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009 ⎯⎯⎯ leader.

I peer over the wall, balancing on the balls of my feet.

It's been about a month since we started our new plan. We've been training with Ashlyn's parents everyday, setting traps, and the lights for the walls arrived a week ago. Not to mention the black suits Aiden bought.

I tug on the collar of my shirt as I look down at the phantoms.

Everything's ready. The only problem is, them.

"Are we gonna be able to deal with that?"

Ashlyn nods, "most of them will be distracted by the traps we set up."

I trust her.

The lights we set up are now basically a giant pin point to our location. So hundreds of phantoms gathered, waiting to get inside.

It's unnerving.

But we prepared for this.

"Are- Are we sure we want to do this?"

My eyes widen and I look up to Taylor.

"I mean- maybe staying in the graveyard every night wouldn't be so bad, right? Especially with the lights up, couldn't we just hide in here?" Her arms are wrapped around herself, her eyes glued to the floor.

"I-I like that idea," Logan adds.

I glance at Ashlyn.

She looks angry.

"Are you serious? I thought you guys wanted out of here? And now you're saying you don't mind being trapped for the rest of our lives?" She glares at Tyler, "and you- why are you being so quiet? You're the one who pitched a fit wanting to go to savannah."

His jaw ticks, "that was before we knew about the lights and before there was a horde of those things right outside the door. I'm not saying we should stop trying to find a way out just maybe not with this particular plan. We don't even really need guns anymore, right?"

Ashlyn looks pissed, "and you choose to bring this up now?!"

"After all the prepping, the training, the sneaking around placing traps, and right before we actually do something you want to back out?"

She shakes her head, "no, no! I'm getting that jeep."

"Hey Ash, maybe you should-" Aiden reaches out to her."

"Don't tell me what I should do!" She turns and glares at him, "if you hadn't been so persistent in bothering me I never would've gone to savannah and none of this would've ever happened! You keep pushing my limits and I'm tired of it!"

My brows furrow, "Ash-"

"Why are you so worked up?!" Tyler sneers.

"Because we're ready now, but if something goes wrong in the future because I let us wait and not take initiative, it'd be my fault as leader!"

"Yeah, well, no one said you had to be leader, you did that on your own!"

"Who else was going to do it?!" She shouts, "I've been hearing those monsters all my life so apparently I have some weird connection to this place! This all happened when the phantom grabbed me and I didn't say anything about it. I don't think it's entirely my fault I'm just as confused and scared as you all are."

She sucks in a breath, squeezing her eyes shut. "But I'm best suited to take responsibility for what's happening, right?! To try and find a way out of this mess and protect you guys!"

It's quiet.

I ball my hands into fists, clenching and unclenching as I debate how to go about this. I can see Ashlyn's beyond frustrated and nobody else knows what to do.

I've never been the leader type.

"I..." everyone looks at me and I swallow the lump in my throat, "I think we're all scared. We all know we'd be lying if we said we weren't. And Ashlyn I'm sorry that you're feeling this much pressure."

She looks up at me, her eyes softening.

"You're braver than all of us to try and bear this on your own, but the fact is, you're not alone. We're all here together," I smile, "and I don't know about you guys but I trust all of you."

Taylor chuckles, scratching the back of her head, "yeah... forget about what I said earlier. I think I was just overwhelmed, you're right I don't wanna be stuck here forever."

"I still think there's too many of those things," Tyler frowns, "but I guess this could be our best chance."

"Right!" Taylor grins, "And Aiden and Ben don't seem opposed."

Ben shoots a thumbs up.

Aiden smiles, "honestly if you guys don't hurry up I'm gonna jump the wall on my own."

I grin at Ashlyn, "see? We're all in this together!"

* * *

"Um, guys."

I glance up, sliding my flashlight onto my belt. Ashlyn is standing at the front of the bus, looking uncomfortable as ever.

"I wanted to apologize for earlier, when I snapped at you guys."

I glance around, a smile pulling my lips. "It's all good Ash."

"Yeah don't worry, we all have our moments, right?" Taylore reassures.

Aiden grins, "yeah Tyler has his everyday!"

"Excuse me?"

"G-Guys we just stopped fighting!" Logan whines.

Ash nods, "then let's do this."

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