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008 ⎯⎯⎯ pools & pasta.

The distance limit theory.

It's smart, makes sense that Logan came up with it.

I sit next to Ashlyn on her porch steps, undoing and redoing her braid over and over again as Aiden pouts about how he's not allowed to touch her but I am.

"There they are!"

I look up, the twins and Logan making their way up the sidewalk. I grin at the sight of Logan's helmet and knee pads, Tyler not wearing either.

Aiden laughs, "tsk tsk, you should wear a helmet."

"Like you would," he rolls his eyes, "can you walk any slower?"

"Yeah wanna see?"

I push myself between both boys, pushing Aiden inside before they start quarreling. When I look up I see Ashlyn's parents in the kitchen, holding a snack platter.

"What're you guys doing?"

"...Making a snack platter."

Ashlyn continues to be clueless, "why so much? You two couldn't possibly finish all of that yourself."

"W-Well you and your friends usually go straight to the graveyard to hangout-" her dad starts.

"But when you called, you said that all of you wanted to speak with us this time so uh- we made snacks to eat while we talk." Her mom sweat drops.

Ashlyn stares at them in silence.

"I told you it was too much!"

* * *

I stare at Aiden, smiling nervously as he devours the snacks that were prepared for us, his mouth wide open.

Tyler snarls, "dude."

"So..." Ashlyn's dad glances at Aiden, "what'd you kids want to talk to us about?"

Aiden grabs Ash, "Your hair! If we showed your parents your shadow wouldn't that be proof of what's happening?!"

Ashlyn takes a deep breath, standing and moving towards a lamp. She holds up a braid, her shadow on the wall once again showing only short hair.

"Do you guys notice anything about my shadow?"

Both of her parents look confused.

"Well- uh, not particularly."

My face falls.

This really is only happening to us.

Why us?

"Nevermind forget about it, but we do need your help," she sits back down. "The thing is, Logan has been getting bullied. That's how he got that bruise on his cheek. I told him you guys could probably teach him some self defense but he's a little anxious to learn on his own so we offered to learn with him. So could you teach them the basics?"

"I mean, I don't mind," her dad shrugs.

"Me neither, sounds pretty fun actually- but are all of your parents okay with that?"

We all go stiff.

"Yeah, ask them first. I don't want any unnecessary drama from other parents when their kids start coming home bruised."

"Got it, thanks dad."

"No problem, Trooper."

* * *

I peer into the mirror, tucking my hair behind my ears.

It's a little weird seeing my body all roughed up like this in the real world. All the scrapes and bruises make me look a lot meaner. Or just like I'm getting picked on.

"Blake! You ready?"

I quickly grab a hair tie, pulling my hair into two buns out of my face. "Yeah coming!"

I step out of the bathroom in my swimsuit and into the massive hallway. Taylor grins at me, holding an inflatable beach ball. "The boys already left, they said they couldn't wait."

She grabs my hand, pulling me towards the pool as I hook arms with Ashlyn.

Days like this have become normal for us.

When we don't have school and can't meet up there we usually just choose someone's house (mostly Aiden's).

On the weekends we've started having sleepovers, it helps a lot. Knowing that we're not only together in the phantom world but in the real one too is comforting.

Plus I feel this tugging need to always be near them.

We genuinely have started to have fun together when we're not only worried about midnight.

"Geronimo!!" Taylor launches herself into the pool, almost taking out Logan. When she pops back up she immediately starts a splash war with Logan and Ben.

"Ash!" Aiden grins from his floaty.

Ashlyn walks over to him, kneeling as she pokes his forehead, "stop calling me that."

"Get in the water!"


"Cmon Ash!"

"Stop it."

I laugh at the pair.


I jump, Tyler suddenly beside me. He glares at me, "I said did you put sunscreen on?"

I glance down at my tan-ish skin, "yeah a few hours ago."

He tosses the bottle at me, "reapply."

I scramble to catch it, frowning as I think about waiting any longer to get into the water.

* * *

I sit on a counter stool, peering over to look at the stove where Logan is making us pasta. Ben sits next to me, doodling in his journal.

Aiden, Taylor, and Tyler are having a mario kart tournament while Ashlyn scrolls on her phone, pausing to watch them briefly.

I glance at Ben, he's drawing the scene in front of him, Logan stirring up the pot. I grin, "can I try?"

He nods, handing me the notebook and pen.

I flip to the next page, trying to copy his image. It's not as bad as I thought it would be. You actually can almost tell that it's Logan.

Well- at least you know it's a person.

I bite my lip, "ready?"

Ben nods.

I flip the notebook, smiling wide. "How'd I do?"

He breaks out into a grin, his cheeks flushing red.

I made him smile.

"Was it that good?" I flip the notebook back around to analyze, "I think I'll catch up to you pretty soon."

He almost laughs.

"Foods ready!"

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