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005 ⎯⎯⎯ the first night.

It's been two weeks since that night.

The "nightmare" never stopped. We've been living through it, every night at the same time for fourteen days. It's getting worse.

I've been able to keep smiling.

But my grades are slipping and the bags under my eyes haven't gone away.

"I still think we should go back to Savannah."

I look up at Tyler. His glaring look hasn't changed much but now he has bags under his eyes and he's a little less mean. At least to the rest of us. He and Ashlyn still go at it.

Ash sighs, "alright, let's take some time to think on it again and have a group vote later tonight."

"Why not after school?"

"Because I have ballet class today."

"So what? Skip it," he scoffs.

"Ty," Taylor taps her brother, "we have stuff to do after school too. You have baseball practice and I have a mechanics meeting."

"I have to help with the flower shop today..." Logan chimes in.

I smile tiredly at Tyler, "Ty it's okay, we can just meet after school. It's not like we can neglect our future-"

"We aren't going to have a future if we're dead!"

I look around the cafeteria, other students glancing curiously over to our table.

"It's not just our future," Ashlyn snaps, "if we drop everything to focus on fantasy-like events we can't prove, we're going to end up in a psych ward. Do you think that's going to make it easier or harder for all of us to have meetings during the day?"

"She's got a point you know?" Aiden grins, spinning his finger by his head, "Generally we're what people would call crazy."

Tyler snatches his lunch tray, marching off, "whatever."

He stops after a moment, circling back to grab Taylor and drag her with him.

* * *

I stand to follow Ashlyn off the bus, feeling movement behind me. I turn and watch as Ben and Aiden stand as well.

"Aiden?" I meet his eyes, "what're you doing?"

He grins, "coming over, I figured it'd be faster to just get off here."

Ashlyn turns over her shoulder, "you know I have to leave in an hour right?"

"I thought I'd tag along this time, that way if there's an emergency I know the way there, right?" Aiden smiles.

Unlike two weeks ago she doesn't immediately shut him down like she used to. Ever since this entire situation started Ashlyn's been trying to be more open to the idea of comrades.

I personally don't know what to think of our little group.

We're not quite friends, more like survivors who have been forced to rely on each other.

But I like them. I enjoy our meetings at Ashlyn's house when we play videogames or do homework. I know our circumstances may be odd but-

"I'm home!"

Ashlyn's mom turns around on the couch, her eyes widening in shock, "Aiden and Ben are over? I thought you had ballet today?"

"Yeah about that," Ash sighs, "Aiden and Ben want to see where the studio is located, do you mind if they tag along?"

"Come along?"

Her parents exchange glances, nodding at one another.

In a split second Ashlyn is yanked over the couch, her mom popping back up for a moment, "sorry give us a second."

I stand in between Aiden and Ben, waiting for them to finish.

Aiden grins, "I'm bored."

I watch as he sneaks around the couch with Ben, crouching to join the family's little huddle. I smile at Ashlyn's mom's reaction.

"Got bored waiting." he shrugs.

* * *

I sit on my couch, my phone in my hand.

I scroll through my message app. There's a few in the groupchat, some from Ben about homework, a few from Logan too. 

I see one from Tyler, a few hours ago. It's something about remembering that we have a test in a few days.

He's been doing this ever since I told him about my mom.

Sometimes it's bringing me lunch, or just small reminders about things that are due. Things you'd normally expect from a parent.

He does it so well it's like he's done it before.

I smile, sending back a thumbs up.

Hearing a creak, I look up. My mom's door has drifted open slightly from the draft and my mind flashes back to the night we got back from Savannah.


I look outside, the sky is red.

Just like it was last night.

I try to keep my footsteps quiet as I creep down the hall and towards my mom's room, hoping, praying, that she'll be in there.

I push open the door and it creaks.


Standing in the corner of her room is a phantom.

Tears fall down my cheeks and I quickly slam her door shut. I can hear it approach, scratching at the door. I hold the knob, my hands trembling.

I wish I was with the others right now.

At the sound of another creak I turn, my eyes widening.

Scattered around my kitchen and living room are phantoms, all smiling creepily at me. It's like they were waiting for me to notice them.

They lunge.

I scream and run down the hall, barely making it to the bathroom.

I shut the door and lock it, pushing myself against the farthest corner of the room as I wrap my arms around my legs.

This can't be happening.

Not again.

I sit there for what feels like hours, just waiting for this to be over.

I don't have my phone, I have no idea how long it's been or what the others are doing. For all I know they could all be together right now.

Just then, I hear something outside, approaching the window.


I jump up, looking around for something, anything that I could defend myself with. I grab a glass from the counter, holding it up to throw.

A face pops up in the window and I launch it.

"Hey! That could've hit me!"

I open my eyes, Aiden standing there.

He grins at me, "hurry up, I don't know how much longer Ben can hold me."

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