grian back.

"Xelqua...boy he'll get a kick once he realizes that you're here." He replied, sparks in his hands, sword at his side.

Mumbo squeaked and was so confused on what was happening right now. Who was he??? Was he somehow related to Scar?

Grian wasn't in a situation to fight, hell! He wasn't sure if he could pull two other people out of here again.

He can't act careless and dare fight another at this moment, seeing at how exhausted he is after just one teleportation.
Sure, he didn't use this much of his power in a long time, but that still didn't mean that he wasn't weak.

"Okay, I'll see you next time, I have a fiancé to save and you're in my way, so why don't you go to sleep for now" Grian said strictly, with his right hand hitting BadTimes who dropped his guard for just a second, which gave the avian just enough space to hit him with the palm of his hand to his chin.
Making the other fall down, knocking the vex out as quickly as they started fighting.

Grian turned towards Mumbo and gently grabbed his hand. "I know you're probably confused as all hell, but we don't have time to explain everything, just follow me!" He responded and led Mumbo over to where he assumed they were keeping Scar.

And when they got there, they were horrified with what they saw.

Scar was pressed against the wall, each hand and foot were chained to the corners, much like an X. Scar was heaving if anything for breath as blood stained and most likely ruined the wizards outfit. Blood trickled very slowly out of the wounds and the wizard's mouth, puddling slightly underneath him.
If Grian wasn't in a situation he was currently, he would've possibly throw up his whole insides at the sight.

This wasn't good.

"SCAR- Scar come on stay with us! We're getting you out of here!" Grian yelled urgently, rushing towards him in full speed, his previously scrapped wings itching a bit as he flapped them in hurry. Mumbo, not far behind him, meeting him next to the tied up vex.

"What happened to him?" Mumbo muttered to no one in particular, looking and checking his wounds to be sure Scar was not bleeding a lot, which unfortunately was a situation, but they still had some time.
Or so he hoped.

"Not sure...Limbos aren't supposed to have anyone here, it's supposed to be a place where your worst nightmares come to reality but Scar's...It's just empty and he's bleeding worse than he is back home!" The blonde exclaimed, his eyes threatening to start bleeding tears from all stress and pressure.

'Scar will be alright…' Grian kept repeating to himself, because that had to be true.

He was supposed to propose to Scar that same night, but everything just seems to go to hell. Literally.
Scar felt very light to the touch, very weak. He very tiredly and weakly cracked his eyes open. "Mm...." He spoke quietly.

"Scar..." Grian spoke softly, gently cupping his cheek. "Don't say anything...we're going to get you out. I promise." He said and worked on undoing the chains.

Mumbo stayed close and kept an eye on anything, ears twitching as he could feel his heartbeat speed up from just the sheer sight of his friend. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a small white bunny. "Uh...dude?" He asked Grian, stepping closer to the bunny.

Mumbo's call was ignored by Grian, who was frantically looking and checking over Scar.
Mumbo tried calling over once more, as he picked up the white rabbit, gently petting it over on its silky smooth and shiny fur.

"Gria-" Mumbo tried speaking again before he was interrupted by a very annoyed and scared Grian.
"WHAT MUMBO!?" the other yelled, before turning around and looking him in the eyes, just slowly turning his gaze on the almost bloody like red-eyes that were staring at him.

The rabbit grinned wickedly as Mumbo dropped him out of surprise from the shout. Soon enough the rabbit wasn't a rabbit anymore.

He was human. He twirled the knife in between his fingers.

"Welcome to your hell, Greeon!! I'm surprised to even see your face again." The bunny male replied as he started to walk closer to Grian and circle around him. He reached a hand out and touched the wings, pulling a handful of feathers out.

Grian shivered and yelped underneath the others touch, ignoring the strike of pain and pulling his wings as close as he could to his back.

Grian at once took his plan into action, maybe he didn't predict that a literal nightmare from his childhood would return as nothing more but wraith but if it was what it took to save Scar, killing Sam again? Then Grian will gladly take it

Anything to save and get Mumbo and Scar out of here.

Grian pushed and ignored the pain in his left wing and shoulder, kicking and sliding Sam onto the floor with just one move with his leg, taking the split second to take Scar into his arms and move away a few steps. He placed the mayor right next to Mumbo, who was already bent to look at his injuries, eyes filled with worry, confusion, fury- at whoever or whatever did this to him.

Mumbo the thick silence with a surprised yell to alert Grian at the running target behind him. The other being fully aware of it, moved quickly to the side just in time for the other to clumsily step pass Grian's body and almost falling face-down at the void of nothing, Sam took that as a chance to yet again wave and try to harm Grian with his knife, now managing to slice a thin cut on his cheek but nothing else.

Sam hissed when he hit the floor.  He staggered up and whistled for back up before he lunged for them again. He tackled Mumbo down and stabbed a knife into his shoulder.
Mumbo yelped and pushed Sam off, pulling the knife out of his shoulder. "Fuck…" he hissed and scrambled towards something to keep hidden.

Grian lunged for Scar to protect him from Sam, spreading his wings out in a protective manner. He flinched when he heard Mumbo. "Mumbo!" He called out and tried to make his way over to him with Scar.

Now, Mumbo may have an advantage in height but that doesn't equal his fighting skills. He's a redstoner, not a pvp-er after all.
Just now realizing that maybe, just maybe, removing a knife from an extremely bleeding wound wasn't the smartest idea he had , dizziness came over him as he stumbled over but catching himself.
Grian comes over to his side with Scar barely standing.
"Dude- are you okay?!" Grian said, frantically looking over at him and Scar at the same time.
The problem is that their time was ticking out. All four of them were already dried from their energy and three of them were bleeding, except Grian.

Grian grumbled as he thought over his plans on what to do, he was limited with his powers after not using them for so long- constant burden on his chest as an infection spread quickly, anxiety thick, making his heart run fast.

He had to teleport Scar, Mumbo, and himself now or he won't be able to. Teleporting himself only is easy but two other people? Now that's going to be a painful ride.
Teleportation wasn't as easy as everyone makes it. Particles of one's body falling and disintegrating to come through time and space isn't easy and physically possible. But with magic breaking everything humankind knows, it doesn't matter.

What does matter, is that to make that happen and work is collecting your own mana or magic, depending on a being, in one place in quick motion to another place, takes a lot of energy.
But going from one technically non-existent world to a real living and breathing space? That's near to impossible but Grian made it work once, he has to make it work the second time, even if it kills him.
Sam chuckled wickedly as he watched them struggle.

"Little birdie is running out of options” he replied as he twirled his knife. "It's like the Taurtis situation all those years ago!" He replied, ears twitching.

"Take his name out of your mouth Sam!" Grian replied with a hiss. He had to get out of there with Scar and Mumbo like right now but that was hard with your power zapped. He just needed a small bit of power. Something to get him and the other 2 home.

"Aww did I hit the sore spot? C'mon you're still on about that, you did kill him after all!" Sam laughed, sounding maniacally.

'He didn't- Grian did not do anything of that!' Mumbo kept repeating to himself, he knew the story. He was there when Grian crashed on Mumbo's private server.

The pain he felt after he saw the avian after years of disappearance, in all of that Grian was hurt, bleeding, and hyperventilating from whatever happened.

Grian told him everything, or at least most of the things he went through, after years and years of not seeing each other, it was almost hilarious how they almost at once went back to how they were all those times ago.
Grian hissed. "That was YOUR doing, Sam! And you know damn well." He snapped.
"Oh yeah! AND YOU DISAPPEARING FOR YEARS DIDN'T TEAR HIM APART?" Sam snapped back. "I mean just look at you! You're the very being that you hated years ago." He hissed, laughing like the mad man he was.

Grian stared in shock, trembling slightly as he stared with widened eyes at the rabbit hybrid.
"NO- no! You won't get into my head again Sam, not anymore- I didn't leave him! He disappeared from Evo before I got taken! I didn't- I'm not- '' Grian stumbled over his words, frustration and anger fuelling the dark magic in him as he lets his emotions get shaken.

At that moment, the other two didn't know what to do. Scar looked like he's on the verge of giving up, bleeding all over from smaller and bigger wounds, Mumbo looked as if he just saw death herself... Which wasn't too far off when you think of it.

Sam grinned and lunged at Grian, tackling him and pinning him down, hand on his throat, squeezing ever so slightly. Sure, they knocked into Mumbo and Scar in the process, but Sam couldn't care any less. He had Grian right there, why not...prolong the time they had left?

"You became the very thing you hated. And yet you can't even get yourself out of the situation you dug yourself in. How very pathetic of you honestly.  No wonder Taurtis left, hell, no wonder Ellen left." He hissed, squeezing his throat more

Not even a second later Mumbo rushed to Grians aid pulled, pulling Sam away from him.
Sam falling back, Mumbo helped Grian stand up quickly. It would be fine if Sam didn't charge yet again at them, with a clear fire of frustration shining in his eyes.

"W-Why don't you die alre-" Sam yelled at the top of his lungs as he raised his sharp blade at Mumbo.
Mumbo raised his arms in front of him in an X formation to protect himself, closing his eyes waiting for an impact, before he realized there wasn't one. Putting them down slightly, trembling in fear as he does so, shivers passed through his spine as he saw Sam floating in the air, millimetres away from Mumbo.

What surprised Mumbo was that Sam's whole body was coated in dark, cherry red, magic. The shine that went through the magic reminded him of the enchantments...
But this wasn't Grian's nor Scar's magic, or mana. Grian's magic is purple, and Scar's is two coloured, yellow and green.

Then who…

Grian panted heavily for air. He used Mumbo as a brace as he got up on his own two feet. He noticed the magic, his mind taking a minute before it clicked who it was.
"Xanthus..." He spoke softly, rubbing his throat.

Xanthus stepped into the light and tossed Sam to the side. "A pity we have to see each other like this." He replied, his voice monotone from the helmet.

They looked at Grian for a second before stepping away to stand in the middle between the two. Their expression hidden by the mask xe was wearing.

"Sam... The contract is no more." Xanthus spoke, xeir voice levelled and strong in command, but something was clearly holding them back.
At least, it was clear to Grian. To Sam? Not that much, it seems, as he at once started screaming at them.
"No! You're supposed to help me get rid of him and his stupid friends! Taurtis is going to pay for it!" Sam all but shrieked at xem.

Xanthus, on the other hand, ignored the, at this moment, useless bunny and continued talking to Grian
"Listen, your admin will explain everything later but for now I need you to combine your Watcher magic with mine and teleport us out of here, no time for waiting!"

Grian gave a small nod. "Xanthus..." He said softly. He wasn't expecting it but wasn't going to argue. Gathering enough energy, he could, he gave all of his Watcher abilities to xeir. Focusing as hard as he could.

Mumbo had of hold of Scar as he placed his free hand on Grian's shoulder to help stabilize him too
It's not like Grian thought this wasn't going to work, he had some confidence in his abilities... It's more so that if he did this, Sam is going out with them and that's dangerous.
But X and others were on the other side, too. He believes that they would save them.

"Okay... Hold tight!" Grian mumbled, mostly to himself but as he felt the other two of his friends hold tightens a bit, he's sure they heard him, too.

For a moment, Grian just let his powers go. Making them roam freely around, surrounding the others with a powerful but yet dangerous hold. The power not yet visible to a naked eye but just the feeling of power that Grian holds, as his and Xanthus's magic combines, it's almost too much.
The magic that was now floating everywhere was now starting to form a light coat over everyone, and just as it did, Grian pulled onto it and suddenly felt a strong hint of dizziness as everyone in the void just disappeared, just seconds before he did.

It took a little bit, but soon enough the group was back into the real world. Mumbo grasped onto the nearest thing to prevent himself and Scar from falling over.  It's...weird to see everyone's faces again after being in a void for so long.

Ex appeared after Mumbo and Scar and sure they were okay for the most part, and after a minute, he caught Grian when he appeared, knowing that the former watcher would probably collapse the moment his feet touched ground

The good thing was that they were in the room from where Grian and Mumbo left, exactly in the same room where the chair Grian sat in, and the bed Mumbo was resting in for last... How long has it been?
Sure, time flows differently in the real world and in The Between. How exactly has it passed since they left?

They haven't even alerted anyone, Grian remembered.

They just left with no explanation in why or where.

Ex helped Grian sit down. "How are you holding up G?" He asked. Mumbo had laid Scar on the bed he was using, before sitting down in a chair nearby.
Grian rubbed his head and sighed. "I'm here in one piece." He replied, wings folding up as the Watcher features disappeared.

Ex nodded. "Rest while I go fetch X." He replied and went to do so.
Finally sitting in a chair, Grian took a deep breath. It was fine. They were back. They were alive, Scar was alive, Mumbo was-


"Mumbo!" Grian stood from his chair again as he watched Mumbo stumble over his own two feet, blood seeping through the dress-shirt that was once white, now shoulder dripping in crimson.
Snatching gauze that was placed on the table, the same one Grian forgot to use to change Mumbo's that was already old and as it seemed, the earlier wound made by a knife got reopening while being in the void.

Gosh, did Grian feel awful for not noticing this sooner- he should've never brought Mumbo with him! What was he thinking!

Mumbo sat down in a chair and looked up at Grian. "Thanks G... but go rest yourself. At the very least sit in a chair." He said, gently taking the gauze from Grian.
Grian let out a small huff in protest and helped him undo the old bandages, removing his shirt so they could wrap the wound properly.

Xanthus flew himself over to X's base. Easily just walking in without knocking. "X, Grian and them need you." he responded, glancing around slightly.

Now, it's not that the two Void siblings haven't talked over and fixed all of their problems, the opposite actually. They have talked.

It may have ended in a near death experience to both of them but that was a story for another time.
But so, to say, they were at least on speaking terms...when Ex isn't actively trying to kill him, that is.
Xisuma, who was standing in the middle of his base...which if you ask Xanthus, had too much honey attached to it. Seriously, what was his brother's problem with honey blocks?

Xisuma stopped doing what he was doing, which by the expression he had, was probably looking over the firewalls for the hundredth of times already.

"Not going to respond?" Xanthus replied as he leaned against the nearby wall. Sure, there'd be honey everywhere but that was the least of his problems, hands fidgeting with a coin.
"I'm kind of busy at the moment, Xanthus." He replied, switching to the voidwalker language. He did that enough that it was easy to tell he was stressed.

"Why'd you switch languages?" Xanthus asked with a raised eyebrow. "It's not like anyone else is going to hear." He replied.

It's not like it was weird to hear it speak their mother language, it's just that Xanthus noticed that his sibling will only speak it when he's stressed. Like really stressed that it's concerning, not only for its but for everyone.

Not that xe will mention it, they were aware X knew about xem knowing. Weird sentence but it's true.
"Alright... Xel- Grian and Mustache man are back with Scar-" and before xe could even finish the sentence, X shot around and looked in with surprise.

Usually even in his own base, Xisuma is used to wearing his helmet, as it helps the two of them breathe. But recently xe noticed that, also, he wears it in his base even when it is literally oxygen proof.

"Oh, thanks gosh- sorry I'm a derp and I've barely slept, I'm so glad he's back in one piece..." Xisuma took a deep breath and tried calming itself down, which is a relief.
Xanthus spared one glare at their brother, before turning xeir head to the side, coughing slightly in nervousness.

"... He's alright, right?"

Xanthus glanced down at the floor slightly, crossing his arms over his chest slightly.
"Xanthus?" Xisuma asked. "Tell me Scar is safe." He replied.
"It's uh...better if you see in person." Xanthus replied and reached over, grabbing Xisuma's arm and took him to the building the three others were at.

Xisuma couldn't help but let out a startled squeak and caught his footing as he followed his brother.
Grian's ears twitched as he looked towards the door and gave a small wave to the brothers.
Walking through the door... Well. More so if there was one, the frame lacking what would be a sliding iron door but missing it.

Xisuma, for the lack of words, ran through the hall towards the room Cub and Scar were in earlier.
Its brother not far behind, with both Grian and Mumbo following right after.
In the sickly pale white room, it looked as if it was made to keep deadly viruses away from the living, with pvc windows that were shut close with tinted glass.

Xisuma stared with almost widen eyes, as much as one could see through the tiny dark visor on his helmet, staring at Cub who was sitting on his bed, his eyes clear with dizziness and slightly cloudy as if he wasn't certain where he was even, his legs dangling in the air not far from the floor.
Something was not right.

"Scar...? Why isn't he awake, X- Why didn't Scar awake we got him back!" Grian, who pushed past everyone to stand between Cub's and Scar's beds. And he was right- they brought him back, why wasn't he awake, in his wheelchair while being scolded by Cub and everyone?
Xisuma stayed silent as Doc started to examine Scar, Stress, whose face perfectly described her face, standing in front of Cub, checking his pulse and for any reflexes being damaged or not working, which- thankfully was all good.

Cub on the other hand, his brain starting to come to reality, eyes flickering onto Scar who looked paler than ever.
"D-Doc, it won't w-ork" Cub tried calling and warning him, his voice unstable and harsh after being in coma for God knows how long... It surely couldn't be longer than two weeks... Right?

Thankfully Doc heard him and turned around nodding and handing him a bottle of water to drink.
Mumbo was worried as all hell. Scar wasn't waking up when they were back, and it scared him that Scar wouldn't return to them.

Cub gently took it and carefully drank some of the water. He rubbed his eyes weakly as his eyes darted over to Scar's unmoving body, a bit worried himself.

Ex frowned. "Is there anything I can do?" He asked in general. He felt bad even if this wasn't all his fault.  He wanted to help in any way possible.

It wasn't their fault... Completely, after all.

Xe got the orders, and fulfilled what they were paid for by BadTimes- and it wasn't like he couldn't have declined, they could've but wanted to cause chaos and problems as usual against his own brother- Xanthus didn't know all this would turn into something as complicated as it is.
And xe knew there was absolutely nothing xey could do but... They were going to at least ask for their younger brother.

Cub cleared his throat once more, before slowly sliding down onto his feet, Stress holding on to his arm to ease the pain- after all, he did technically die and came back- nodding  to her to let him go, he slowly but surely walked over to Grian's side, putting a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.
The other trying so hard not to simply break down and start crying, Cub was slightly surprised he didn't already.

"Grian you're something else, right?" Cub asked, his voice cutting slightly at the end, but he managed.
Confused- or rather shocked, Grian and Xanthus made contact before nodding back, probably not trusting his own voice.

Xanthus gently placed his hand on Grian's other shoulder and gave a small nod. "It's...worth a shot." He said softly, hoping to give some sort of comfort.

Grian only nodded, wings twitching slightly as his body shook slightly.
He was so scared.
Scared of losing a friend...
Scared of losing a partner.
Scared of losing Scar

Grian took a small gasp for air and wiped his eyes even if there were no tears at the moment.
With Xisuma, Xanthus, Mumbo, Cub, and Stress in the room alongside Grian- who was on the verge of breaking down, showing his powers, for the lack of words, was something he wasn't exactly happy to do.

But his boyfriend- his maybe future fiancé, at this point Grian wasn't even sure if Scar would be with him because of what happened. Did he blame Grian? He couldn't have had really asked because even in Scar's void- limbo, what even in hell they were in to save him, he was barely breathing and now he was completely unconscious and-

Get yourself in check, not the time to overthink! Grian shook his head, breathing in shakily and out.
Grian nodded to the red masked twin beside him, not even fully looking at him, as he yet again reached deep down into the core- long ago if you asked Grian if he believed in gods, he would've just said no and moved on with his day.

Even in his high school, Grian never believed that Gods were real because after so many useless, failed attempts to find any comfort while being surrounded by horrible, psychopaths, sociopaths- hell whatever ghost and witches were there that made it even worse, he just gave up on everything, with one determination.

To escape, and he did. That's how Evo was made and Grian was oh so happy.
The warm, fuzzy, familiar but yet unnatural feeling forming and growing in his chest as he sets his right hand to float just millimetres away from Scar's heart. The room has fallen quiet long ago and Grian didn't even realize it, all eyes were on him. Pity, worry, confusion- maybe even some aggregation?
Watchers took a toll on Grian. If there was anything he could do, at least one little thing to do right, he would save Scar's life even if it kills him.

Purple glow lighting up previously barely lighted up room, shadow and shine mixing. Powerful, insanely fearful taking over the room.

Light pink swirls that are visibly coming out of Grian's palm, tears now running down his face, but he couldn't even care.

The sound of swirls and mysterious, the one that vaguely reminded of The Nether Portal, echoing the room. If you looked close enough, you could see how Grian was trembling, trying so hard to keep himself in check while also performing the very much forbidden magic he heard and read off only once, not even completely certain he was doing it correctly, but it had to work.

It had to.

What felt like forever, probably lasted for maybe a minute or two, the spell seemingly finally came to an end. Bright shine of it ceased, Scar's eyes fluttered for a second before his own failed and succumbed to the world of darkness.

Ex caught him quickly before Grian collapsed under his own feet, carefully getting a chair and gently setting him down, gently placing Grian's hand over Scar's so he had some sort of grounding when he woke up.

Mumbo frowned and gently knelt down beside the bed, ignoring his own wounds, but he wanted to be there for Scar and Grian.

Mumbo felt a hand on his shoulder, reassuring him.
"It will be alright, love." Stress spoke softly.

She, herself, wasn't sure how to go with this. This incident wasn't anything she has ever seen before, and as much as she'd like to help them, there's only so much she can do.
Mumbo just looked at her for a second before nodding and standing up, following her out of this room to his own room to rest.

Then there were four.

With Mumbo and Stress leaving the room, now there were only Doc, Xanthus, Xisuma, and the unconscious Grian.
Cub is still standing on the other side of the bed alongside Doc, who seemed to be confused- or rather shocked by what just happened. He didn't know how to feel or how to even explain what just happened with Grian.

The void tweens were just as shocked but more so Xisuma than the other. Given the fact that Xanthus somehow knew about Grian being... A Watcher? Still shocked a bit just by the strength of the blonde's power.

Xanthus shifted over and leaned towards X a bit. "See. I told you he was a Watcher and Prime." He whispered quietly to his twin. "You didn't know cause he's really good at keeping it locked up behind closed doors." He spoke.

X was still a bit shocked. "I..." he replied. How did he not know!? He was an admin!! He should've known about this a bit! He shook his head a bit just to shake off the feeling of doubt.
It felt like weeks, maybe it even was weeks? Who knew? Everyone was still on edge.

Who could blame them?

One tiny movement, the unconscious twin slowly started to open his eyes, letting out a tiny noise, well more like a groan. "Huh...what..." He whispered, squinting his eyes in the bright light.
At this point everyone seems to have left. Everyone but Xisuma and Ex, and of course the unconscious Grian who probably should've been also placed on a tight, warm, bed, to rest for whatever had happened to him just moments before.

The movement has startled both of them out of their weirdly calm conversation, the groan of pain and confusion leaving the wizard's mouth as he tried to lift himself from the bed, unsuccessfully though.
Xisuma, after a moment of shock, quickly moved slightly forward to his side, putting one arm to the metal edge of the bed frame and his right one to his back, helping him lay back down slowly. It was clear Scar was dazed and confused- hell anyone would be if they woke up from the dead-but-also-not-exactly.

Coughing slightly, Xisuma handed Scar a glass of water that was sitting on the little table by the side of his bed, sparing a glance at the newly discovered Watcher, just for a second before bringing the glass to Scar's mouth for him to drink it.
Jellie gently meowed and carefully hopped up onto the bed and carefully nudged her face into Scar's cheek, being light on her feet.

Scar whined softly but gently drank the water the best he could and carefully pets Jellie, glad to have some sort of comfort for him. "X-Xis...umra...?" He asked softly, he was so dazed and out of it.

Xisuma everything but sighed in relief.

Scar was awake, whatever Grian has done seemed to work and it will be forever grateful for him. While he's doubting a bit over him being a Primes Watcher literal apprentice... Or whatever it was.
" are you feeling?" X tried calmly, as if it didn't just see the shocks of the world.
Scar looked dead. Pale, lips light and cracked up, his face regaining just a very pale shade of pink after drinking water. He looked as if he could pass out any seconds.

They should really get Stress here to check on him and his vitals.

Scar couldn't manage a word out at the moment. He was dead. His hand, while petting Jellie, was shaking.
Ex quietly excused himself to go and get Stress so she could check his vitals to make sure everything was alright for the...most part.

Grian was still out cold, might be for a while considering how much energy he had used. He had a feeling though that he'd have to answer questions later.

"I- don't know..." he managed.
It was dawning on him faster than a bullet that he was on fault for all of this, everything. Nothing would've happened if he just controlled his jealousy towards one of his friends.
Mumbo didn't deserve this, Grian didn't deserve this...hell no one did but himself. He was to blame for everything.
The toxic thinking was sure getting him nowhere, Scar was very aware of the situation and when Xisuma eventually asks in the future why the evil twin of Scar's was even summoned on the server in the first place, Scar knew he couldn't lie to them.
The butterfly effect was too real in this moment for them all, if Scar just ignored his anger and did something else like decorating…
It wasn't long before Ex came back with Stress and a Mumbo who staggered a bit behind the two.
"Scar sweetie it's good to see you back." Stress said gently as she went over to the cabinets to get what she needed so she can check on his vitals.
Mumbo staggered over the best he could, gently taking Scar's free hand in his own. "Hey buddy..." He said softly.

When Mumbo's words hit his ears, Scar could feel the silent tears that welled up and rolled down his pale cheeks. He couldn't tell if they were happy tears or distraught…
As Stress returned with the supplies, Scar noticed she was holding a needle, some bandages, and a potion.

"Okay, I'll need to take a bit of your blood for Doc here to test it for any possible antigens or anything we should be worried about, you are looking a bit pale still so you should probably eat something right immediately, alright?" Stress explained, her voice soft as she placed her equipment down onto the bed next to him.

She was talking to him like he was a child. A hurt, traumatized, poor restless child that she was afraid would run away the second he got the chance to.
And that...hurt Scar. He wasn't weak, he was just acknowledging what had happened was entirely his fault and no one else's.

Mumbo gently reached over to gently wipe away the tears from Scar. "It's going to be okay. I promise." He said softly. "I'm here...Grian's here...we're all safe." He replied softly.
Stress gently got Scar's arm. "Here we go, okay?" She said and gently poked the needle into Scar's arm, getting what she needed before pulling the needle out, setting it down and gently bandaged his arm. She checked her inventory and carefully placed some bread in Scar's lap.

"Scar... I know it's probably bit too soon since you have just woken up and Grian is unconscious but-" Xisuma started.

Scar knew what he wanted, needed to know. And hell, who's he to lie to his own admin no more than he already has?

"You want to know who summoned my Vex of a brother? Honestly Cub is more so my brother than he is... But yes, I did. But you already knew that" he deadpanned, a soft smile that didn't mean anything but self-pity and forced.

Xisuma looked at him for a bit before nodding.
The others were slightly confused but didn't say anything to refrain from this conversation, they all knew if Scar refused to talk Xisuma wouldn't say anything further and wait for him to come to it instead.

Safe, was the word Xisuma used for them all when they joined.
"BadTimes... I won't use his name, no- I don't want to summon him again by mistake." Scar started, knowing very well that saying his name alone would do nothing but let the other know he was talking about him.

“He's an irascible person, as every vex is really- I don't know why I turned to him since I promised I would never since. Well, you know Xisuma, Xanthus- I don't have to explain it to you but to others...ask Cub when he feels better, I would suggest..." ever so dramatic, waving his hand dismissively as he looks around the room at everyone.

The bread was very much still sitting on his lap, he did feel dizzy just like Stress said but he just couldn't let himself do anything before he explained, even if it meant him passing out again.

"Scar...please eat before you pass out again." Mumbo said softly. "I know you want to explain things, I know you want to get it all off your chest, but you can't do that if you're unconscious again." Mumbo said softly trying to coax the other into eating, if anything nibbled, on the bread that was in the other's lap. He couldn't help but worry about the other.

Scar gave a small quiet huff but took small bites of the bread. Jellie meowed softly and nuzzled Scar carefully. He glanced over at Mumbo, before his eyes settled on the avian in the chair. He wondered if the parrot hybrid would wake up soon. He wanted to see his face and apologize over and over and over again.

"Scar if you don't want to continue-" Xisuma suggested, even though it was clear this was getting somewhere, somewhere important.

Scar wasn't sure when it came to Stress, Doc, and Cub leaving the room, leaving only Scar with his Admin and his sibling? Evil half? Xanthus was surprisingly calm during all this.

Which was weird since xey were the reason Cub almost bled to death. Perhaps it was something to do with Xisuma carefully listening to Scar talk about how everything started and the spare glances it spared at the other void twin when Scar mentioned Ex and Hels... But Xisuma has there at some point itself, so they skimmed through that and continued at the battle between BadTimes and waking up in pitch black nothingness.

Plus, Xisuma clarified that what he said here will strictly stay between them and Grian for when he wakes up, saying how he deserved to know as much as Mumbo does when they were healthy enough.
Scar gently took some pieces off the bread and ate it carefully, talking in between breaks. He talked about what he saw and what happened. This went on for a while, but his attention fully went to the Avian, and he noticed small movements from the other, the twitching of wings, the steady rise and fall of his chest, hearing him take small breaths.

"Grian?" He asked softly and quietly
Light groaning of pain could be heard from the other on the chair, Grians eyes opened slightly as he tried to adjust his eyes to now dimmed lights on the ceiling.
His eyes were almost blurry and unfocused. Xanthus at once rushed to his side, also giving him a glass of water to calm down a bit.

It was weird, watching someone who tried to kill you literally take care of your partner.
"G....Grian?" Scar asked softly, gently squeezing his hand. "Are you with me?" He asked softly again.
Grian's ears twitched a bit as he carefully drank the water, not hearing Scar the first time though when Scar asked the second time. He was immediately alert, finishing his drink he looked over at the wizard on the bed.

"S-Scar? You're awake!?" He asked, relief overtaking him as he gently moved to hug him.
Grian immediately stood up to hug him tightly, finally happy that they were safe. Together after all the chaos that happened in just a week.

Together at last.

"Yeah- of course... Thanks to you mister!" Scar returned, his voice full of emotions and main one being happiness. Relief washed through all of them, but the story isn't done just yet.
Scar finally broke the hug, upset slightly at that so he lifted himself slowly to not hurt himself, and gently held his beloved's head in his hands, gently caressing his cheek with his thumb.
For that moment, oh so lovely moments, the world around the two disappeared.

They were finally together, safe, hurt but safe.

Grian's ears twitched as he leaned against Scar's hands. The story may not be done, but he was glad that Scar was awake and doing alright now. Though, there were the gentle tears that rolled down his cheeks. Happy tears sure, but tears, nonetheless. He sniffed softly, rubbing his nose slightly.
Scar hummed and gently wiped the tears away with his thumb.

"Thanks to you...I'm here with you again." He said softly. "I'm going to be okay. I promise." He spoke softly. "I'm just glad you're okay. Your energy levels were low..." He said softly, pressing a gentle kiss to his nose.

Scar giggled slightly “You  missed. " He muttered as the two started each other with relief in their eyes, more so the stars and love filling them.

Grian sighed in fake annoyance as he gave a peck to the scarred man, before yet again kissing his nose, making Scar giggle again.

Sad to say, their lovely moment was cut short as there was a cough behind them- and ah. They forgot they weren't alone.

Grian's ears twitched. "You big goof." he replied before hearing the cough from behind. He shifted to look at the Void twins before he averted his gaze from embarrassment.
Ex let a small chuckle. "Glad you guys got your little moment but we aren't done yet." Ex reminded them, glancing between the avian and wizard.
Right. They got so occupied with one another they forgot they weren't exactly alone.
Scar let hold of Grian, resting back onto the bed frame.

Blonde doing the same as he sits back down.
Grian spared one last glance to his boyfriend before he spoke.

"So, what now?" signing as he rests against the cushion behind him.
This all moved too fast, they were safe at least.

"We, erm- I would like to first apologize to you... Scar" Xanthus started, their voice a bit unsure but quickly fixed as Xisuma set its hand on his shoulder for comfort.
"You were just following orders...I can't blame you for that." Scar replied, sure! He could not completely forgive EX now but Scar’s sure maybe in the future...

"But I should've realized..." Xanthus replied with a half laugh.
"I was following orders that ultimately hurt you. All of you. Sure, I'm the "evil twin" but that's not how I wanted things to go..." Xanthus replied.

Xisuma gently comforted its brother as he spoke. It couldn't say much. All it could do is be there for xe.

After all, the fighting, the sadness, the tears... They're finally together. It could have been worse, but in the end, they're happy. Every story starts like that it just so happened that it could have been worse, but in the end, they're happy.

Every now and then, every story starts like that. Every story needs a criminal, and it just so happened that it was Scars twin.
Who knows, maybe one small decision could have changed everything, and we wouldn't be here to say the tale.

Scar was with Grian again, Mumbo was alive and well, Cub... It will take him a while to forgive him, but Scar was sure he'll, they're brothers after all.
Xisuma and Xanthus are in peace again, the trust between the two voidlings will take a while to mend between themselves.

And to think of Scar just didn't wish to become a stupid mayor, nothing like this wouldn't have happened.


I hope you've enjoyed this fic!!!

Separately, there should be two other Epilogues that would be posted separately! One is the talk between Xisuma and EX (Xanthus in this fic) and the other one Scar's and Grians Wedding that has been soo requested lool

Feel free to follow @/zeighost on every platform (about) and @EnderWillow on Twitter!!

Kudos and comments are hugely appreciated!! See you soon guys <3

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