Chapter 5: WRATH

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There was a noise.

I'm not sure if it was a dream but I can't ignore it. My tired, heavy eyes search the dark for the source of the sound. It was real.

As quietly as I can, I pull my blanket down, squinting to see in the pitch black room.

I hear something. My skin pricks with goosebumps and my heart pounds painfully against my ribs. There is someone in my room. It's like they are trying to tiptoe across the marble.

Hanging my leg over the side of the bed, I inch myself toward the edge. I don't want to be in my bed if someone is going to attack me. Dropping to the floor, I crawl around the side to the end.

"Little human," I feel the bed move as the slurred voice, in a sickeningly sweet tone, speaks into the dark. He's in the bed, looking for me. My mind races. Is that Liber?

Taking a slow breath, I crawl forward. I have to make it to the door. My body shakes as I move. I have to fight every instinct I have to get up and sprint. Slow and steady, quiet.

"Where are you?" I hear the sheets being tossed around. He sounds like he's getting agitated.

He grumbles, and the sound of his feet hitting the ground behind me makes my heart stop.

"There you are!" He laughs.

Without stopping to look behind me, I jump up and run. Just as I reach the door, I'm slammed into it from behind. The hit is disorienting. His body is so much bigger than mine, and he used all of his weight against me.

"Where are you going?" He spins me around, holding me by the shoulders. "I have something to tell you!"

Closing my eyes, I take a long, slow breath. I've got to get away from him somehow. Try not to panic, Jade. You can do this.

He either doesn't notice or doesn't care that I'm not paying attention. I think it's a bit of both. He's too drunk to notice. The difference in our sizes puts me at a huge disadvantage, but his being so many sheets to the wind might help me make up for it.

"Jupiter is out!" He yells excitedly.

"What?" I open my eyes, straining in the dark to see him. "I don't know what that means."

"Juno got him! She's been plotting for a while, and tonight, she did. He's gone! She's going to be running things now, and believe me, they are going to be much more fun around here. Juno isn't so caught up in Alphagods and lesser gods, she doesn't put us down."

I feel no loyalty to Jupiter. I don't know him. I haven't been here long enough to know if he is the preferred god-in-charge. Yet, somehow, I feel my stomach sink. After our interaction earlier, I don't think that Juno is going to be an improvement.

"Well, thank you for telling me," I move my shoulder, hoping that he will let go and leave.

"I thought you would want to know." He doesn't loosen his grip at all. He sways slightly. "It's been so long since we had humans here. It's not fair that only the Alphas get tributes. We enjoy the company of humans too." His fingers gently graze my cheek.

I'm going to throw up on him. I am disgusted. He didn't give me these vibes when we met earlier. He wasn't warm and fuzzy but he was creepy.

"Liber, please," I flinch back.

"Shh," he says, placing his finger over my mouth. "This will be a lot more fun if you just relax."

Why did I leave my room at all? I should have just stayed here and withered away.

"Come here," he smiles, holding my hand, he leads me away from the door toward the bed.

This is a waking nightmare. How am I going to get away from him? He obviously doesn't care whether or not I consent to whatever he's about to do.

He teeters, his body swaying as he lets go of me to balance on the bed. I try to push past him, but he recovers quickly and grabs me again, tighter this time.

When he pushes me forcibly down onto the bed, adrenaline rushes through my body. I'm not just going to lay down and let him do this.

Kicking my legs, I fight against his advances.

Unfortunately, this only seems to be mildly irritating to him. It's not deterring him much.

When he rips my clothes, I force my leg up into my chest before pushing it forward enough to kick him squarely in the jaw. His fist comes down swiftly against my face. I'm instantly overcome by dizziness. He rears back, his fist in the air, like he's planning to hit me again when I roll. I let my body drop off the side of the bed, hitting the ground with a loud thud.

He's so drunk that it takes him a moment to orient himself. I use this to my advantage and run.

Moving as fast as my legs will carry me, I run out of the room. The second the door is opened, I'm hit with a loud, now all-too-familiar sound.

Sex. Everywhere.

They're having another fucking orgy out here.

I hate this place.

Running down the hallway, I pass by groups of people, doing the only thing these people do, apparently. Earlier, it was gross, but there was something funny about it. There is nothing funny about this now. I hate this place, and I hate these people.

Across the courtyard, I spot Logan. I don't know him, but I run to him, hoping that the shared bond of our humanity will be enough for him to help me.

I'm sure I look frantic because he jumps back when I grab his arm.

"Please help me!"

"What's wrong?" He steps away from the group that he is about to enjoy.

"I was in my room, and he attacked me! Please help me!"

"Who attacked you?" He takes me by the arm and leads me down the hallway.


I can see that this name means nothing to him.

"You can hide in my room."

The adrenaline is starting to wear off, and I'm feeling shaky and unstable on my feet. As we walk away from the loud, moaning room, I notice an outfit discarded on the ground. There is a knife in a leather sheath. It's just sitting there.

Bending down, I grab it, holding it against my chest with my tattered clothes.

If he comes after me again, he'll regret it. 

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